VIRGINIA 1623-1650
Virginia was begun at Jamestown in 1607. After a struggle it had four incorporations and parishes by 1617. They were James City, Charles City, Henrico and Kikotan (Elizabeth City). In 1634 the four original corporations were split to permit creation of Warwick River (Warwick), Warrosquyoake (Isle of Wight) and Charles River (York), making a total of seven shires in the vicinity of the James River’s estuary. Accawmack was added as an eighth shire encompassing the population of the Eastern Shore (see map 1634-1640).
Lawsons can be found in these original eigh shires, which covered a small area and had a population of only several thousand people. We find our first Lawsons in 1623. In this timeline I have combined all the Lawson these shires (later to become counties) into one group, so we can see where they started from. Most of these people lived near riverbanks or coast and travel for any distance was usually by boats or ships in the rivers, the Chesapeake Bay or the Atlantic Ocean.
Epaphroditus Lawson and those Lawsons he imported into Virginia first appear south of the James River but in 1748/49 he moved to the Rappahannock River area in Northumberland Shire/County.
There is a very interesting and helpful article about the Lawsons, which anyone interesting in these early Lawsons should read. It is called “Notes on Immigrant Lawson’s of Tidewater” A Search for Clues to the Illustration of Origins, by Caroline Kemper Bulkley: – The Lawson’s of Virginia (Virginia Magazine, Vol. IV, 1894.)
Lawsons Named
Date |
County in Virginia
Documentatiom |
16 Feb 1623
James City
Lists of the Living and the Dead in Virginia 16 February 1623 (in Colonial Records of Virginia [Richmond: R. F. Walker, Superintendent of Public Printing, 1874]) – Lists of dead at the Plantation over at James City – One in the list was Thomas Lawson.
Christopher & Alice
1623 /24
Christopher and Alce (Alice), his wife are listed in a number of Ship Passenger Lists Books which indicated the came to Virginia in 1623 or 1624.
16 Feb 1623
James City
Colonial Records of Virginia. “Lists of the Living & the Dead in Virginia, 16 February 1623.” In Colonial Records of Virginia, Richmond, VA: R.F. Walker, Superintendent of Public Printing, 1874, pp. 37-66. Christopher Lawson and wife.
Christopher & Alice
1624 /25
James City
Captain Smith’s Plantation, James City, 1624/25
Captain Roger Smith’s men over the water: Francis Fowler 23; Christopher Lawson and Alice his wife; Christopher Redhead 24; Stephen Webb 25; John Butterfield 23; William Baker 24; Richard Alford 26; Thomas Havie 24; Thomas Molton 25. |
20 July 1633
Kisekiacke (A small village Parish between York & Kisekiacke)
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 525, 20 July 1633 – John Davis, Planter, of Kisekeiake, to Thomas Curtis, 200 acres of land upon the New Poquoson River, north, upon the same, south into the woods next adjacent land of John Powell of Batchelors Hope. Consideration: 400 lbs. of good and Merchantable Tobacco in leaf to bee paid the 20th day of October next. Signed: John Davis. Witnesses: Joseph Ham and Epaphroditus Lawson.
Warrosq -uyoake
Warrosquyoake County was one of the original eight shires, encompassing the shores south of the James Estuary where the Amerindian tribe of this name lived; renamed Isle of Wight when most aboriginals were displaced to the southward. See map 1634-1640
Accawmack County was one of the original eight shires, became Northampton in 1642/43. Northampton County was then divided in 1663 and became Northampton and Accomack Counties. See map 1634-1640
22 Jun 1635
Warrosq -uyoake
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part I, page 255, 22 June 1635 – Capt. William Pierce, Esquire, one of the Counsel of State, 2000 acres in Lawnes Creek, Slv. Upon land in the tenure of Alice Delke, widow, Nly. towards land of William Spencer, Ely. upon the creek and Wly. Into the woods, towards Chippoakes Creek. Transportation of 40 persons. Alice Lawson was one of these 40 people.
14 Jul 1635
Warrosq -uyoake
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part I, page 234, 14 July 1635 – Martha Tomlin, (Tomlyn), widow, 250 acres in a creek on the south east side of Nanzemund (Nansemond) River, on the east side and about 3 miles up the creek, running Sly. And adjacent land granted unto John Armie, beginning next above his land. Transportation of 5 person. Renewed in the name of Epaphroditus Lawson by Sir John Harvey. Rich. Kemp, Secr.
8 Oct 1635
Warrosq -uyoake
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part I, page 319, 25 November 1635 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 200 acres at the head of Back River, on the east side of Scones Dam, north upon same and south towards the narrow of said river. Due by deed of sale from John Davis as by order of St., 8 October 1635.
18 Jun 1636
Accomack (Accomack was not formed until 1663, it was Accawmack in 1636)
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part I, page 364, 18 June 1636 – Lewin (Lewis?) Denwood, 150 acres Accomack (Accawmack?) County. West upon land of Dennis Lane, east and west along the Northern inside of the old plantation creek and running northerly into the woods. Trans. of 3 persons: William Allison, Thomas Harrison and Robert Lawson. See map 1634-1640, See map 1641-1650, & See map 1661-1670
17 Oct 1636
Elizabeth City
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part I, page 396, 17 October 1636 – James Vanerit, 1000 acres Elizabeth City for the breadth from Sandy Bay along point Comfort Creek, northeast and into the woods southwest. Due by purchase from Stafferton to whom it was due for transportation of 20 persons. Hugh Lawson was listed as one of these persons.
New Norfolk
New Norfolk County was created from Elizabeth City in 1636.
23 Dec 1636
Warrosq -uyoake
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part I, page 407, 23 December 1636 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 200 acres Warwickquicke (Warrosquyoake) County. Joining upon William Parkers land on the east, northwest upon Nanzamund (Nansemond) River and southeast into the woods. Transportation of 4 persons: Jon. Dipple, Wm. Ewin, Rich. Williams and Jon. Smith.
Isle of Wight
Warrosquyoake County, which was an original Shire, had its name changed to Isle of Wight in 1637. See map 1634-1640 | |
Upper Norfolk
New Norfolk County was divided and became Upper Norfolk and Lower Norfolk in 1637. | |
23 May 1637
James City
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part I, page 428, 23 May 1637 – Richard Bell and Christopher Lawson, 500 acres James City County. Beginning at a little Indian field over against land of John Dansey, northeast, into the woods southwest. 200 acres purchased by said Bell of Alexander Stonner and 50 acres purchased by him of Thomas Taylor, to whom it was due for his per. adv.; 250 acres due said Lawson for transportation of 5 persons: Thomas Taylor, William Reynolds, William Coyte, Roger Andrewes and Anthony _____ and Ann Drawater. |
1 Nov 1637
Isle of Wight
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 492, 1 November 1637 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 200 acres Isle of Wight County. Adjacent land of William Parker on east, northwest upon Nansamund (Nansemond) River and southeast into the woods. Transportation of 4 persons. (May be a reentry of the one in 1636, Book 1, Part I, page 407?) |
20 Nov 1637
Isle of Wight
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 497, 20 November 1637 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 50 acres Isle of Wight County. At the mouth of Warwicksquike River, alias New Towne Haven, running northwest into the woods &c. Due by assignment from Ellis Dunridge, to whom it was due for his own per. adv. |
1 May 1638
James City
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 564, 1 May 1638 – Christopher Lawson, 400 acres James City County. At the head of Ralphes Creek, beginning east upon a reedy southwest and into the woods west. Transportation of 8 persons: William Reynolds, William Coyt, Roger Anderson, Nicholas Williams, Anthony a boy, Thomas Wood, George Griffin and Thomas Wombwell (first written Rombwell). |
29 May 1638
Isle of Wight
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 535, 29 May 1638 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 250 acres in a creek on the southeast side of Nansamund (Nansemond) River, about 3 miles up the creek, running southerly and adjacent land of John Armye. Due by purchase from Martha Tomlin. |
14 Aug 1638
Isle of Wight
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 588, 14 August 1638 -Gresham (Gressom) Coffeild and Thomas Stamp, 200 acres Isle of Wight. Joining upon land of Epaphroditus Lawson easterly, northwest upon Nansamund (Nansemond) River. Due by assignment from Arthur Haslington. |
23 Aug 1638
New Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 592, 23 August 1638 – Percivall Champion, 250 acres in Upper County of New Norfolk. Within Dumpling Island Creek on the east side, butting upon land of Epaphroditus Lawson, south by west upon said creek and north by east into the woods. |
16 Oct 1638
New Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 682, 16 October 1638 – Mareene De La Mundayes, 200 acres Upper County, New Norfolk. In New Town Haven River between land of Henry Hooper and the first point within the river adjacent a creek parting land of the said Hooper and this land, being known as Dawson’s Neck. 50 acres for his per. adv. And the residue by assignment from Epaphroditus Lawson and due Lawson by assignment from William Dawson to whom it was granted 20 November 1635. This patent renewed in the name of Moore Fontleroy 20 February 1643 and 50 acres added to it. Teste: Samuel Abbott, Clk.Lawson’s assignment to Delanmundayes, who stated same was bought from John Gatling. Witness: Christopher Edwards. |
15 Mar 1638 /39
New Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 637, 15 March 1638/39 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 250 acres Upper County of New Norfolk. North side of Chuckatuck River, adjacent his own land &c. Due for transportation of 5 persons: John Bebee, Mary Pierce, Ellen quarrel, Edmund Knight and James Clansey (Clausey). |
11 May 1639
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 646, 11 May 1639 – Thomas Mathews Churingeon (Surgeon?), 1100 acres Henrico County beginning at the Falling Creek and bearing westerly on the falls; north on the river; south on the woods and east upon the creek. Land due for transportation of 22 persons: William Lawson was one of the 22 persons. |
18 Jul 1639
Charles River (York)
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 655, 18 July 1639 – Thomas Stephens, (Steephens), 200 acres at the head of the Back River, on the east side of Scones Dam, etc, east by the side of the Poquoson. Formerly granted unto Epaphroditus Lawson and by him assigned to Samuel Grosse, who assigned it to John Davis and by him assigned to said Stephens. |
18 Jul 1640
Isle of Wight
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 728, 18 July 1640 – Gresham Coffeild, 200 acres Isle of Wight County. Adjacent Epaphroditus Lawson. Northwest upon Nansamund (Nansemond) River, etc. Due by assignment from Arthur Hallington of patent dated 23 December 1636. |
25 Aug 1642
Isle of Wight
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 820, 25 August 1642 – William Lawson, 491 acres Isle of Wight. Bounded on west with Lawnes Creek, east and north by James River and south by land of Mr. Tooke. Transportation of 10 persons: Michael Billing, Jon. Dix, Jon. Tomlin, James Greene, Jon. Adams, John Parker, Mary Smith, Tho. _____, Jon. Damson (or Davison) and Peter Greene. |
Epaphroditus, William, Lettice & Rowland
15 Feb 1642 /43
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 822, 15 February 1642/43 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 1,400 acres Upper Norfolk County. Upon New Towne Haven River, running northwest by a bay side called Mount Lawson, adjacent More Fontleroy etc., south, southeast by the side of a creek called Fant Ford, etc, northeast by New Towne Haven River, etc., and near John Lewin. 450 acres by assignment from Bartholomew Hoskins, Admr. of John Bridges, of 2 patents, 300 acres by 2 former patents and 650 acres for transportation of 13 persons: Epaphroditus Lawson, William Lawson, Lettice Lawson, Jno. Palmer, Abraham Moone, Robert Arden, Neale Fee, Jon. Cricklock, Neale Billahea, Rowland Lawson, Wm. Harper and Peter Taylor. |
1642 /43
Northamp -ton
Accawmack County name was changed to Northampton County in 1642/43. See map 1641-1650 | |
1642 /43
Upper Norfolk County name was changed to Nansemond County in 1642/43. See map 1641-1650 | |
1642 /43
Warwick River County, which was an original Shire, had its name changed to Warwick County in 1642/43. | |
1642 /43
Charles River County, which was an original Shire, had its name changed to York County in 1642/43. | |
20 Dec 1643
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 932, 20 December 1643 – Mr. Phillip Bennett, 515 acres Upper Norfolk County. Lying on the east side of Bennett’s Creek, near land of Richard Bennett and Epaphroditus Lawson. Transportation of 11 persons. |
9 Jan 1643 /44
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 941, 9 January 1643/44 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 450 acres Upper Norfolk. Lying on west side of Mount Lawson Bay Creek, adjacent land of Moore Fontleroy and Tristram Nosworthy. Due for transportation of 9 persons and also by assignment from John Carter, to whom it was assigned by Peter Mountegue: Walter Bishopp, Edward Roberts, Richard Mathews, Peter Friend, George Secker, John Newby, Richard Webb and Angell Lesting. |
20 Feb 1643 /44
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 8, 20 February 1643/44 – Moore Fantleroy, 250 acres called Royes Rest, Upper Norfolk County. Upon New Town “have been,” commonly called Chucktuck, beginning at the mouth of a creek or branch called Tentford, adjacent Epha. Lawson, etc. 200 acres due by appraisement from Mareen Delamde of a patent of 16 October 1638 and 50 acres for transportation of Moore Fantleroy. |
1 Apr 1644
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 4, 1 April 1644 – John Hill, Gentleman, 200 acres Upper Norfolk. Upon east ward side of northwest branch of Nansimond (Nansemond) River, adjacent William Eyres. Due by assignment from Apha. (Epha.) Lawson for transportation of 4 persons. |
2 Apr 1644
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 5, 2 April 1644 – John Hill, Gentleman, 400 acres Upper Norfolk. On west branch of Nansimond (Nansemond) River, about the head of said branch, near John Stalls. Due by assignment from Epha. Lawson and for transportation of 8 persons. |
29 Nov 1646
Nanse -mond
William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 3, January 1896, page 180, Commission of Nansemond County, VA, 29 November 1646. Present Mr. Olivery Sprye, Mr. Phill Bennett, Mr. Rich Preston and Mr. Eppa Lawson. |
6 Jan 1647 /48
Elizabeth City
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 114, 6 January 1647/48 – Thomas Stephens, 300 acres Elizabeth City County, beginning at the Bridge at the narrow of the Back River and 100 acres beginning at the edge of the road, west, northwest into the island. 200 acres formerly granted unto Ephaproditus Lawson, by him assigned unto Samuel Groose (Grosse), by him unto John Davis, by Davis to Stephens. 100 for transportation of 2 persons. |
3 Jul 1648
James City
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 144, 3 July 1648 – John Watkins, 850 acres James City County. Lying above the head of Greys (Grays) Creek, adjacent Christopher Lawson. 350 acres by former patent and 500 acres for transportation of 10 persons. |
16 Aug 1648
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 148, 16 August 1648 – Mr. Phillip Bennet, 1,230 acres Nancemunt (Nansemond) County. Upon east side of Bennet’s Creek, adjacent land of James Knott, Anthony Weels and Epaphroditus Lawson. Due by former patents and as. Admr. of Robert Bennet, except 330 acres due for transportation of 7 persons. |
Northum -berland
The Chickacoan District, an Indian reserve eliminated to form Northumberland County in 1648. See map 1641-1650 | |
Rowland & Epaphroditus
12 Feb 1648 /49
Northum -berland & Lancaster
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and etc., Book 2, 1654-1666, page 138 – Rowland Lawson binds himself to pay to George Abbott, merchant, 250 lbs. tobacco 1st November next. Dated 12 February 1648/49. Signed Rowland Lawson. Wit: Epa Lawson. Recorded 15 November 1657. (Note: In 1648/49 this shire was still called Northumberland. Lancaster was not formed until 1651 and this deed was filed in Lancaster in 1657.) |
3 Sep 1649
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 180, 3 September 1649 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 700 acres in Rappahannock River. In Rappahannock River, lying abut 12 miles upon the north side, beginning on the east ward side of the mouth of Slaughters Creek which parts this from the land of John Carter. Transportation of 14 persons. |
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 236, 22 May 1650 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 2,000 acres in Rappahannock River on the south side, beginning on the lowermost point of a great Island, running south, southwest crossing Lawson’s Creek. Transportation of 40 persons. |
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 236, 22 May 1650 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 1,000 acres lying about 10 miles up on the north side of Rappahannock River adjacent land of John Slaughter. Transportation of 20 persons. |
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 237, 22 May 1650 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 900 acres, in Rappahannock River, on south side, beginning at point on an island, adjacent and above land of Mr. John Cox and running to the mouth of Lawsons Creek. Transportation of 18 persons. Note: From the History of Old Rappahannock County – Occupacia Creek was for a time called Lawson’s Creek but reverted to its old Indian name of Occupacia Creek. Located in today’s Essex County. |
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 245, 22 May 1650 – Wm. Tigner, 1150 acres in Rappahannock River on south side, beginning at eh mouth of Lawsons Creek, adjacent land of Epa. Lawson and nigh mouth of Tigners Creek. Trans. of 23 persons. Note: Void by a ward of the Governor. The rights crost. |