Lawsons Named
Date |
County in Virginia
Documentatiom |
Rowland & Epaphroditus
12 Feb 1648 /49
Northum- berland & Lancaster
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 138 – This bill bindeth me Rowland Lawson, my executors or administrators to pay to George Abbott, merchant or his assignees, 250 pounds tobacco ye first of November next after this debt witness ye hand 12 February 1648/49 this being in full of all accounts. Signed Rowland Lawson. Witness Epa. Lawson. Recorded 15 November 1657, Edward Dale, Clerk.
Lancaster County was formed from Northumberland and York Counties in 1651. See map 1651-1660
13 Apr 1651
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1652-1657, page 9 – Know all men by these presents that I Epapraditus Lawson for myself my heirs for a debt of Forty thousand pounds of tobacco and cask due to Symon Overzee, ye said Richard Bennett security with me and for security I doe make over unto him two Patents of Land at Rappahannock ye one of 2000 acres ye other of 700 acres now seated as also all my stock of Cattle and six Servants name Daniel Diskey, John Cooke, Richard Kinge, Frances (____) and a Mulatto and all ye same I have not yet made over to any other with: two Servants, one Negro and one an Indian as also 40 goats, 6 steers, 10 cows with their increase and 10 head of other younger Cattle, one Debt of 22d 7br 1652, one from Mr. Fra. Giles by Bill of Exchange and one Debt of Ten pounds Sterling Due from Capt. Thomas Richards; all which land Debts, Servants, Cattle, Goats and Accos.: whatsoever with all belonging to them shall be to him ye said Richard Bennett or his assignees as their own in case ye aforesaid Debt of 40 thousand pounds of tobacco or any part thereof are not discharged by me. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal ye 13th day of April 1651. Signed Epapraditus Lawson. In presents of us, John Seares. Recorded 7 August 1652, Test. John Philips, Cl. Cur. Lancaster.
13 Apr 1651
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 177 – Whereas by a deed of mortgage bearing debt with these present Epaphroditus Lawson hath conveyed and made over unto Richard Bennett certain land servants cattle hogs goats bedding and debts for security of a debt of 40,000 lbs. of tobacco and cash and which ye said Bennett stand and bound with him for unto Symon (Simon) Overzee. Now know all men by these present that it shall and maybe lawful and free for ye said Epaphroditus Lawson to dispose and make all or, any part or parcel of ye aforesaid mortgage any thing in ye aforesaid writing not withstanding. Provided that it be done to and for ye sue of ye aforesaid Richard Bennett and his aforesaid and bill taken in his name accordingly. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand yet 13 April 1651. Signed Richard Bennett. Recorded 26 January 1658/59.
Rowland & Epaphroditus
20 Jun 1651
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 330, 20 June 1651 – Mr. Rowland Lawson, 1300 acres situated in Rappahannock River on the northern side beginning on the eastward side of the mouth of Cherry Point Creek and adjacent land of Richard Jones. 900 acres part formerly granted unto Epaphrd. Lawson and by him relinquished and the rights assigned unto his brother and the residue for transportation of 8 persons: Richard Ball, James Fixer, Xpo. Dennis, John Copeland, Richard Jenkinson, Robert Smith and James Jackson. |
2 June 1652
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, pages 10 and 11 – Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased taken upon Oath ye 2 June 1652 by Col. John Billingsley and Maier Thomas Burbridge as followeth: Servants vizt: Thomas Maydestone for 2 years; Danellan Grishoman 2 years, Richard Kinge 2 years; John Cooke 3 years; Margaret Maley 1/2 year; Peter a Negro 7 years at 2200; Francis an Indian Woman at 7 years at 1000; Crom, a Mulatto boy at 1500; an Indian child at 400. Then listed all his other items, including his stock, guns, pistols, swords, a rapier, household items and clothes, which came to a total of 28,255 lbs of tobacco. Appraisal done by W. Claiborne, Thomas Burbridge and John Billingsley. Recorded August 1652.
6 Aug 1652
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 2 – At a Court holden, at ye house of Mr. Tho. Brice on ye 6th day of August 1652. Present, Mr. Toby Smith, Mr. Tho. Brice, Mr. Geo. Taylor, Mr. David Fox, Mr. Ja. Williamson and Mr. Rowland Lawson.Rowland Lawson is shown as a Justice of Court in Lancaster County numerous times before his death and I have not shown all of these in the time line. |
6 Aug 1652
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, pages 10 and 11 – Court 6 August 1652. Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased, taken upon ye 2nd day of June 1652 and appraised by Col. Thomas Burbadge and Major John Billingsley as followth: (Inventory includes name servants, including whites, Indians and Negroes, land not included in appraisements. Total value 28,255 lbs. tobacco.)
8 Oct 1652
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 16 – Court 8 October 1652. The Court hath ordered that according to instructions under ye hand of ye Honorable ye Governor that ye Sheriff of this County doe deliver and put into ye possession of Wm. Clapham Junr., who married ye relict of Epaphroditus Lawson all such Estate or Estates in Lands, Chattels or servants as are specified in a mortgage of sale made over unto ye said Richard Bennett Esq. from ye said Epaprs. Lawson.
Epaphroditus, Richard & Elizabeth
12 Oct 1652
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 31 – Know all men by these presents that I Richard Bennett of Virginia hereby make over and assign unto Wm. Clapham ye younger, all ye right, title and interest that I have which to me belongeth in an Estate of Lands, Servants, Cattle, Hogs and houses and all other that Estate that is express in a writing of Mortgage dated ye 13th of April 1641 by Mr. Epapro. Lawson, decease, for forty thousand pounds of tobacco and cask as by ye said writing may and doth appear, excepting I give two thousand acres of land in Rappahannock and which it is to be disposed this vizt. One thousand acres thereof to Rich. Lawson and his heirs forever and the other thousand acres to be entered and intended for Eliza., ye daughter of ye afore said Epaphroditus, to her and her heirs in case there be she live to fifteen years of age but if she have not so long the that it shall belong to him, ye afore said Wm. Chapham and his heirs, all which lands, servants, cattle, goods &c., mentioned shall be to ye afro said Wm. Clapham his heirs and assignees forever in consideration of Thirty sex thousand pounds of tobacco and cask to be paid as followeth: Six thousand thereof ready down upon all demands and ye other 30 thousand at 3 payments ye ensuing years following after this vist. Ten thousand pounds yearly. Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal ye 12th of 7ber (October), 1652. Signed Ri. Bennett. In presence of Richard Lawson.It is further conditioned and deposed that if Mr. Lawson patent for ye land being lower most in Rappahannock River be not included in ye land gave to me that then ye same may be for ye children in lieu of ye 1000 acres within mentioned for and ye said 1000 acres above belong to ye said Wm. Clapham and his heirs forever. Witness my hand ye 5th of 8br (November) 1652. Signed Ri. Bennett. Recorded 12th die Janery (January), by Jo. Philips, Cl. Cur. Page 32 – To Smyth. I have dealt with Mr. Clapham for ye Estate made over to me by Mr. Lawson and he hath given me satisfaction for it and wherefore ye Mortgage is now no longer belonging to me but to him and therefore pray let him have ye Bill now concerning it which I left with you to be recorded and same order as I should have had that is pt. ye Sheriff be required to give him possession of ye same, servants, cattle and whatsoever doth be that is made over for encouraging ye deal. Rappahannock 12th of 7ber (October) 1652. Your loving friend RI. Bennett. Recorded 12th die January 1652 |
10 Jan 1652 /53
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 23 – At a Court holden for Lancaster at ye House of Mr. David Fox on ye 10th day of January 1652/53 – Whereas Mr. John Carter hath by his Attorney, Wm. Clapham Junior, desire that Commission of Administration might be granted him on ye Estate of Epahphros Lawson, deceased for a Debt of 7067 lbs. of tobacco since likewise ye said Mr. Carter being by ye last Will of ye said Lawson left and by him desired to have ye Administration of his said Estate by ye said Will under ye name of ye said Lawson was this day manifested and the Court hath thereon ordered ye Commission of Administration be granted to ye aforesaid Wm. Clapham on ye behalf of ye said Carter for ye Debt due to Mr. Carter….
Rowland, Rowland & Epaphroditus
10 Jan 1652 /53
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 25, Lancaster County Court 10th January 1652/53 – Whereas there hath been oath made by Mr. Row. Lawson and William Jonson that Epaphro. Lawson, deceased, did receive of and from ye Estate of Elizabeth Dundridge, deceased 700 lbs. of tobacco for ye use of Rowland, ye son of ye above said Rowland Lawson, ye Court hath therefore ordered ye said Admistr. Of ye said Epaph. Lawson’s Estate shall pay ye said sum of 700 lbs. of tobacco to ye above said Row. Lawson for use of his Son within 20 days.Whereas that ye Estate of Epa. Lawson, deceased, is indebted to Mr. Rowl. Lawson in ye sum of 800 lbs. of tobacco, the Court hath therefore ordered that ye said Amistr. Of ye said decease’s Estate shall pay ye said sum of tobacco to ye said Lawson or his assignees within 20 days. |
10 Jan 1652 /53
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 27, Lancaster County Court 10th January 1652/53 – Whereas it appeared under ye hand of Epr. Lawson, deceased that he was engaged to Mr. James Williamson for ye rights of 550 acres of land, the Court hath therefore ordered that ye Administrator of ye said deceased shall either return ye like named of rights to ye said Mr. Williamson or his assignees or satisfaction in tobacco with costs of suit.
Epaphroditus, Elizabeth & Richard
10 Jan 1652 /53
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 31 – Court 10 January 1652/53. Know all men by these presents that I Richard Bennett of Virginia hereby make over and assign unto Wm. Clapham ye Younger, all ye right title and interest that I have which to me belongeth in an Estate of Lands, Servants, Cattle, Hogs and houses and all other that Estate that is expressed in a writing of Mortgage dated ye 13 April 1641 by Mr. Epapro. Lawson, deceased, for 40,000 pounds of tobacco and cask as by ye said writing may and doth appear, excepting I give 2,000 acres of land in Rappahannock and which it is to be disposed this vizt. 1000 thereof to Richard Lawson and his heirs forever and the other 1,000 acres to be entered and intended for Elizabeth, ye daughter of ye aforesaid Epaphroditus, to her and her heirs in case there be she live to 15 years of age but if she have not so long then that it shall belong to him, ye aforesaid Wm. Clapham and his heirs, all which lands, servants, cattle, goods &c mention shall be to ye aforesaid Wm. Clapham his heirs and assignees forever in consideration of 30,000 pounds of tobacco and cask to be paid as followeth: 6,000 thereof ready down upon all demands and ye other 30,000 at 3 payments, ye ensuing years following after this vist. 10,000 pounds yearly. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal ye 12th day 7ber (September) 1652. In presence of Richard Lawson. Signed Richard Bennett.It is further conditioned and deposed that if Mr. Lawson patent for ye land being lower most in Rappahannock River be not included in ye land gave to me that then ye same may be for ye children in lieu of ye 1,000 acres within mentioned for and ye said 1,000 acres above belong to ye said Wm. Clapham and his heirs forever. Witness my hand ye 5th of 8br. 1652. Signed Richard Bennett. Recorded 12 January by Jo. Phillips, County Clerk. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
12 Jan 1652 /53
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, pages 33-34 – Note: Looks like Epaphroditus’ heirs made sure his patents were entered into the records.Page 33, Now know ye I ye said Sir Wm. Berkeley do with ye consent of ye Council of State make unto Epaphroditus Lawson 700 acres of land situated about twelve miles upon ye northward side _____, west side of a creek called Slaughters Creek which parteth from ye land of John Carter, northeast over a branch of ye said creek beginning _____ ye said Epa. Lawson dated the third of 7ber (September) 1649. Signed William Berkeley. Recorded 12 die, January 1652/53. Page 33, Now know ye that I ye said Sir Wm. Berkeley do with ye consent of ye Council of State accordingly give unto Epaphroditus Lawson two thousand acres of land situated upon ye Rappahannock River on ye south side and beginning at a marked white oak on ye lower most point of a Great island and south, southwest crossing a Creek called Lawsons. Signed William Berkeley. Record 12 die, January 1652/53. Page 34, Know ye that I ye said Sir Wm. Berkeley do with ye consent of ye Council of State make unto Epaphroditus Lawson _____ situated in Rappahannock River adjoining on ye land of John Slaughter standing on a point on ye westward end ye said land being due for transportation of twenty persons into this Colony dated at James City ye 27th of February 1650. Signed William Berkeley. Record 12th die, January 1652/53. Page 34, (Will of Epaphroditus Lawson) In the name of God amen. I Epaphroditus Lawson of Rappahannock being very sick of body but of perfect memory praised be to God doe make & ordained this my last Will and Testament. I make & ordained ye Child that my Wife now goeth with my heirs and El. (Elizabeth) executrix my wife accustoms thirds and Esteemed friends Mr. Rich. Bennett, Merchant and Mr. John Carter, Admistrs. Witness my hand the 7th of March 1652. Signed Epaphroditus Lawson. Witness Elizabeth Lors, Joan (X) Lee and Wm. (X) Harper. Record 12 January 1652/53. |
8 Aug 1653
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, pages 65-66, Lancaster County Court 8 August 1653 – Whereas at ye Court by Order of Assembly of ye 5 July last inquired to State Judgments in such places and portion of land as is allowed and assigned them by a former Act of Assembly of ye 10 November 1649 as also by a later Act several Commissions of this County with every 6th man raised within their General Limits who well and sufficiently armed with a serviceable Gun, Powder and shot with either a sword or a pistol and a weeks provision are to meet at ye appointed Rendezvous at ye house of Mr. Wm. Underwood and for ye several Rendezvous as to be appointed by each Commander in his limits respectively charging places most of their conveniences and their limits to be as is hereafter expressed. Limits for John Carter and Mr. Row. Lawson from ye Eastward side of Corotowomon to ye Dreanth of ye River. |
10 Sep 1653
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 82, Lancaster County Court 8 October 1653 – I Phebe Smith do acknowledge that thee cattle with increase were in exchange of a parcel of land made over to ye Feoffees for and any my children use which land is situate at Nutmeg Quarter and made with my own and my brother, More Fantleroy’s full and free consent as witness my hand this 10 September 1651. Subscribed and acknowledged in ye presence of us: John Carter, David Fox, Rowland Lawson and John Phillips. Signed Phebe Smith. Recorded by John Phillips. |
27 Sep 1653
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 10 and 11 – Will of Robert Mascall. To William Newsom and John Pine a bill of 3,000 lbs. of tobacco. To Epaphroditus Lawson a bill of Richard Jones of 2300 lbs. tobacco. Calf to Mary Tomson… Dated 27 September 1653. Signed Robert (X) Mascall. Wits: Thomas Hank and Robert Parr or Pare. Robert Parr or Pare attested to the Will and indicated he was with him until his decease and to which Jurat. 8 November 1653, Will Gooch, Commissioner of York County. |
Westmore -land
Westmoreland County was formed from Northumberland County in 1653. See map 1651-1660 | |
24 Oct 1653
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 90 – Court, 24 October 1653. Whereas this County of Lancaster is indebted to these several sums following in total 24,896 pounds of tobacco to ye several men hereafter mentioned ye Court hath therefore ordered that 40 pounds of tobacco per poll be laid upon every tithe person in this County to be levied by ye several Collectors within their several limits as is hear after specified: Mr. Row Lawson to collect from ye eastern most side of Costatawoman downward by ye South side of Rappahannock River for these families. (Here followed the names of fourteen heads of families with 67 tithes, which was paid.) Part of what he collected was to pay himself for his salary – 370 pounds of tobacco. |
6 Feb 1653 /54
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, pages 138-139- Court, 6 February 1653/54. Whereas Margaret Mealer hath a bastard born of her body as (__) in Court with (__) received 12 stripes on ye bare shoulders with a whip and ye said David (C__T__) to save ye Parish from (__) child, he is to allow 800 pounds at ye next Court from crop and 400 ye year following and pay costs of Court. Mr. Row. Lawson security. |
Richard & Rowland
6 Feb 1653 /54
Virginia Tax Records – From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. Tithables of Lancaster County, Virginia – Tithables embraced all freemen above the age of sixteen, all male (white) servants, imported, of whatever age, and all imported negroes, male or female, all Indian servants, male or female, above the age of sixteen. The levy of tithables taken 6 February 1653/54 indicated Mr. John Catlet collected 6 tithables from Richard Lawson and Major John Carter collected 3 tithables from Rowland Lawson. |
6 Mar 1653 /54
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 140 – Court, 6 March 1653/54. The Court hath ordered that Mr. Richard Lawson and Richard Coleman appraise ye Estate of Robert Chambers, deceased and accordingly be sworn in Court. |
10 Apr 1654
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 96 – Inventory and appraisal of estate of Robert Chambers, made 10 April 1654. Total 4372 lbs tobacco. Debts due the estate 2060 lbs. tobacco. Appraised by Richard Lawson and Richard Colman. |
27 Apr 1654
Virginia Patent Book 3, page 222, 27 April 1654 – Robert Tomlin, 350 acres, lying on south side of Rappahannock River, between lands of Thomas Brice and Epaphroditus Lawson. Transportation of 7 persons. |
6 Jun 1654
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 146- Court, 6 June 1654. The Court hath ordered that Edward Boswell shall have 246 pounds of tobacco paid him in ye hands of Capt. M. Fantleroy being ye surplus of a debt of 3500 pounds assigned from Major John Carter to Wm. Neesam and John Meriman due from ye Estate of Epa. Lawson and it is confessed in consideration of so much due from ye said Lawson’s Estate to ye said Boswell. |
6 Oct 1654
Virginia Patent Book 3, page 299, 6 October 1654 – R. (Rowland) Lawson, 400 acres upon south side of Rappahannock River, beginning at east most extent of the land of George Eaton, etc. unto said Lawson’s former grant &c. Transportation of 8 persons: Bernard Geines, Elizabeth Geines, Mary Palmer, Rose Love, Fra. Plumer, Thomas Jones, Roger Clatworth and Dennis Foard. |
Rowland & Richard
6 Feb 1654 /55
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 172- Court, 6 February 1654/55. Certificate of Land granted to Mr. Row. Lawson for transportation into this Country Vizt. Henry Berrey, (on margin: Cogsides, Cheates, Sara Turner, Elizabeth Sashell, Mosas Nimearn, William Atkinson, George Goodale and John Maser [two more added – Amvit Cooper and Richardson English at ye ensuing Court January).Same Court, page 173. Ordered that Richard Lawson have 105 pounds tobacco for one wolf head.Same Court, page 174. Mr. John Catlet, Collector of tithes, collected 23 tithes at 45 pounds per poll. Richard Lawson paid 6 tithes. Also a note that: – To be paid to Mr. Lawson 150 pounds of tobacco.Same Court, page 176. Major John Carter, Collector of tithes, collected for 34 persons at 45 pounds per poll. Mr. Row. Lawson paid 3 tithes. |
7 May 1655
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 193- Court, 7 May 1655. Payment of part of Mr. Toby Smyth’s account to Mr. Rowland Lawson according as ordered – 4500 pounds tobacco. |
4 Jun 1655
Virginia Patent Book 3, page 343, 4 June 1655 – Jer. Dodson, Gentleman, 600 acres Lancaster County. Northeast upon a branch of Corocoman River, upon land of one Hawker and southeast upon land of William Thatcher. Transportation of 12 persons: George Lawson was one of these persons. |
5 Jun 1655
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 15 and 16 – An Inventory of debts remaining unpaid of Mr. Epa Lawson’s estate, 5 June 1655. List Hen. Knowles; John Edgecomb to Walters; Mr. Jo. English’s account; Jo. Gatlin to Ed. Walter 500 10d nails; Ed. Walter, Capt. Franc. Giles bond; Ed. Asheroff; Jo. Giles; Ru. Meade; Mr. Toby Smyth; Franc. March; John Smith 5 barrels corn; Jo. Redman; Peter Taler pt. of his debt; Phillip Bayley; Anto. Dony; Michael Bridges; An. Burt; Will. Harper; Hen. Read; Ed. Hughes to Mr. Rinsy; Will. _dding – with a total debt of 15,804 lbs. tobacco. Also state, Paid to Mr. Lawson as in the account to Mr. Toby Smith debt 1500 and 500, 10d nails of Mr. John Carter. Recorded 12 June 1655. |
Rowland & Richard
6 Jun 1655
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 205- Court, 6 June 1655. To all to whom &c. Whereas by ye Articles &c. Now know ye that I ye said Richard Bennett Esquire do with ye consent of ye Council of State accordingly give and grant unto Row. Lawson 400 acres of land being upon ye side of Rappahannock River and beginning at ye eastern most extent of ye land of George Eaton and thence running parallel to ye River SE 200 poles unto ye said Lawson’s land by a former grant bounded by ye aforesaid SSW into ye woods a mile excluding ye Marsh land lying in ye said measure thereof, the aforesaid breadth lately bounded by ye extending itself NNE a mile excluding ye Marsh as above unto ye place where it began, the said land being due &c. dated 6 October 1654. Signed Richard Bennett and W. Clayborne, Secr.Same page and Court. Know all men by these present that I Row. Lawson for a valuable consideration by me in hand received sell, alienate and make over all my rights and title of ye within mention Patent of 400 acres of land to my loving Brother Mr. Richard Lawson and assignees. In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6 June 1655. Signed Row. Lawson. Teste: John Weir and John Sharpe. Recognized 6th and record 10th June 1655. |
12 Jun 1655
Lancaster County, Virginia, Will Book 2, page 34. Lawson, Epa. Inventory 5 June 1655. Recorded 12 June 1655. |
30 Jun 1655
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 229- Court, 25 October 1655. I William Chapham Junior do hereby for me, my heirs Executors or assignees do bargain and sell unto Capt. Henry Fleet, his heirs or assignees one dividend of land being 700 acres formerly Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson bought of Mr. Richard Bennett Esquire by me, William Chapham withal privileges and profits that are upon excepting one neck of land being over a creek which neck of land I said William Clapham have sold to one Mr. Stevens and a parcel of land leased unto Samuel Sloper and which land the said Sloper is peaceable enjoying for the term of his Lease all rest land and building I ye said William Clapham do bind myself to acknowledge in Court with my wife’s consent upon all demands and … I ye said William Clapham have hereunto set my hand and seal this last day of June 1655. Signed William Clapham. Test: Hugh Brent and Thomas Adanson. Recorded 25 October 1655. |
1 Jul 1655
Virginia Patent Book 3, page 360, 1 July 1655 – John Catlett and Ralph Rouzee, 1542 acres Lancaster County, beginning at a branch dividing same and land of George Eaton, now purchased by said John and Ralph; 304 acres patted from the aforesaid, tract by a branch; and the residue adjacent both of said tracts, upon Occapason (Occupacia) Creek by land of Richard Lawson, Thomas Lucas, (purchased by Thomas Hawking) &c. 400 acres granted 23 May 1650; 304 acres granted unto George Eaton 18 June 1651 and purchased by them and 336 acres granted unto Thomas Lucas and said Catlett 20 July 1652 and purchased by them. 502 acres for trans. of 10 persons. |
John & Rowland
22 Nov 1655
Virginia Land Office Patents No. 4, 1655-1664, page 21 (Reel 4), to all now know ye that I the said Edward Diggs Esquire, given and grant unto John Lawson the son of Rowland Lawson 500 acres of situate or being in the County of Lancaster, VA on the North side of the freshes of Rappahannock River about 12 miles from the falls and beginning at a marked Oak… on the lower side of a thicket and Indian fields butting upon the river extending… The said land being due unto the said Lawson by and for the transportation of 10 persons. To have and to hold yielding and paying, which payment is to be made. Dated 22 November 1655. (Name 10 person) Henry Berry, Pa. Clark, Sarah tuner, Elizabeth Lathell, N. Mothering, William Nicholson, George Goodale, John Marsell, Daniel Cooper and Nath. English. Note on the side: – This patent renewed 8 January 1663 and granted to the said John Lawson by Sir William Berkeley Knight his Majestic Governor. (Something odd about this entry, Rowland Lawson’s son would have been a child at this time? Maybe that is why it was renewed in 1663?) |
Rowland & Richard
7 Dec 1655
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 234- Court, 7 December 1655. Capt. Fleet collected 43 tithables at 45 pounds tobacco per poll. Row. Lawson paid 4 tithes.Same Court, page 238. Mr. Lucas collected 24 tithes at 45 pounds tobacco per poll. Richard Lawson paid 5 tithes. |
22 Jan 1655 /56
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 118 – Brother Lawson, Let me request you to record one black heifer being cropped on both ears and two slits on ye left for I do hereby acknowledge to have given the said heifer with her increased unto John Harper son of William Harper of Rappahannock. Witnessed my hand this 22 January 1655. Signed Richd. Lawson. Test: Thomas Madestard. Recorded 23 September 1656. |
16 Feb 1655 /56
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 22 – Power of Attorney Simon Overzee of Linhaven, merchant, to William Underwood to collect debts in Rappahannock River and upon refusal to implead them and use all such lawful courses… Dated 16 February 1655/56. Signed Simon Overzee. Witnesses Rowland Lawson and Thomas (X) Harvey. Recorded 12 June 1656. |
6 Jun 1656
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 267- Court, 6 June 1656. Order granted against Richard Lawson unto Mr. Wm. Underwood, Attorney to Mr. Simon Burgess for 1440 pounds of tobacco and cask with forbearance according to the date of the Bills with costs. |
Richard & Elizabeth
13 Jun 1656
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 35 and 36 – Richard Lawson of the County of Lancaster, Gentleman, for and in consideration of 4,000 lbs tobacco and cash, have bargain and sold to William Hall of the County aforesaid, Cooper, all that parcel of land, 1,400 acres I now liveth upon, which lyeth on South side of the creek called Lawson’s Creek bound on the southwest ward side… Dated 13 June 1656. Signed Richard Lawson (his seal). Witnesses Toby Smith and Peter (X) Taylor.I Elizabeth Lawson the wife of Richard Lawson do acknowledge the sale of the land above mentioned and do hereunto set my hand 3 September 1656. Signed Elizabeth Lawson. Recog. 3 September 1656. Recorded 23 September 1656. |
16 Jun 1656
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 269 – Court 16 June 1656. Constables for the year ensuing are as followeth: Mr. Rich. Lawson, his bounds are from the upper plantation to Mr. Gellson’s. (Named the others.) It is likewise ordered that any Constable within his respective limits shall be Way Warden and hath hereby power to summon the inhabitants within his limits so often as he shall think fit and to such places as he shall appoint for the mending, making and repairing of all ways and bridges. The several Constables are ordered to repair to the next Commissioner to take his Oath, otherwise to appear at the next Court to that purpose, the Sheriff to give notice. |
23 Sept 1656
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 40 and 41 – Will of Walter Flemminge, dated 24 November 1656. Reference one cow with calf left at Mr. Rowland’s pin, which he agreed to give to Mr. Robert Burrell and all that I have else to my loving friend Hugh Brent (viz.) 4000 lbs. tobacco and cash due from a bill from Will Wilkinson at Coretoman, 1600 and cash from Mr. Rowland Lawson, 400 of tobacco from John Brathall, 180 from Mr. George Marshe and breeding sow from Mr. Thomas Modstone, two yearling, the one a cow, the other a steer, one chest with all therein contained at Mr. Lawson’s at his pen the chest in his house and my clothes I give to Mr. Burrell his son for diverse favors which he hath done for me. Further bequest my loving friend, Hugh Brent satisfy unto Mr. Rowland Lawson 200 lbs. of tobacco for one suit of cloths, 4 lbs of sugar and for 5 poultry. Signed Walter (X) Flemminge. Witnesses: Isaac (X) Walker and Elleanor (X) Walker. Recorded 23 September 1656.Deposition of Elleanor Walker, aged 34 or thereabouts, of Northumberland County, regarding Walter Fleming desiring to give 4 barrels Corn to Mr. Rowland Lawson after he had signed his will. Witnesses Nicholas Morris and James Hawley. Exhibit 6 February 1655/56. Recorded 23 September 1656. |
Rowland & Richard
5 Nov 1656
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 304- Court, 5 Nov 1656. Mr. Lucas collected 30 tithables at 74.5 pounds tobacco per poll. Mr. Lawson paid 6 tithes. (Believe this is Richard.)Same Court, page 305. Capt. Fleet collected 48 tithes at 74.5 pounds tobacco per poll. Mr. Lawson paid 3 tithes. (Believe this is Rowland.) |
11 Dec 1656
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, page 315 – At a Grand Assembly held at James City, 11 December 1656, whereas a petition of the inhabitants of the Lower Precincts of Lancaster County bearing their vast distance from the County Court, was presented the Honorable Assembly by Capt. Moore Fantleroy and their desire of having the County divided. It is ordered that according to an Order of Court dividing the said County a present into Parishes be for the future the bounds of the two Counties, the lower Precinct of Mr. Bennett’s land known by the name of Naemtocke of the South side the eastern most branch of Moroticon Creek on the North side, the River be the lower bounds of the Upper County, the Lower County to retain the name of Lancaster and the Upper County to be named Rappahannock County and notwithstanding this division both Counties to be liable to the Burgesses Charge of this present Assembly.Mr. Rowland Lawson was named as one of the Commissioners of Lancaster County. |
Rappahan -nock
Rappahannock (sometimes referred to as Old Rappahannock) was formed from Lancaster County in 1656 and was divided into Essex and Richmond Counties in 1692 and extinguished. See map 1651-1660 & map 1691-1700 | |
18 Dec 1656
Lancaster / Rappahan -nock
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, Wills and etc., Book 1, 1652-1657, pages 322 and 323 – At a Court held for the County of Rappahannock, 18 December 1656 at the House of Capt. W. M. Underwood – Know all men by these presents that I John Paine (Payne) for a valuable consideration by me in hand received have sold a certain quantity or parcel of land being in estimate 400 acres… with the consent of my beloved wife, Margaret Paine, unto Thomas Erwyes and Thomas Wright… Signed John Paine and Margaret X Paine. Witnesses John Weir, Richard Lawson. Recognized in Court 4 January 1656 and recorded 1 February 1656. |
27 Feb 1656 /57
Virginia Patent Book 4, page 75 (109), 27 February 1656/57 – Mr. Richard Lawson, 640 acres (Lancaster County) on south side of Occapason (Occupacia) Creek, extending near land of Richard Coleman &c. Trans. of 13 persons. |
31 May 1657
Virginia Patent Book 4, page 110 (164), 31 May 1657 – Wm. Clapham, Junior., 500 acres Lancaster County. On north side of Rappahannock River, near the head of a creek which divides the land of Major Carter from land formerly belonging to Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased, now said Clapham’s. Bounding northwest upon the main branch dividing this from lands of Mr. Thomas Carter and southwest on Blunt Point Creek. Trans. of 10 persons. |
1 Jun 1657
Virginia Patent Book 4, page 202 (296), 1 June 1657 – Vincent Stanford, 600 acres. From southeast side of land of Wm. Clapham now in possession of Thomas Carter and upon northeast side of a devedt. of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased, now in possession of Wm. Clapham Jr. Trans. of 12 person. |
6 Nov 1657
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 38 and 40, 6 November 1657 Court. Mr. Rowland Lawson was listed as one of the Commissioner on page 38. On page 40 was a list of the tithes. Mr. Lawson, 4 tithes and paid 311 lbs of tobacco. |
6 Dec 1657
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 144-145 – Know all men by these presents that we William Chapham Jr. of Rappahannock River in Virginia, Planter and Elizabeth Clapham my wife do acknowledge to have sold and received satisfaction for 700 acres of land according to a Patent of Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson’s (upon which we now live) except one Neck of land sold to Mr. Stephens as by his conveyance will appear and a Lease made to Capt. Henry Fleet which ye said Henry Corbyn his heirs and assignees is to enjoy ye reversion of and we do oblige our selves our heirs, executors and administrators… Witness our hands and signed sealed 6 December 1657. Will. Clapham mark and seal, Elizabeth Clapham mark and seal. In presents of George Marsh and Jo. Meredith. Recognized 16 December 1657 and recorded primo January. |
27 Jan 1657 /58
Lancaster County, VA, Orders, etc., 1655-1666, page 45 – Court 27 January 1657/58. Whereas this County Court hath been many and often times neglected by the absence of several of the Commissioners of this County. It is ordered that according to Act of Assembly in this case 300 lbs of Tobacco be paid by Mr. Rowland Lawson, Mr. Edmond Kempe and Mr. Cuthbert Potter and to be disposed according to the uses in the said Act mention. |
Richard & Rowland
27 May 1658
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 155 – I Teage Floyne do give unto Richard Lawson ye son of Rowland Lawson one cow calf with ye increase forever which cow calf is marked with a square on ye right ear and a swallow tail on ye left and ye male and female of this calf for ye use of said Rich. Lawson as my hand in ye year of our Lord God 1658. Signed Teage (X) Floyne. Recorded 27 May 1658 per Edward. Dale, Clerk. Cur. |
24 Nov 1658
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 171-173 – Indenture, 24 November 1658, between Henry Gorbyn of Lancaster, Gentleman, and Matthew Kempe of he same County, selling 700 acres, formerly granted to Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased, now or late was occupied by William Clapham Jr., lately purchased by Henry Corbyn from William Clapham… Signed Henry Corbyn. Wits: Rawleigh Travors and Cuth Potter. Recog: 24 November 1658. Recorded 1 December 1658. |
Dec 1658
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 61, December 1658 Court. List of tithes had Mr. Lawson, 5 tithes. I assume this is Rowland. |
27 Jul 1659
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 64 and 65 – James Bonner, aged about 30 years or thereabouts, sworn and examined sayeth that about the last of April being with Mr. Thomas Prettyman two or three days before his death being dangerously ill and yet in perfect sense did demand of the said Thomas Prettyman what he did intend to do with his worldly estate, the said Mr. Prettyman replied that it was his will that Mr. Mathew Kempe should have all he had and further confirmed it by taking the said Mr. Mathew Kempe by the hand and telling him that he gave him whatever he had if it should please God to take him out of the world. Signed James Bonner. Sworn before us Henry Fleete and Rowland Lawson. Recorded 27 July 1659.Page 65 and same Court. Bridget Bonner aged about 20 years sworn and examined, sayeth that about the last of April this Despondent being with Mr. Thomas Prettyman, two or three days before his death the said Thomas Prettyman being dangerously sick and yet in perfect sense being demanded what he did intend to do with his worldly estate the said Mr. Prettyman replied that it was his will the Mr. Mathew Kempe should have all… Sworn before us Henry Fleet and Rowland Lawson. Recorded 27 July 1659. |
22 Nov 1659
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 93 – At a Court held for the County of Lancaster Monday 22 November 1659 at the house of Mr. Will Ball. Mr. Rowland Lawson was listed as one of the Justices. (This is the last time he is present as a Justice or Commissioner.)On page 102 of the same Court, the list of tithes was noted. Mr. Lawson had 3 tithes and he also collected some of the tithes. |
16 Jun 1660
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Wills 1650-1759, Folder 1660-1669. Also Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 75 and 76 – Will of William Clapham Jr. of Rappahannock river in the County of Lancaster. To my son William 200 acres I have contracted for with Tobyas Horten upon the Land in Haddaways Creek in Fleets Bay. Balance of estate to be divided between my wife Elizabeth and my son William and Anne my daughter and my other little infant that my said wife now goeth with. Refers to 1500 lbs. tobacco due from Thomas Hunt. Will dated 16 January 1659. Executors: Wife, Elizabeth Clapham and my brother-in-law Thomas Madestard. Signed William Clapham. Wits: Thomas Madestard, William Lippert and Thomas Hunter. Will was proved by Thomas Madestard and Thomas Hunter 16 June 1660 and probated 11 July 1660. |
Rowland Haddaway
20 May 1660
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, pages 74 and 75 – In the name of God Amen. I john Wakefield do here make my last Will & Testament being in perfect memory, it being very weak in body thanks be to Almighty God for it. First I bequeath my soul to God… Imprimis. I do give unto Rowland Haddaway one red cow and her calf with my cane and my bed and also I give unto Peter Haddaway, the son of Rowland Haddaway, one brown cow and her calf to be given him after my decease. Signed John X Wakefiled. Witnesses John Humphreyes and Edward Bromfield. Recorded 20 May 1660. |
12 Sept 1660
William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 3, January 1896, pages 177-179. This appears to have been the re-enactment of an order passed September 14, 1653. At a Court held for the County of Lancaster 12 September 1660, Order Book 1, page 178 – Whereas the commissioners of Lancaster were by an order of the last Assembly required to settle the Indians inhabiting within this county in such places where they now live & to apportion them such quantities of Land as is by a former Act of Assembly allowed them have accordingly allotted and established unto them these tracts of land following, that is, unto Towezen otherwise called Taweren king of Rappahannock all the land from the N.W. side of Mr. William Underwood’s land to Rappahannock Creek & likewise from the upper side of Jos. Sherlock’s land at the N.W. side of that creek on which the said Sherlock’s land is now bounded, being the land in which they now live, the N.E. branch of ye said Creek to be understood ye same Creek, & have likewise ordered that the aforesaid Towezen be king of all the Indians of the Rappahannock nation, that an English house of the country fashion shall be built for him according to the request of the said Toweezen & his great men, and for the pervasion of peace between them and the inhabitants of this River, and that a faire correspondence may be carried as well by inhabitants towards them as by them to the inhabitants we have agreed & confirmed…. Signed John Carter, Toby Smith, Henry Fleet, James Bagnall, Davey Fox, Andrew Gelson, Rowland Lawson, Richard Loes and John Cox. |
15 Nov 1660
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 130 – 15 November 1660 Court. In the year summary it had – To Mrs. Lawson the widow of Mr. Rowland Lawson, deceased towards her great _____ and order. On page 32 of the same Court it had the tithes. List Mrs. Lawson, 2 tithes. |
Rowland & Lettice
8 May 1661
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 142 – Court 8 May 1661. A probate of the will of Mr. Rowland Lawson, deceased, is granted unto Lettice the widow and relict of the said Rowland. Mr. Mathew Kempe, Thomas Madestard and Ener? Peterson appointed to appraise the estate. Mr. Kempe to Administer the oath. |
Epaphroditus, Rowland and Lettice
8 May 1661
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 142 – Court 8 May 1661. Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased, son of Rowland, deceased, dyeing intestate and leaving a small stock of cattle behind him being part of his father’s estate upon the petition of Lettice his mother in respect of the ______ & smallness of her husband’s estate, it is ordered that she may dispose of the said cattle towards the payment of some small debts of her said son and the good of her self and children. |
11 Sep 1661
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1655-1666, page 155 – Court 11 September 1661. Mr. Alexander Fleminge doth give unto Eliz Lawson the daughter of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased, one black cow being cropped on the right ear and a spade on the left ear and one brown cow calf cropped on both ears and a piece taken out of both ears with their increase fore with this Court ordered to be recorded. |
13 Nov 1661
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 162 – 13 Nov 1661 Court had a list of the tithes. Mrs. Lawson listed with 2 tithes. |
Rowland & Rowland
13 Nov 1661
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1655-1666, page 165 – Court 13 November 1661. Upon the petition of Rowland Lawson one of the orphans of Mr. Rowland Lawson, deceased. It is ordered that the said Rowland Lawson do dispose of so many of his cattle as shall procure him a servant he having a very considerable quantity of cattle. |
Nov 1662
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 199 – November Court 1662 had a list of the tithes. Mrs. Lawson listed with 4 tithes. |
18 Mar 1662 /63
Virginia Patent Book 4, page 132 (639), 18 March 1662/63 – Rowland Lawson, 1000 acres on north side of Rappahannock River. Beginning on the east side of Cherry Point Creek, north, northeast &c. to south side of a branch of a Creek issuing into the bay behind Capt. Fleets land, thence south east by east &c. to land of Bonyson &c. Being part of patent of 1300 acres, the rest being cut off by paten of said Bonyson, first granted to Rice Jones. Trans. of 20 persons.
Abstract of Maryland Court Proceedings 49-34. To all Christian People, Greetings – I Rowland Lawson of Rappahannock Plantation do out of mere love give to Sarah Price, daughter to Jenkins Price two cows together with their increase. Test. Wm. Price and John Reed. Signed Rowland Lawson. |
Nov 1663
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 237 – November Court 1663 had a list of the tithes. Mrs. Lawson listed with 4 tithes. |
Nov 1664
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 302 – November Court 1664 had a list of the tithes. Mrs. Lawson listed with 6 tithes. |
Nov 1665
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 362 – November Court 1665 had a list of the tithes. Rowld. Lawson listed with 3 tithes. |
10 Mar 1664 /65
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 341 – Court 10 March 1664/65. Upon the petition of Lancelott Sockwell who married one of the orphans of Mr. Row. Lawson, deceased. It is ordered by this Court that what cattle and other estate is due to the said Sockwell be forthwith delivered him with costs als execution. |
12 Jul 1665
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 344 – Court 12 July 1665. Ordered by this Court that the lands of Mr. Row Lawson, deceased, be divided into three parts according to Act of Assembly in such cases, whereof the widow to have one third, then 500 acres to be laid out according to the will of the said Lawson, then the remainder to be divided into five parts whereof Lancelott Sockwell to have one fifth part in the right of his wife, the charge of surveying to be equally born. |
Rowland, Leticia, Elizabeth, John, Henry and Leticia
14 Sep 1665
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 352 – Orphans Court held for the County of Lancaster, 14 September 1665. Cattle belonging to the orphans of Mr. Row Lawson, deceased recorded by Leticia Lawson their mother. For Eliz Lawson, 3 cows, 1 yearling heifer, a yearling steer, 3 steers calves. For Jo Lawson, 4 cows, one 2 years old heifer, 1 yearling heifer, 2 cow calves. For Hen Lawson, 2 cows, 1 yearling heifer, 1 cow calf. For Leticia Lawson, 3 cows, 1 yearling heifer, 1 cow calf. |
14 Sep 1665
Lancaster County, VA, Orders and etc., Book 1655-1666, page 353 – Orphans Court held for the County of Lancaster, 14 September 1665. Rowland Lawson one of Mr. Rowland Lawson, deceased orphans, being of age upon his petition it is ordered that the whole estate belonging to him in the possession of Jo. Davenport be forthwith delivered him als execution. |
Jan 1666 /67
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 18 – January Court 1666/67 had a list of tithes. Row. Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. |
8 Jul 1668
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 73 – Court 8 July 1668. Joanna Sockwell ye widow of Lancelott Sockwell, deceased relinquishing her right of Administration to her said husband’s estate upon her petition she is ordered her own wearing clothes and a bed bolster with blanket and rug of her said husband’s belonging thereunto to be delivered her by ye Administrator to ye said estate als execution. |
Dec 1668
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 80 – December Court 1668 had a list of tithes. Row. Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. |
Rowland & Henry
13 Feb 1668 /69
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 1666-1682, page 60 – Know all men by thee present that I Rowland Lawson of ye parish of Christchurch in the County of Lancaster doe hereby firmly and freely give and bequeath unto my younger brother Henry Lawson ye plantation which Mr. John Davenport is now possess with woodland, ground… is express by ye patent thereof ye which I am now possess withal the said Henry Lawson to begin for his moyetie or half as ye patent doth begin so for his bredth on ye river side that is to say Rappahannock River side on ye north side thereof and his length into ye woods the said Henry Lawson to be possess with the above said land when he shall arrive to ye age of twenty one years but if in case ye said Henry Lawson shall die before ye above term of twenty one years be fully expired that is to say before he shall arrive to ye said age that then ye said lands to return to me or my heirs again. I ye said Rowland Lawson as above mentioned from me my heirs… I have set my hand and seal to confirm this my deed of gift this 13 February 1668/69. Rowland Lawson, ye seal. Test: Fortunatus Sydnor and Edward Carter. Recorded 15 February 1668/69. |
22 May 1669
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1666-1680, page 108 – Court 22 May 1669. John Ashley is discharged from ye office of Constable and Row. Lawson is ordered to succeed him and to be sworn by ye next Court. |
Middlesex County was formed from Lancaster County in 1669. See map 1661-1670 | |
20 Sep 1669
Virginia Patent Book 6, page 280, 20 September 1669 – John Cone, 470 acres, Lancaster County. Adjacent Abra. Bonnison (Bonyson), near the head of Tabb’s Creek, to southwest of Nantipoyson Creek, both creeks, issuing out of Fleet’s Bay, to land of Rowland Lawson, to Mr. Robert Griggs, by Mr. Tho. Chetwood, &c. Trans. of 10 person. |
21 Oct 1669
Virginia Patent Book 6, page 262, 21 October 1669 – Mr. Robert Howsing (Houseing), 6000 acres on the west side in the freshes of Potomac River, above the dividing branches. Opposite my Lord’s Island, &c. to north point of a Creek named by the English the Indian Cabin Creek, dividing this and land surveyed for Jno. Mathewes. Trans. of 120 persons: Row. Lawson was one of these persons. |
Dec 1669
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 131 – December Court 1669 had a list of tithes. Row. Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. |
16 Aug 1670
Virginia Patent Book 6, page 318, 16 August 1670 – Mr. Robert Griggs, 373 acres Lancaster County, east side of the mouth of Slaughter’s Creek, parting this and land of Col. John Carter, adjacent land of Mr. John Madestard. Part of 700 acres granted to Epaphroditus Lawson, 3 September 1649, and assigned to said Griggs. |
Dec 1670
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 171 – December Court 1670 had a list of tithes. Row. Lawson is listed with J tithes. (Not sure what the J means and a number of them had it?) |
Dec 1671
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 213 – December Court 1671 had a list of tithes. Row. Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. |
Dec 1672
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 245 – December Court 1672 had a list of tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. |
Dec 1673
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 276 – December Court 1673 had a list of tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 4 tithes. |
14 Oct 1670
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, page 8 – We whose names are hereunto subscribed, being appointed, ordered and accordingly sworn by Order of Lancaster Court dated 14 xbr. 1670, to appraise the Estate of Mr. Thomas Maddistard, deceased, do appraise the particulars as followeth in tobacco – then listed the items for a total of 13,955 pounds of tobacco. Named the debts owed to him for a total of 4,498 pounds of tobacco. Inventory taken by Robert Griggs, Jno. Davenport and Rowland Lawson. Exhibit in Court decimo die November 1675. |
Dec 1674
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 301 – December Court 1674 had a list of tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. |
10 Nov 1675
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Miscellaneous Estate Papers 1650-1700 – Inventory of the estate of Thomas Madstrade – 10 November 1675. Signed John Davenport and Rowland Lawson. |
Rowland & John
Dec 1675
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 337 – December Court 1675 had a list of tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. Jno. Lee at Mr. Lawson plantation is listed with J tithes. Jno. Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. |
21 Mar 1675 /76
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, page 24 – Will of Joseph Whittacre. Mention in the Will were Angussene Coane, the daughter of Jno. Coane, Thomas Morgan, son of William Morgan, his child Mary Whittacre and wife but not named. Dated 21 March 1675/76. Witnesses Rowland Lawson and William Morgan. Proved by oath of Rowland Lawson and William Morgan, May 1676. |
27 Mar 1676
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, pages 20-22 – An Inventory of the Estate of Mr. John Godsell, deceased as it was appraised, 27 March 1676 – Rowland Lawson and Fortunatus Sydnor were listed as debtors. It was itemized by Fortunatus Sydnor, Jno. Davenport, Rowland Lawson and Samuel Smyth. Exhibit in Court May 1676. |
11 Jul 1677
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1666-1680, page 377 – Court 11 July 1677. Rowland Lawson is appointed Surveyor of the Highways for the year ensuing and his bounds are to be from the Church to Musketo Point and is ordered to clear the same with the help of all the inhabitants in his precinct according to Act of Assembly in the case made and provided upon the penalty in the said Act mentioned. |
14 Nov 1677
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1666-1680, page 388 – Court 14 November 1677. Rowland Lawson being arrested to this Court at the suit of Capt. David Fox in behalf of this County for one Musket, sword, belt and bandiseere belonging to the said County and delivered by Lt. Col. Jno. Carter’s order. It is ordered at the request of the said Lawson that the same be delivered to the next Court held for this County with costs als. Exer. |
John & Rowland
Dec 1677
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 396 – December Court 1677 had a list of tithes. John Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 4 tithes. |
Rowland & John
13 Nov 1678
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 1666-1682, page 322 – To all to whom this present writing shall come, Greetings, in Our Lord God Everlasting. Know ye that I Rowland Lawson of Lancaster County in Rappahannock River in Virginia, planter, as well for the natural love and affection, which I bear unto John Lawson my brother of the said County of Lancaster, planter, as also for Divers other good causes and consideration me…. Do give grant and confirm unto the said John Lawson all that piece of parcel of lands set, situate, lying and being in the said County of Lancaster between the Creek commonly called or known by the name of Cherry Point Creek down the said river of Rappahannock together with all houses, edifices, orchards, guardians fences and enclosures thereunto belonging…. Which said premises now are or late were in the tenanted or possession of John Davenport or of his assignees. To have and to hold… In witness where of I the said Rowland Lawson have hereunto put my hand and seal this 13th day of November 1678. Rowland Lawson ye seal. Sealed and delivered after the word (mee) interlined in ye present of John Davenport and John Stretchley. Recorded May 1679. |
Rowland & John
Dec 1678
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 450 – December Court 1678 had a list of tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. John Lawson is listed with 1 tithe. |
2 Feb 1678 /79
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1666-1680, page 464 – Court 2 February 1678/79. These may acquaint whom it doth concern that there was a small Flatt Bottom Boat taken up in Rappahannock River about the 20th day of December last past with Oars and Scull Mast and Sales by Jno. Lawson who is ready to deliver the same being paid for taking her up. Signed John Lawson, 2 February 1778/79. |
10 Dec 1679
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1666-1680, page 515 – Court 10 December 1679. Pay Rowland Lawson for Captain’s pay, 2 months, a soldier under Col Brent 250 lbs tobacco. |
Rowland & John
10 Dec 1679
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1, 1666-1680, page 517 – December Court 1679 had a list of tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 4 tithes. John Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. |
1 Apr 1680
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1666-1680, page 529 – Court 1 April 1680. The Inhabitants of the County ordered, according to Act of Assembly to take provisions, so much for each tithable, to certain designated places, ie., for the Parish of White Chappell to the house of Capt. David Fox, for the Parish of Christ Church to the houses of Rowland Lawson and Jeremiah Pasquett, for the use of the soldiers at the Garrison in Potomac River, etc. |
Rowland & John
Dec 1680
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 2, 1680-1686, pages 22 and 23 – December Court 1680 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowland Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. John Lawson is listed with 4 tithes. On page 21, same Court Rowland Lawson was paid 180 lbs of tobacco by the county. |
John & Rowland
Dec 1681
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 2, 1680-1686, pages 62 and 63 – December Court 1681 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. John Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. |
Rowland & John
18 Dec 1682
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, page 83 – The Last Will and Testament of James Chaplin, deceased gave all his estate in Virginia which he possessed, which as also what was due him from any persons in Virginia unto Rowland Lawson, only ye said Chaplin did desire ye John Lawson might have a heifer and who also ye said Rowland should see fit. We ye under subscribers do hear by testify and upon our Oaths declare ye within above written was ye last Will of ye said James Chaplin and farther that was where called by ye said Chaplin and required by him to take notice of and to wit ye same sworn before me ye 18th day 9ber (December) 1682, before Fortunatus Sydnor, John Lawson and Ann Benison. Recorded 12 January 1682/83. |
Dec 1682
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 2, 1680-1686, page 108 – December Court 1682 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. John Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. Bottom third of page missing, may be where Rowland was located? |
14 Nov 1683
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Miscellaneous Estate Papers 1650-1700 – Inventory of the estate of George Keene – 14 November 1683. Robert Scholfield, Elizabeth Keene, Rowland Lawson and John Cox. |
John & Rowland
Dec 1683
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 2, 1680-1686, page 140 – December Court 1682 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. John Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. |
Mar 1683 /84
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, page 91 – Will of Robert Griggs. In one of the Items – I give unto the two children I stood for, John Davenport and Rowland Lawson, each of them a two year old mare. Will dated 22 January 1683/84 and signed by Robert Griggs. Witnesses were Robert Carter, Wm. Pitcher, Elizabeth Russell, Richard Grimes and Jno. Guy. Probated March 1683/84. |
15 Mar 1683 /84
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, page 92 – Will of John Davenport. Mention his 4 children, John, George, William and Fortunatus Davenport to whom is willed all the land found at the head of Morattico Creek. Wife Margaret Davenport. Dated 9 February 1683/84 and signed in the presence of Brian Greene, Rowland Lawson and George Scott. Recorded 15 March 1683/84. |
Fortunatus Sydnor
25 Sep 1684
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, pages 93-94 – Inventory of the Estate of Mr. Fortunatus Sidnor, deceased appraised by we whose names are under written. Listed his estate. Appraisers Joanna Lawrence, Thomas Baker, Uriah Angell, Thomas Lawrence and John Pinckard. Exhibit in Lancaster March 1684 (or 83?) by Joanna Lawrence, widow and relict of Fortunatus Sidnor, deceased and admitted to record. |
Epaphroditus, Elizabeth & John
21 Dec 1684
Middlesex County, VA, Deed Book 2, 1694-1703, pages 36-39 – This deed indented made 21 December 1684 between Charles Lee of the County of Northumberland, Gentleman and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Medstard lat of the County of Lancaster, Gentleman, deceased of the one part and Robert Scholfield of the County of Lancaster, Planter of the other part, witnessed that the said Charles Lee and Elizabeth, his wife for a good consideration do sell unto the said Robert Scholfield land in the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster containing 203 acres bounded beginning at a stake drove into the land by Rappahannock River on a point on the westward side of the mouth of a small gutt or creek which said creek issued out of the River a little above John Lawson’s Plantation from the stake running northeast by marked trees crossing the said creek to a corner Pohicory standing on a level which said line parts this land of John Lawson thence south crossing a pond of water just below the plantation where the said Robert Schofield now lives to a stake drove into the land between the pond and the river down the river to several courses round Cherry Point to the stake where it first began which said land is part of a dividend of land containing 1,000 acres formerly taken up by one Epaphroditus Lawson as by the patent bearing date 22 May 1650 do appear which said patent was assigned over to said Thomas Medstard by one Robert Davis(Note: a name used by Robert Payne for 5 years. See Rappahannock County timeline, 22 February 1667/68.) and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of the said Epaphroditus Lawson as by the records of Lancaster Court bearing date the 11 September 1666 and by the said Medstard renewed in his own name as by patent bearing date 26 September 1668. Signed Charles Lee and Elizabeth Lee. Witnesses William Carter and James Ellis. Recorded Lancaster Court February 1684. |
11 Feb 1684 /85
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1680-1686, page 188 – At a Court held for the County of Lancaster, 11 February 1684/84 at the Courthouse there. Present: Col John Carter, Mr. Brian Scott, Mr. Thomas ____, Mr. John Pickard, Mr. Rowland Lawson and ______ Tavers. |
Rowland & John
2 Dec 1685
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 1682-1687, page 86, 2 December 1685 – Received of Mr. Michael Griggs, Executor of Mr. Robert Griggs late of the County of Lancaster, deceased, two mare beast being two Legacies given by the last Will & Testament of the said Robert Griggs to two God Children which he the said Robert Griggs stood for and to which I am Guardian to the one named George Davenport and father to the other named Rowland Lawson. And I doe hereby acquit, exonerate and discharge the said Michael Griggs his heirs, Executors or assignees from the said Legacies. As witness my hand the day and year above written. Signed Rowland Lawson. Teste: John Lawson and John Davenport. Record February 1685/86 |
Rowland & Rowland
12 Jan 1685 /86
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 1682-1687, page 91, 12 January 1685/86 – Rowland Lawson, gift, one iron gray mare, to his son Rowland Lawson. |
Henry & Rowland
Nov 1687
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, page 29 – November Court 1687 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Henry Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. Mr. Rowland Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. At Lawson’s a Negro named Peter Dunkinson is listed with 1 tithe. |
14 Dec 1687
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, page 34 – December Court 1687 had a list of the militia and Henry Lawson was listed foot soldier. |
11 Apr 1688
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696 – Starting 11 April Court 1688, Rowland Lawson is shown as a Justice sitting on the County Court. He is listed at most Court sessions for 10 years, but in 1698 when he was again appointed as a Justice he refused the position (see entry of 11 May 1698). I have not included all these listings. |
Dec 1688
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, page 48 – December Court 1688 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Mr. Rowland Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. |
William & Littice
8 Aug 1689
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 5, 1674-1689, page 133 – An Inventory of the Estate of George Wale, deceased appraised by us underwritten sworn by Capt. John Pinckard, 8 August 1689. Listed his estate. Appraisers William Lawson, Lettice Lawson, William Lawrence Jr., Henry Bell and Thomas Baker. Exhibit in Lancaster October 1689 by Lettice Lawson, widow and relict of George Wale, deceased and admitted to record. |
8 Jan 1690
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 8, 1690-1709, pages 15-20 – Inventory of the Estate of Capt. John Pinckard, deceased appraised by we hereafter written, sworn before Mr. Rowland Lawson 8 January 1690. Listed his estate. Appraisers were William Lawrence, Uriah Angell, Thomas Baker and Edward Gibson. Exhibit in Lancaster June 1691by Elizabeth Pinckard, widow and relict of John Pinckard, deceased. |
13 Mar 1690 /91
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 8, 1690-1709, pages 32-34 – A true valuement of the following goods and chattels belong the Estate of Col. John Carter, deceased. Listed his Estate. Appraisers were Rowland Lawson, Richard Willis and Thomas Baker. |
Dec 1691
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, page 95 – December Court 1691 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Mr. Row. Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. Also on page 94 is an entry for Mr. Lawson one wolf’s head – 200 lbs tobacco. Not sure which Lawson. |
Rowland & John
Dec 1692
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, page 123 – December Court 1692 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Jno. Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. Mr. Row. Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. |
Rowland & John
Dec 1693
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, page 140 – December Court 1693 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Mr. J. Lawson is listed with 1 tithe. Mr. Ro. Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. |
Rowland Jr.
6 Mar 1693 /94
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 8, 1690-1709, page 89 – Last Will and Testament of Edward Walder. Mention wife, Sousan Walder, daughters Ann Walton, eldest and Mary Walder, youngest. Dated 6 March 1693/94. Witnesses by Rowland Lawson Jr., George Kirckup and Thomas Danks. Probated 8 March 1698/99. |
John & Rowland
Dec 1694
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, page 153 and 154 – December Court 1694 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Jno. Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. Mr. Rowland Lawson is listed with 7 tithes. |
Joshua & Rowland
Dec 1695
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 3, 1686-1696, pages 166 and 167 – December Court 1695 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Joshua Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. Mr. Row. Lawson is listed with 7 tithes. |
Rowland Jr. & Rowland Sr.
Dec 1696
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 8 – December Court 1696 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowd. Lawson Junr. is listed with 3 tithes. Mr. Rowd. Lawson Senr. is listed with 8 tithes. |
Dec 1697
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 34 – December Court 1697, Mr. Rowland Lawson is listed with 8 tithes. |
11 May 1698
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1696-1702, page 40, 11 May 1698 – Present Mr. Robert Carter, Capt. Joseph Ball, Mr. Henry Fleet and Mr. Wm. Ball, Justices. Mr. Rowland Lawson being by his Excellency’s Commission appointed a Justice of Peace for this County and being by this Court by verture thereof cited to take ye oaths appointed per Act together with ye oath of a Justice and ye said Rowland accordingly appearing and alleging himself to be incapable by reason of his Lameness and other infirmities doth therefore refuse to take ye oaths but desires to be excused. |
3 Oct 1698
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 458 – Virginia, 3 October 1698. At thirty days eight of this my Bill of Exchange, my first and second of the same favor not paid, pay or raise to be paid unto Mr. Rowland Lawson on his order this sum of 6 pounds, fifteen shilling make good pay and place it to his Attorney of the ship Sarah. Sr. yd. Cory Huntle Sorc. Timothy Bailey. To John Buble Esq. and Comp. Worthshire in Bristol. Rowld. Lawson. At the instants of Mr. Rowld. Lawson the above bill of exchange was recorded the 8 July 1701. |
Rowland Jr. & Rowland Sr.
Dec 1698
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 51 – December Court 1698 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowd. Lawson Junr. is listed with 3 tithes. Mr. Rowd. Lawson Senr. Is listed with 8 tithes. |
Rowland Jr.
8 Mar 1698 /99
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Wills 1650-1759, Folder 1690-1699 – Will of Edward Walder, dated 6 March 1693/94. Probated 8 March 1698/99. Wit: Row Lawson Jr., George Kirchup and Thomas Dauks. |
8 Jun 1699
Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, Grant Book 2, page 302 – Rowland Lawson of Lancaster County, 24 acres in said County between mouth of Rappahannock and Mosquito Point Creek. Dated 8 June 1699. |
Dec 1699
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 93 – December Court 1699 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowd. Lawson is listed with 9 tithes. |
Dec 1700
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 128 – December Court 1700 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowd. Lawson is listed with 9 tithes. |
Rowland Sr.
28 Jun 1701
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills and etc., Book 2, 1654-1702, page 438 – Here are to whom it may concern that I do appoint Mr. Roland Lawson Sr. to answer the suit depending between John Kelly and me concerning the foreseeing and what the said Lawson, my Attorney do for me in that said I do allow as if I did it myself and witness my hand and seal. Signed and seal Daniel Howell. Witnesses Jno. Jerman and Robt. Mason. Recorded 28 July 1701. |
14 Jul 1701
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 140 – 14 July 1701 Court 1701 – At this Court James Haines Smith Esq. of ye County – a live will of Edw. Bainton, deceased confer indenture unto Henry Lawson for 715 lbs. of tobacco which is ordered to be forthwith paid with cash als. execute. |
Rowland & Henry
Dec 1701
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 153 – December Court 1701 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowd. Lawson is listed with 8 tithes. Henry Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. |
2 Mar 1701 /02
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 160 – 2 March 1701/02 Court had a list of militia officers. Henry Lawson listed as Lt. Drag. |
13 May 1702
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 4, 1696-1702, page 171 – 13 May 1702 Court. It appearing to this Court by the return of an attachment granted to Wm. Lawson by Capt. David Fox ____ ____ John McGee is indebted to ye said Lawson ye suit of 1400 lbs. of tobacco, 265 lbs. thereof being attached in the bonds of George Heale. Judgment is therefore granted for ye said tobacco for above ye said Lawson being his debt after open oath together with cost of suit. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
12 Oct 1702
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, page 41 – This indenture made ye 12 October 1702, between Robert Scholfield and the Parish of Christ Church in ye County of Lancaster and Robert Gibson of ye aforesaid Parish and County. The 100 acres land he sold was on a small creek, which issued out of Slaughter’s Creek near Rappahannock River. It was part of the 1,000 acres formerly taken up and patented by Epaphroditus Lawson as by the Patent thereof bearing date 22 May 1650 and was assigned over unto one Thomas Medstaid by one Robert Davis (Note: a name used by Robert Payne for 5 years. See Rappahannock County timeline, 22 February 1667/68.) and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir unto said Epaphroditus as by the records of Lancaster Court bearing date ye 11 September 1666 may appear and since by ye said Medstaid renewed in his own name as by the Paten thereof bearing date ye 26 April 1668, relacon being thereunto had may appear and by him, ye said Medstaid, to Elizabeth, his daughter, the now wife of Mr. Charles Lee, late of Northumberland County, Gentleman, deceased and by them ye said Charles Lee and Elizabeth his wife, sold unto Mr. Michall Griggs on 1 December 1684 and ye said Michall Griggs given by his Last Will & Testament unto his wife Ann, ye daughter of Robert and Elinr. Scholfield, late of this County, deceased and in case of her mortality to Robert Scholfield, the father of ye said Ann, whereby she, ye said Ann, dying the said Robert, ye father of ye said Ann, came by his right to ye said land… |
15 Oct 1702
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 6 – 15 October 1702 Court. Judgment is granted unto Wm. Lawson assignee of John Rankin against Wm. Man for 500 lbs. of tobacco due by bill payable to ye said Rankin and by him assigned to ye said Wm. Which is ordered to be forthwith paid with cost als. execute. |
Rowland & Henry
Dec 1702
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 12 – December Court 1702 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowland Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. Henry Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. |
14 Apr 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 30 – 14 April 1703 Court. Wm. Lawson having brought suit against Jno. Heale for ye sum of 7 pounds, 14 shilling Sterling ye defendant after several deliberate pleas, pleaded ye Geo. McGee for nil tobacco and whereupon a jury being impaneled to try ye case and having had open of whole matter for verdict do say we of ye jury whose names is under written do find for ye defendant. Jury was listed. Upon which verdict ye Court do order & ye plaintiff be ___ and pay cost als. execute. |
12 May 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 32 – 12 May 1703 Court. Will Howard _____ judgment to Wm. Lawson for ye sum of 2069 lbs. of tobacco which is ordered to be paid with cost als. execute. |
12 May 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 33 – 12 May 1703 Court. Wm. Lawson having brought suit to this Court against Elen Heale and not appearing to prosecute suit is therefore granted against him with cost als. execute.Same page. The account brought to this Court by Wm. Lawson against Jno. Hall is continued ye defendant praying and impa___.Same page. Judgment is granted unto Wm. Lawson against Jno. Hall security for ye appearance of Lactholemen Shepheard about ye suit of ye plaintiff for ye sum of (blank) tobacco to insure his appearance in Court. Same page. The account brought to this Court by Wm. Lawson against Joan Smith estate in her own marriage to Tho. Smith, decease is dismissed & confen. of ____. |
14 May 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 39 – 14 May 1703 Court. Judgment is granted unto Wm. Lawson against John Hall for ye sum of 4,452 lbs of tobacco appearing due upon case of a bill for 5,010 lbs. of tobacco which is ordered to be further paid with cost als. execute.Same page. The cond___ ____ Court against John Hall security for ye appearance of Lacheto. Shepheard at ye suit of common law for the suit of ____ is now dismissed ye all not appearing. |
16 Jun 1703
From the Prayer Book of Captain Thomas Carter of Barford, Lancaster County, VA. John Lawson married Kathe Carter on 16 June 1703. |
13 Oct 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, page 124 – Know all men by these presents that I William Lawson of the City of Bristoll, Merchant, have appointed Thomas White of the County of Lancaster and Parish of White Chapel in Virginia my true and lawful Attorney for me to demand and receive of all and every persons residing within the Colony of Virginia all such debts and sums of money as is owing or belonging to me by the said persons and upon now payment thereof to sue imprison and prosecute for ye same and upon such suit proceed to Judgment and execution and to execute all other reasonable thing whatsoever for discharging the same as needful to be done, giving my said Attorney my full and absolute power in the premises holding firm all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do whereunto I have here set my hand and my seal this 13 October 1703. Signed William Lawson. In presence of John Stott and Richard Wellch. |
Henry & Rowland
Dec 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 55 – December Court 1703 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Henry Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. Rowland Lawson is listed with 8 tithes. |
28 Dec 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 60 – 28 December 1703 Court. Wm. Lawson having brought a writ of fieri facias against Jno. Heale and was appearing to presence ____ therefore awarded against defendant cost als execute. |
28 Dec 1703
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 63 – 28 December 1703 Court. The account/debt/ Rowld Lawson and Henry Salfield is dismissed neither appearing. |
Mary, Epaphroditus, Catherine and John
5 Jan 1703 /04
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 8, 1690-1709, page 121 – Last Will and Testament of George Harward. I George Harward of the County of Lancaster in Christ Church Parish in Virginia being weak and very sick in body… Item – I give unto Epaphroditus Lawson my wife’s eldest son, one negro named Captain to be delivered unto him at the finishing of the crop after he the said Lawson shall arrive at the age of one and twenty years. Item – I give to Epaphroditus Lawson four head of cattle to say two steers of two years and one heifer of 3 years old, one cow, which said cattle is to be delivered with their increase if living unto the said Lawson when he shall attain the age of twenty one. Item – I give unto my sister, Horn, thirty shillings sterling money of England. Item – I give all the remainder of my Estate in Virginia or else where after my debts paid unto my wife, Mary and her son, John Lawson, Elizabeth Harward, Catherine Lawson, Francis Harward and Mary Harward, equally to be divided between my wife and five children. Item – I make and ordain my dear and loving wife, Mary, and my friend, William Lister, my full and whole and sole executors of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke and annul all form, Will or Wills whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affix my seal unto this present Last Will and Testament, the day and year first above written. Signed George Harward. In the presence of George Horn, Littisa Horn and John Coleman.No date of probate given, but same book, page 123, Inventory of George Harward, deceased was returned bearing date 14 June 1704. Mr. Henry Lawson’s owed his Estate 600 pounds of tobacco. Exhibit in Lancaster, August 1704 by Oath of Mary Harward, widow and relict of George Harward and admitted to record. |
14 Sep 1704
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 102 – 14 September 1704 Court. Wm. Lawson being returned none state inventory after ye suit of Charles Berhand attachment is therefore granted against his estate returnable to next Court. |
Rowland & Henry
Dec 1704
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 108 – December Court 1704 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Rowland Lawson is listed with 9 tithes. Henry Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. |
26 Jan 1705 /06
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 1701/02-1715, page 145, Bills of Exchange drawn on Merchants in England, 26 January 1705/06 – Exchange for 10 pounds. At twenty days sight of this my third of Exchange my first or second not paid pay or cause to be paid to Mr. Robert Hall or order the sum of ten pounds Sterling money it being for value received here. At Time make good payment and place it to ye account of your humble servant. Rowland Lawson ye Elder. To Capt. Anthony Gester, Merchant in London, Living in Rattcliffe Highway. |
14 Mar 1705 /06
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 117 – 14 March 1705/06 Court. The action brought to this Court by Wm. Lawson against Jno. Hall after prayer of the defendant imparlance is granted until next Court. |
14 Jun 1705
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 123 – 14 June 1705 Court. The action brought to this Court by Wm. Lawson against Jno. Hall is continue and imparlance granted the defendant. |
13 Jul 1705
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 129 – 13 July 1705 Court. Judgment is granted unto Wm. Lawson against Jno. Hall for the sum of 325 lbs. of 2,068 lbs. appearing to this Court to be fully due by bill and is ordered to be forthwith paid with cost als. execute. |
13 Jul 1705
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 130 – 13 July 1705 Court. The action brought to this Court by Henry Lawson against Elizabeth Dnack is dismissed neither appearing. |
13 Jul 1705
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 131 – 13 July 1705 Court. The action brought to this Court by Rowld. Lawson against Henry Salfield is dismissed neither appearing. |
12 Dec 1705
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 137 – 12 December 1705 Court. Judgment is granted to George Heale against ye estate of Wm. Lawson for 500 lbs of tobacco and 80 shillings being attached in the case of Thom Orice and justly proved by oath of ye complainant together with cost als. execute. |
Rowland, Epaphroditus & Henry
12 Dec 1705
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 138 – December Court 1705 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Mr. Rowd. Lawson is listed with 8 tithes. Epap. Lawson is listed with 6 tithes Henry Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. |
26 Jan 1705 /06
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, page 145 – Bills of Exchange drawn on Merchants in England, 26 January 1705/06 – Exchange for 10 pound. To Capt Anthony (? Gester) Merchant in London, living in Rattcliffe Highway. Sr.: At twenty days sight of this my third of Exchange, my first or second not paid, pay or cause to be paid to Mr. Robert Hall or order 10 pounds sterling money, it being for value received here, at time make good payment and place it to ye account of Your Humble Servant. Signed Rowd. Lawson. |
Rowland Jr.
20 Apr 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 1701/02-1715, page 146, Bills of Exchange drawn on Merchants in England, 20 April 1706 – Exchange of 28 pounds. 30 days sight…. Pay to Mr. Robert Hall. To Mr. Jno. Goodwin of London Merchant. Signed Rowland Lawson Jr. |
8 Jun 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, page 141 – Bills of Exchange drawn on Merchants in England, 8 June 1706 – Exchange for 14 pounds. To Arthur Baylie Esquire, Merchant in London. Sr.: At twenty days sight of this my third Bill of Exchange my first or second not paid, pay or cause to be paid to Mr. Henry Lawson or order the sum of 14 pounds sterling money for value received, here, at time make good payment and place it to ye account of Sr. Your Humble Servant. Signed John (his mark) Brown.Endorsed, Sir, Be pleased to pay ye contents of ye within mentioned bill to Mr. Robert Hall or order this being my order and you will oblige. Sir your Humble Servant Henry Lawson. |
Rowland & Rowland Jr.
20 Jun 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, page 141 – Bills of Exchange drawn on Merchants in England, 20 June 1706 – Exchange for 6 pound, 10 shillings. To Mr. Jno Goodwin Merchant in London. Sr.: At thirty days sight of this my third of Exchange , my first and second not paid, pay or cause to be paid to Mr. Robert Hall or order at time make good payment and place the same to account of Sr. Your Humble Servant. Signed Rowland Lawson.Same Deed Book, page 146. Bills of Exchange drawn on Merchants in England, 20 April 1706 – Exchange for 28 pounds. To Mr. Jno Goodwin Merchant in London. Sr.: At thirty days sight of this my third of Exchange , my first and second not paid, pay or cause to be paid to Mr. Robert Hall or order the sum of 28 pounds sterling money, it being for value received here, at time make good payment and place the same to account of Sr. Your Humble Servant. Signed Rowland (or Robert) Lawson Junr. |
Rowland Sr., Henry & Rowland
11 Sep 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 8, page 137, will dated 24 March 1704/05 – Will of Rowland Lawson. Bequeath to his son Henry Lawson one parcel of land in Christ Church Parish, Lancaster County beginning at the foot of Creeple Hill. Henry or his heirs could not sale or least the land for more than one year at a time, if he did not comply with this then the land went to his brother Rowland Lawson or his heirs. Rowland Lawson was appointed executor and to have sole management of Rowland Sr. affairs in England. His personal estate to be equally divided according to Law of the Country and his wife to have first choice and his children to have their choice as they are of age. Signed Rowland Lawson and seal. Wit: John Turberville, John Robertson and John Inman. Recorded 11 September 1706.Coats-of-Arms in Virginia: – Rowland Lawson’s will, Lancaster, 11 September 1706: a chevron between three martlets. Burke ascribes these arms to Lawson of Burgh Hall, Co. York, Bart; of Cramlington, Northumberland; and of Longhirst, Northumberland. |
Rowland Sr. & Rowland
11 Sep 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 154 – 11 September 1706 Court. Probate of the last will and testament of Rowland Lawson Sr. of this county, deceased is granted unto Rowland Lawson his son and executor in the said will mentioned and it is ordered that said Jno. Purberville and Capt. Henry Fleet do inventory and divide ye estate of ye said deceased according as by the said will is prescribed at some convenient time between this and the next Court and it is further ordered that a person if any there have any of ye estate of ye said deceased in their possession of what nature as quality doe ever they be do surrender the same to ye said executor and upon cash according to ye purpose of this order. |
Rowland & Epaphroditus
11 Sep 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, page 174 – This Indenture made 11 September 1706 between Robert Carter, Esquire of Lancaster County and the surviving Feoffee of the Town Land of the said County and Henry Fleet of the said County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Robert Carter for the sum of 200 pounds of good merchantable tobacco do sell to the said Henry Fleet… Signed Robert Carter. In presence of Rowd. Lawson, Epa. Lawson, Thomas Hooper and Sharshall Grasty. Memorandum, 11 September, that Seizin and Delivery was this day given by Robert Carter unto Henry Fleet by delivery of Turff and Twigg upon the said lot in presence of us Rowd. Lawson, Epa. Lawson, Thomas Hooper and Sharshall Grasty. |
11 Sep 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 155 – 11 September 1706 Court. At this Court Mr. Henry Lawson and Gabriel Thatcher were sworn in as constables of their precincts. |
Epaphroditus, Henry & Mrs. Lawson
Dec 1706
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 162 – December Court 1706 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Epap. Lawson is listed with 7 tithes Henry Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. Mrs. Lawson is listed with 7 tithes. |
11 Aug 1707
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, page 234 – Memorandum, 11 August 1707, This day Charles Cale put the said Rawleigh Chinn in possession of the lands within mentioned by the delivery of Turff and Twigg in the name of Livery & Seizin in the presence of Jos. Tayloe, Wm. Fox, Jno. Anderson and Alexander Lawson. Recognized in Current Commission Lancaster, 15 August 1707 and recorded.Same Deed Book, page 237. The above memorandum was repeated and same witnesses signed. However, this time it showed Alexander place an X for his signature. |
Epaphroditus & Henry
Dec 1707
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 179 – December Court 1707 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Epap. Lawson is listed with 6 tithes Hen. Lawson is listed with 9 tithes. |
Jan 1707 /08
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 171 – January 1707/08 Court. Thomas Hooper being arrested to this Court at the interest of Epaphroditus Lawson for the sum of 500 lbs of tobacco and cast and not appearing order is therefore granted unto the Sheriff upon whose just ____ is granted against the said Hooper returnable to next Court. |
11 Mar 1707 /08
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 186 – 11 March 1707/08 Court. The action brought to this Court by Epaphroditus Lawson against Thomas Hooper for 500 lbs tobacco is dismissed not appearing. |
11 Mar 1707 /08
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 187 – 11 March 1707/08 Court. Judgment is granted unto Robert Boyd against the estate of Wm. Lawson into hands of Thomas Ohire for 500 lbs. of tobacco appearing due by bill and proved and proved by oath of plaintiff which is order to be paid with cost als. execute. |
12 May 1708
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 188 – 12 May 1708 Court. Whereas it appears to this Court that John Brown late of this county stands in debt to Henry Lawson in ye sum of 16 pounds, 40 shilling and 4 pence cash and a probated bill of exchange/charge effect probate and damages included/and the said John Brown departing this county without satisfying the same ye said Henry Lawson obtained an attachment against ye horse of ye John Brown which said attachment as … |
14 Jul 1708
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 193 – 14 July 1708 Court. Thomas Hooper being arrested to this Court attachment and suit of Eppa. Lawson for 500 lbs of tobacco and not appearing order is therefore granted against Sheriff upon whose personal attachment is granted against said Thomas Hooper returnable to next Court. |
17 Jan 1708 /09
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 200 – 17 January 1708/09 Court. The action brought to this Court by Eppa. Lawson against Tho. Hooper is dismissed neither appearing. |
19 Jan 1708 /09
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 203 – 19 January 1708/09 Court. Ordered ye Mr. Rowld. Lawson clear a good road from ye head of Abissnock to ye Church according as ye Law directs. |
Rowland, Epaphroditus, Mrs. Mary Lawson & Henry
19 Jan 1708 /09
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 204 – 19 January 1708/09 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Mr. Rowld Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. Mr. Epap. Lawson is listed with 8 tithes. Mrs. Mary Lawson is listed with 2 tithes. Mr. Henry Lawson is listed with 9 tithes. |
10 Mar 1708 /09
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 209 – 10 March 1708/09. Whereas it appears to this Court by the oath of Henry Lawson as managing ye executor of Jno. Kelly, deceased who was security for the orphans of John Hale or Dale, deceased together with an inventory of ye said orphan’s estate that John Brown had at the time of his departure of this county 1,575 lbs of tobacco and 3 cows and 3 yearlings of ye said orphans estate in his hands where upon the said Henry obtained an attaching against ye estate of the said Brown which said attachment as appears by the returned there if was levied upon one stile in ye hands of Tobias Pursele (and a number of other items)… Judgment is therefore granted against ye goods so attached to satisfied the debt. |
12 Oct 1709
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, pages 225-227 – 12 October 1709. In a petition to the Justices in the Chancery, Robert Mason indicated he was a servant of Henry Lawson. Robert met Anne Williams who paid for his freedom for a sum of 1,200 lbs of tobacco and the two were married. Part, 600 lbs., was paid to Henry Lawson and Henry assigned the other 620 to John Fendley. If you believe the petition by Mason, his wife paid Fendley with an exchange of land and/or goods but after Anne Williams had died John Fendley took advantage of her death and file a petition to collect the 620 lbs of tobacco again. Robert Mason was appealing to the Justices for relief and wanted a Court case to prove his claim. |
Epaphroditus, Henry & Rowland
Dec 1709
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 231 – December 1709 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Epap. Lawson is listed with 8 tithes. Henry Lawson is listed with 9 tithes. Rowld Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. |
9 Feb 1709 /10
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 236 – 9 February 1709/10. The action between John Weathroe and Alexd. Lawson is dismissed, not appearing.There was a second entry on the same page with the exact same wording except Alexd. Lawson’s name was first and Weathroe was spelled Wheathroe. May have be a repeat? |
10 May 1710
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 17 – The nuncupative Will of William Heard, recorded 10 May 1710. Estate divided between his father and all his brothers and sisters. Witnesses Walter Pasquell, Thomas Lee and John Lawson. |
15 Jun 1710
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 243 – At Court held 15 June 1710, present, Col Wm. Ball, Mr. John Furbervile, Mr. Tho. Carter and Mr. Rowld Lawson.At this Court Richd. Chieless(?) and Rowld. Lawson Gentleman were sworn in as ye Commissioner of Peace.After this date he was usually shown as one of the Commissioner when Court was in session. I have not shown all of these for Book 5. |
Rowland & Mary
13 Dec 1710
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 255 – 17 December 1710 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Mr. Rowld Lawson is listed with 9 tithes. Mrs. Mary Lawson is listed with 3 tithes. |
9 May 1711
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 264 – 9 May 1711. Ordered made Henry Lawson to be surveyor of the highway from Capt. Fleets to the Church. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
12 Sep 1711
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 273 – 12 September 1711. The suit between Epa. Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife and Wm. Dymore is continued for answers.Same page, next entry. The suit between Epa. Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife and Mark Atkins is continued for answers. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
10 Oct 1711
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 274 – 10 October 1711. The suit between Epa. Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife and Wm. Dymore is continued due to defendant child being sick.Same page, next entry. The suit between Epa. Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife and Mark Atkins is continued for answers at the next Court. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
10 Oct 1711
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 275 – 12 December 1711. Just suit in Chancery enter Epa Lawson and Wm. Dymore the defendant coming into Court and delivering the papers to ye Court upon oath the said papers are ordered to be recorded and the suit dismissed and defendant paying cost.Same page, next entry. The suit between Epa. Lawson and Mark Atkins is continued ye defendant not appearing and ordered that attachment be granted against him returnable to next Court. |
Mary & Rowland
13 Feb 1711 /12
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 277 – 13 February 1711/12. At this Court Capt. Henry Fleet, Attorney of Mrs. Mary Lawson acknowledged a recap of Dower to Mr. Rowld. Lawson ordered to be recorded. |
Epaphroditus, Henry, John’s estate & Rowland
13 Feb 1711 /12
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 278 – 13 February 1711/12 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Epap. Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. Henry Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. For John Lawson listed with 6 tithes. Rowld Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
13 Aug 1712
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 290 – 13 August 1712. The suit between Eppa. Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife, plaintiff and Mark Atkins, defendant is referred to an audit before Mr. Jno. Farbervile and Mr. Tho. Carter at ye house of Mr. Wm. Dymes on Monday the 25 August and it is requested that Joseph Taylor give notice thereof to ye defendant. |
Henry & Epaphroditus
13 Aug 1712
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 290 – 13 August 1712. Henry Lawson and Epa. Lawson were members of a jury for Jno. Obedience. |
Henry, Rowland & John
8 Sep 1712
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, Page 387 – This indenture made ye 8 September 1712 between Rowland Lawson of ye Parish of Christ Church in ye County of Lancaster of one part and Henry Lawson of ye said Parish and County of ye other part; Wittnesseth that ye said Rowland Lawson for the sum of 5 shillings of lawful money of England hath sold unto the said Henry Lawson his heirs and assignees all that piece of land beginning at a corner re Oak standing in an old line and near the head of a valley that makes out from Rappahannock River known by the name of Ye Horse Valley, thence by a line of marked trees North sixty degrees East to a stake near a marked red Oak eighty poles, thence North twenty… the said parcel of land containing 50 acres situated in ye Parish of Christ Church and County of Lancaster and at ye head of a dividend of land where ye said Rowland Lawson now lives, bounded as above with all houses, orchards, fences, woods, water courses and every part and parcel thereof. To have and to hold the said piece of land with the premises unto the said Henry Lawson… In witness whereof the parties first above named hereunto interchangeable set their hands and affixed their seals ye day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Walter Heard, Wm. Sydner and John Lawson. Signed Rowland Lawson and Henry Lawson. |
Rowland & Henry
9 Sep 1712
Lancaster County, VA, Deed Book 9, 1701-1715, Pages 388 and 389 – This Indenture made 9 September 1712 between Rowld. Lawson and Jane his wife of the Parish of Christ Church in County of Lancaster of the one part and Henry Lawson of the same Parish and County of the other part. Wittnesseth that Rowland Lawson and Jane his wife for the sum of 25 pounds current money of England to them paid hath sold unto the said Henry Lawson (in his actual possession now being by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made for one whole year and by force of the Statute for transferring uses into possession) and to his heirs forever, all that parcel of land containing 50 acres now in the tenor and occupation of ye said Henry Lawson, the said parcel of land being part of a dividend of land formerly belonging to my father, with all rights and appurtenances to the said parcel of land belonging, to have and hold unto the said Henry Lawson, his heirs and assignees forever at all times hereafter free from any other trouble or claims from any other persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the above mentioned parties have set their hands and affixed their seals ye day and year first above written. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Walter Heard, Wm. Sydner and John Lawson. Signed Rowland Lawson and Jean (Jane) Lawson. Recognized in Current Commission Lancaster, 10 September 1712, et recorded.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 290 – 10 September 1712. At this Court Mr. Rowld Lawson passed his deed to his brother Henry Lawson for 50 acres of land. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
10 Sep 1712
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 291 – 10 September 1712. The suit between Epa. Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife against Mark Atkins continued due to auditors forgetting to bring the audit to this Court. |
Henry & Epaphroditus
Dec 1712
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 296 – December 1712 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Henry Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. Epa. Lawson is listed with 5 tithes. Also on page 296, Henry Lawson was shown receiving 296 lbs from Public Levie. |
Henry & Epaphroditus
16 Feb 1712 /13
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, pages 113-115 – Appraisal and Inventory of William Heard, deceased. Total value was 90 pounds, 15 shillings and 9 pence. Signed Edward (his mark) Gibson, Henry Lawson, Robert Gibson and Epaphroditus. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
12 Mar 1712 /13
Lancaster County, Order Book 5, 1702-1713, page 300 – Whereas Epaphroditus Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife brought a suit in Chancery to this Court against Mark Atkins, who married Eliz, the executrix of Nichols Dymore, deceased for a legacy left to the said Elizabeth, the daughter of the said Dymore by the last will and testament of the said Nichos Dymore… this Court do therefore consider and accordingly do order and decree that the said Mark Atkins do forthwith pay to the said Epa Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife the sum of twenty six pounds Sterling… |
18 May 1713
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 13 – Whereas Wm. Fox brought a Bill in Chancery to the Court against Rowld. Lawson and therein said first that John Goodsin of London, Merchant is indebted to him the sum of 74 pounds, 10 shilling and 5 pence… case dismissed by mercy of the Plaintiff. |
Henry, Rowland & Epaphroditus
13 Jan 1713 /14
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, pages 33 & 24 – 13 January 1713/14 had a list of tithes for Christ Church Parish. Henry Lawson is listed with 4 tithes. Mr. Rowld. Lawson is listed with 8 tithes Epa. Lawson is listed with 6 tithes. |
Rowland & Jean (Jane)
3 Mar 1713 /14
Abstracts from Records of Richmond County, VA: Will Book No. 3; Wm. And Mary Qrtly., Vol.17-3, transcribed by Kathy Merrill for the USGenWeb Archives Special Collections Project. Page 178, Glasscock, Anne. Will dated 6 February 1714 /3 and recorded March, 1713/14. Grandson John Tarpley and his father, Captain John Tarpley; grandson Anthony Sydnor; son George Glasscock; son-in-law Charles Barber, son-in-law Rowland Lawson; daughters Jean Lawson, Frances Barber, daughter Anne Tarpley, daughter Mary Hipkins, grandson George Glasscock. |
5 Mar 1713 /14
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Deeds 1661-1739, Folder 1710-1719 – Deed, 5 March 1713/14 – Elizabeth Weeb to Christifoe Kirk Jr. Wit: John Stepto, Epa Lawson and John Wrenn. |
11 Aug 1714
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 63, 11 August Court 1714 – Judgment is granted unto John Whitlock against Epa. Lawson for 7 pounds 4 shillings and 6 pence and Capt. Harry Bevealy for the said Whitlock acknowledged before this Court said the continues of said Judgment of the Defendant… |
Henry, Rowland & Epaphroditus
10 Nov 1714
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 79 – At a Court held for Lancaster County, 10 November 1714, Rowland Lawson presented his list of tithes for the Christ Church Parish. Epa. Lawson paid 7 tithes. Henry Lawson paid 7 tithes. Mr. Rowland Lawson paid 8 tithes. |
11 May 1715
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 98, 11 May Court 1715 – At this Court Henry Lawson is admitted Guardian unto Blanch Keby, John Wale. |
6 Dec 1714
Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, Grant Book E, page 99 – John Turberville of Lancaster County obtained warrant from Col. Carter, 10 July 1706. Mr. John Robertson to survey 25 acres marsh in said county, adjacent Mr. Rowland Lawson and Broken Island Creek, Rappahannock River. Warrant renewed by Col. Thomas Lee, agent, 6 December 1714. 160 acres grant to Maj. George Turberville of Westmoreland County, son of John, on Mosquito Point. Survey by Mr. James Thomas, 12 July 1739. |
Henry, Rowland & Epaphroditus
14 Dec 1715
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, pages 117 & 118 – At a Court held for Lancaster County, 14 December 1715, Rowland Lawson presented his list of tithes for the Christ Church Parish. Epa. Lawson paid 7 tithes. Henry Lawson paid 6 tithes. Mr. Rowland Lawson paid 9 tithes. |
11 Apr 1716
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 134, 11 April Court 1716 – Upon the Petition of Mr. Epa. Lawson against Henry head for stopping Epa’s cast way to his house. It is ordered that Mr. George Flower, Mr. Edmd. Gibson & Mr. Wm Martin or anyone three of them doe view if said road and if there be opinion of removing the road doe if is be not to remote and if a cast way pass without more then ordinary difficulty to move over said road at least 10 feet wide, to continue the road that has already been at the direction and make their report to the next Court under their hand or at ye cost of ye Defendant. |
Henry, Rowland & Epaphroditus
14 Nov 1716
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 168 – At a Court held for Lancaster County, 14 November 1716, Rowland Lawson presented his list of tithes for the Christ Church Parish. Epa. Lawson paid 7 tithes. Henry Lawson paid 7 tithes. Rowland Lawson paid 8 tithes. |
Rowland, Rowland, Jane, Sarah, Joanna, Elizabeth, Thomas, John, Anthony, Rowland, Henry & Epaphroditus
9 Jan 1716 /17
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 189, will dated 9 January 1716/17 – Will of Rowland Lawson of the parish of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster. Gave to his son Rowland Lawson his still and gun, but it was his desire that if his wife, Jane Lawson should have such a property in the still as to distill what liquors she hath of her own. Bequeath to his son Rowland one eight of the estate and all the lands tenements and hereditaments to Rowland and his male heirs and if he had none then to his two sons John and Anthony Lawson and their male heirs to be equally divided and if they had no males then to his son Thomas Lawson and his male heirs. Gave to his wife a full third part of his houses and plantations where he lived during her natural life and the rents of the 3 plantations for 7 years to be used for the education of his youngest sons John and Anthony. Gave to his sons: Thomas, Anthony and John one eight part of estate to be paid at age of eighteen years. Gave to his daughters: Sarah, Joanna and Eliza one eight part of his estate to be paid at age of 16 years or day of marriage (except Sarah who would received it at 21 years or marriage). Gave to his loving wife, Jane Lawson the other eight part of his estate, which with the rest before mentioned I design to be in full for the right of Dower, which she shall or may pretend to any part of my estate. Gave to Rowland Lawson the son of Henry Lawson one young cow to be paid him at ye age of eighteen years. Appoint his loving wife, his son Rowland Lawson and his brother Charles Barber to be sole executors of his last will. Signed and affixed his seal to the will 23 November 1716. Signed Rowland Lawson and seal. Witnesses: John Turberville, Epa. Lawson and Wm. Sydnor.Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 176, 9 January Court 1716/17 – The last will and testament of Rowland Lawson late of this County. Deceased being presented to this Court by Mrs. Jane Lawson one of the Executors therein mentioned who having made Oath according to ye Law in that case made and proved. And the said last will and testament being proved by ye oaths of John Turberville, Epaphroditus Lawson and Wm. Sydnor. Witnesses thereto and is order to be recorded. And on the motion of the said Jane Lawson and she is granted a certificate for obtaining probate. |
Jane & Rowland
13 Mar 1716 /17
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 180, 13 March Court 1716/17 – At this Court Mrs. Jane Lawson, one of the Executors of Mr. Rowland, deceased returned an Inventory of the said deceased’s estate, upon Oath it is ordered to be recorded. |
Henry & Mary
8 May 1717
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Wills 1650-1759, Folder 1710-1719 – Will of Richard Brown, dated 8 March 1716/17 and probated 8 May 1717. Wit: Rich Chichester and Henry Lawson. The Reverend Mr. John Bell (Ball?) present.Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 213 – Richard Brown’s will recorded 8 May 1717. Presented by William Cary, the principal legatee, but proved by Richard Chichester and Mary Lawson. |
Jane, Henry & Epaphroditus
11 Dec 1717
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 222 – At a Court held for Lancaster County, 11 December 1717, the following tithes were presented for the Christ Church Parish. Mrs. Jane Lawson paid 8 tithes. Epa. Lawson paid 7 tithes. Henry Lawson paid 8 tithes. |
2 Feb 1717 /18
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 228, 12 February Court 1717/18 – Judgment is granted unto Henry Lawson against John Wright Carpenter. Wright, his ____ for the sum pf 500 pounds of tobacco & is order to be paid with cost. |
2 Feb 1717 /18
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 229, 12 February Court 1717/18 – At this Court Mrs. Jane Lawson one of Assessors of ye goods and chattel of Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgekin late deceased… whole accounting to be the sum of 14 pounds, 15 shilling and 10 1/2 pence and made Oath thereto and at her motion it is proved that the return in her own hands to make ye ____ Estate as shall be ___ to pay her said account and her costs. |
Jane & Epaphroditus
3 Apr 1718
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 234, 3 April Court 1718 – Judgment is granted unto Epaphroditus Lawson against John Turberville and Jane Lawson, administrators of goods and chattel of Christopher Hodgkinton deceased for the sum of 64 pounds, 10 shillings to be paid from the estate. |
3 Apr 1718
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 236, 3 April Court 1718 – A Judgment was granted to Henry Lawson against John Shaw in Court.Same page and Court – A Judgment was granted to Henry Lawson against John Kilgore. |
Catherine & Jane
3 Apr 1718
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 238, 3 April Court 1718 – A Judgment was granted to Catherine Lawson against John Turberville and Jane Lawson in Court. |
Rowland & Jane
10 Oct 1718
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 275 – Inventory of Rowland Lawson, presented by Charles Barber and Jane Lawson, Executors. Recorded 10 October 1718. |
Jane, Henry & Epaphroditus
12 Nov 1718
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, page 258 – At a Court held for Lancaster County, 12 November 1718, the following tithes were presented for the Christ Church Parish. Mrs. Jane Lawson paid 8 tithes. Epa. Lawson paid 7 tithes. Henry Lawson paid 8 tithes. |
10 Jun 1719
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 306 – Inventory of Christopher Hodgkin, dated 10 June 1719 and recorded 14 September 1720. Presented by Mr. John Turbeville and Mrs. Jane Lawson. |
Jane, Henry, Epaphroditus & John
Dec 1719
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, pages 302 & 303 – At a Court held for Lancaster County, December 1719, the following tithes were presented for the Christ Church Parish. Mrs. Jane Lawson paid 10 tithes. Mr. Epa. Lawson paid 8 tithes. Mr. Henry Lawson paid 7 tithes. In White Chappell Parish John Lawson paid 1 tithe |
10 Jul 1720
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 6, 1713-21, page 321, 10 July Court 1720 – Mr. James Ball, Mr. John Swan and Mr. Epa Lawson appeared according to order and severally took ye oaths appointed by Act of Parliament instead of ye Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. The Oath appointed to be taken by an Act of Parliament… to be taken by Justices of ye peace and then took their places on ye Bench accordingly. |
Henry & Mary
12 Sep 1720
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, etc., 1714-1728, page 162 – Know all men by these presents that we Henry Lawson and Mary Lawson both of the parish of Christ Church in ye County of Lancaster as well for and in consideration of ye natural love and affection which we have and bear unto John Kelly, son of ye aforesaid May Lawson as for divers other good… do give and grant unto ye said John Kelley all that piece, parcel and tract of Land situate and lying in ye parish and county aforesaid containing by estimate 125 acres of land… part of a parcel of land heretofore given and granted unto ye said Mary Lawson, then Mary Kelly by a certain Thomas Baker and Elizabeth his wife who was ye mother of ye said Mary Lawson…. Beginning at a marked pine on ye head of ye Col. Spring cove from thence running up ye branch of ye said Cove the several courses thereof cross ye main road to a marked gum at ye lower end of ye long lane from thence along a line of marked trees westerly to ye upper end of ye afore mentioned 250 acres of land…. Unto ye said John Kelley and to ye male heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue then unto Rowland Lawson, son of ye aforesaid Henry Lawson and Mary Lawson and to ye heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue then unto Henry Lawson, son of ye aforesaid Henry Lawson and Mary Lawson and to ye heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue then to ye right heirs of ye said Henry and Mary Lawson parties to the said presents forever. In witness whereof we ye said Henry and Mary Lawson to these presents have set our hands and affixed our seals this 12 September 1720. Henry Lawson and Mary Lawson ye seals. Wit: Wm. Dare, Thomas Carter and George Wale.John Kelly took possession 13 September 1720. At a Court held for Lancaster County 14 September 1720, Mary Lawson was first privately examined. Ordered to be recorded 17 September 1720. |
Henry, Mary & Epaphroditus
12 Sep 1720
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds, etc., 1714-1728, page 163 – This Indenture made this twelfth day of September 1720 between Henry Lawson and Mary, his wife of ye parish of Christ Church in ye County of Lancaster and Epaphroditus Lawson. Wittnesseth that ye said Henry Lawson and Mary, his wife in consideration of ye sum of five shillings paid by ye said Epa Lawson…. Do grant and confirm unto ye said Epa Lawson and his heirs all that piece, parcel and tract of land situate and lying in ye parish and county aforesaid containing by estimate 125 acres of land and is ye upper half part of moiety of a parcel of Land hereto fore given and granted unto ye said Mary Lawson party to these presents, then Mary Kelly by a certain Thomas Baker and Elizabeth, his wife who was ye mother of ye aforesaid Mary Lawson… To have and to hold ye said piece, parcel and tract of land and premises with their apparts and every part and parcel thereof unto ye said Epaphroditus Lawson and his heirs to ye uses intents and purposes…. That is to say as touching ye lands and premises to ye use and behalf of ye said Mary Lawson and her assignees during her natural life and after ye decease of ye said Mary Lawson to ye use and behalf of Rowland Lawson son of ye said Henry and Mary Lawson and to ye male heirs of such issue then to John Kelly son of ye said Mary Lawson by her former husband and to ye heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue then to ye use and behalf of Henry Lawson son of ye said Henry and Mary Lawson and to ye heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue then to ye use and behalf of ye right heirs of ye said Henry and Mary Lawson parties to these presents forever… Signed Henry Lawson and Mary Lawson and their seals. Wit: Wm. Dare, Thomas Carter and George Wale.Epa Lawson took possession 13 September 1720. At a Court held for Lancaster County 14 September 1720, Mary Lawson was first privately examined. Ordered to be recorded 17 September. |
Jane, Henry, Epaphroditus & John
Jan 1720 /21
Lancaster County, Order Book 6, 1713-1721, pages 334 & 336 – At a Court held for Lancaster County, January 1720/21, the following tithes were presented for the Christ Church Parish. Mrs. Jane Lawson paid 9 tithes. Mr. Epa. Lawson paid 9 tithes. Mr. Henry Lawson paid 8 tithes. In White Chappell Parish John Lawson paid 1 tithe |
9 Aug 1721
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 1, 9 August Court 1721 – Arimdera, a negro girl belonging to Epaphroditus Lawson, Gentleman, is by the Court adjudged to be 11 years of age. |
9 Aug 1721
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 4, 9 August Court 1721 – Epa. Lawson is shown as one of the Justice for this Court. |
9 Aug 1721
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 4, 9 August Court 1721 – The action upon the case between Mary Piercifull, Executrix of Thomas Piercifull, deceased, Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Defendant – At the motion of the said Plaintiff, is returned until the next Court but she is to pay the costs of this day tho she recover. |
11 Oct 1721
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 10, 11 October 1721 – The attachment obtained by Jane Lawson against the estate of William Kilby and returned on a platt (plate?) in the said Jane’s hands is discontinued the said Jane Failing to prosecute the same. |
Jean (Jane?)
3 Jan 1721 /22
Abstracts from Wills of Richmond County, Virginia: Will Book No. 4 1717-1725, page 196 – Will of Mary Carpenter, Farnham Parish, dated 22 December 1721 and probated 3 January 1721/22. Legatees Frances Barber, Jean Lawson, Elizabeth Barber, daughter of Charles Barber, Mary Barber, Anne Barber, daughter of Charles Barber, Thomas Barber, son of Charles, Charles, son of Charles Barber, Alice, daughter of Mr. Thomas Griffin; brother Thomas Glasscock; John Glasscock, son to Thomas Glasscock; Thomas son to Thomas; Capt. William Woodbridge, Samuel Hipkins; John Tarpley, Jun., John Tarpley, Sen., Winifred Griffin, daughter to Thos. Griffin and her sister Alice Griffin; Anne Tarpley, wife of John Tarpley; Million Glasscock, Elizabeth Downman; all land in Lancaster County to Anne the wife of Col. John Tarpley; Jean Lawson, Anne Tarpley, wife to John, Sarah daughter to Thomas Glasscock. Residue to John Tarpley, Sen., and John Tarpley, Jun. Executor: John Tarpley Sr. and John Tarpley Jr. Wits: Alexander Matson, John Brown, (Hanner Kellie) (Note: Mary Carpenter may have been the wife of Thomas Carpenter whose will was record 10 July 1728 in Lancaster County, WLC, page 35.) |
14 Feb 1721 /22
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 27, 14 February 1721/22 – In an Action upon the case between Mary Piercifull, Executrix of Thomas Piercifull, decease, Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Defendant – The parties having waved the issue in the cause on the Country agreed to be tried by the Court and the account upon which this suit is brought appearing to be for the Testators plastering the great house, dwelling house kitchen and dairy belonging to the Plaintiff. It is ordered that Robert Gibson and William Martin view the said work and report what in their opinion the same may be worth in tobacco to the next Court. |
Epaphroditus, John & Catherine
12 Dec 1722
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 408, will dated 2 November 1721 – Will of Epa Lawson. His will was that his whole estate be inventoried and appraised as soon as possible after his decease and equally divided between his children as they come of age. Gave to his loving brother John Lawson, his best suit of wearing clothes. Bequeath to his kinsman, Fortunatus Sydnor his riding horse and saddle. Want his sons at age to take their estates into their own possession at 19 and his daughter at 16 or day of marriage. Gave to his daughter one young mare with all her increase and 3 pound current money if not done before his death. Gave his sister Catherine Lawson, while she remained with his children and took care of them 800 lbs of tobacco yearly. Appointed his kinsman, Fortunatus Sydnor executor. Signed Epaphroditus Lawson. Wit: Joseph (X) Cooper and Hugh (X) Kelley. Recorded 12 December 1722.Same book, pages 410-414. In obedience of an order of Court dated 12 December 1722, we the subscriber being appointed in the said order have according appraised the Estate of Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased as follows – Had a very large Estate with 13 slaves. Signed Henry Fleet, Thomas Lee, Henry Fleet Jr. and Robert Gibson. Recorded in Lancaster County 9 January 1722/23. |
Epaphroditus & William
12 Dec 1722
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 75, 12 December 1722 – The last Will and testament of Epaphroditus Lawson, Gentleman, deceased was presented in Court by William Martin one of the trustees therein named who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of Joseph Cooper and Hugh Kelley, witnesses thereto is admitted to record and on the motion of the said William Martin for that Fortunatus Sydnor the Executor named in the said Will is dead and William Lawson eldest son of the said Testator is under age and not able to give Security for ye Executorships of the said will according to the tenor thereof, the said William Martin perforating what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate there of during the minority of the said William Lawson in due form. |
Catherine, John, Epaphroditus, Judith, Elizabeth & Epaphroditus Jr.
9 Jan 1722 /23
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 415, will dated 25 January 1721/22 – Will of Catherine Lawson. Bequeath to her brother John Lawson during his life one Negro man called Dick and after John’s death the Negro man was to go to her brother Epa Lawson’s youngest son. Bequeath to Judith Lawson, daughter of her brother Epa Lawson and her heirs one Negro girl called Sarah. Bequeath to Eliza Lawson, daughter of her brother John Lawson and her heirs a Negro girl called Violet. Bequeath to Epa Lawson, son of her brother Epa Lawson and his heirs one Negro boy called George. The remaining part of her estate to be equally divided between her brother Epa Lawson and brother John Lawson’s daughters that are now in being. Executors: Brothers Epa and John Lawson. Signed Katherine Lawson with seal. Wit: John Turberville and Fortunatus Sydnor. Recorded 9 January 1722/23.Same book, pages 420-422. Lancaster County, In obedience to an order of Court dated 9 January 1722/23, we the subscribers being first sworn have appraised the Estate of Miss Catherine Lawson, deceased as follows – Total value of Estate was 114 pounds, 16 shillings and 1 1/2 pence. Signed Abraham Currell, Robert Gibson and William Martin. In a Court 13 February 1722/23 was returned by John Lawson, Executor and recorded. |
Catherine & John
9 Jan 1722 /23
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 78, 9 January 1722/23 – The last Will and Testament of Catherine Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by John Lawson one of ye Executors therein named who made oath thereto and being proved by ye oath of John Turberville a witness thereto is admitted to record and on ye motion of ye said Executor and his performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.Same page and Court – Ordered that William Martin, Robert Gibson, Abraham Currell and William Brent or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of Peace for this County meet and appraise ye Estate of Catherine Lawson, decease in money and make a return of their proceeding to ye next Court and that John Lawson, Executor of ye last Will and Testament of the said Catherine do then appear and make oath to ye Inventory of ye said estate. |
9 Jan 1722 /23
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 80, 9 January 1722/23 – The appraisement of ye Estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, Gentleman, deceased was this day returned and William Martin, Executor of his last Will and Testament made oath thereto according to his subscription on the Inventory and ye said Inventory and appraisement was by ye Court ordered to be recorded and it is considered that ye said Executor be acquit from giving Security for his Executorships according to ye order of ye last Court.Same page and Court – Hugh Brent one of the trustees named in ye last Will and Testament of Epaphroditus Lawson, Gentleman, deceased came into Court and took the oath of an Executor of the said Will whereupon it is ordered that ye said Hugh be joined with William Martin the other trustee in ye probate of ye said Will. |
Catherine & John
13 Feb 1722 /23
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 83, 13 February 1722/23 – The appraisement of the Estate. Catherine Lawson, deceased was this day returned by John Lawson her Executor who made oath thereto according to his subscription on ye Inventory. The Inventory and appraisement was by ye Court ordered to be recorded. |
Catherine & John
13 Feb 1722 /23
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 84, 13 February 1722/23 – On ye petition of Mary Harwood against John Lawson, Executor of Catherine Lawson, deceased for 10 pounds current money for ye said Petitioner’s care of ye said Catherine in her sickness being 7 months, ye said Executor being heard. It is considered that ye said Petitioner recover against him ye aforesaid 10 pounds of ye Estate of ye said Catherine in his hands with costs.Same page and Court – On a petition of Thomas Thornton against John Lawson, Executor of Catherine Lawson, deceased for 1,000 pounds of tobacco due from ye said deceased in her life time by account ye said Executor being heard, judgment is granted to ye Petitioner for ye said tobacco of ye Estate of ye said deceased in ye hands of ye said Executor. |
14 Jan 1724 /25
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 168, 14 January 1724/25 – The action of Debt between Henry Lawson, Plaintiff and Peter Shelton, gunsmith, Defendant is dismissed. |
14 Sep 1726
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 7, 1721-29, page 218, 14 September 1726 – The last Will and Testament of Rowland Lawson, Gentleman, deceased was probated in Court by Charles Barbar, Gentleman, one of the Executor therein named who made oath thereto and the same having been duly proved at a Court held for this County on the 9th day of January 1716 and admitted to record on the motion of the said Charles Barbar and his performing what is usual in such cases, Certificates granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. (Note: not sure why this was done again so many years later?) |
1 Apr 1727
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 10, page 547 – Will of Rowland Horne, dated 1 April 1727 and recorded 12 April 1727. Legatees: Henry Horne and Robert Biscoe, who also were Executors. Witnesses Samuel Ball and Henry Lawson. |
12 Apr 1727
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Wills 1650-1759, Folder 1710-1719 – Will of Rowland Horne, dated 1 April 1727, probated 12 April 1727. Bequeaths to my friend Robert Biscoe and my loving brother Henry Horne. Wit: Samuel Ball and Henry Lawson. |
Elizabeth, Henry & Henry Jr.
31 May 1727
Elizabeth Lawson, daughter of Henry Lawson and Robert Biscoe were married 31 May 1727 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Robert Biscoe and Thomas Edwards of Lancaster County put up a fifty pounds bond 29 May 1727 for the marriage of Robert Biscoe and Elizabeth Lawson. The bond was witness by John Steptoe Jr. and signed by Robert Biscoe and Thomas Edwards. Henry Lawson, of Lancaster County gave his consent 31 May 1727. His consent was witness by John Steptoe Jr. and Henry Lawson Jr. |
Joanna & Jean
10 Jun 1727 |
Joanna Lawson and John Steptoe were married 10 June 1727 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Daughter of Jean Lawson, consent Jean Lawson. |
9 Mar 1730
Judith Lawson and Francis Timberlake were married 9 March 1730 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety Hugh Brent. |
13 May 1730
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 12, 13 May Court 1730 – On the motion of Henry Lawson, leave is given him to fit draw bars or great gates for wheel carriages and small gates for passengers on the main road which leads through his plantation from the White Stone to Major Fleet. But by his own content they are to remain no longer than his tobacco shall be growing on his said plantation. |
11 Nov 1730
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 23, 11 November Court 1730 – On ye Petition to Henry Lawson for leave to turn the main road through his plantation from Christ Church to Capt. Fleets. Thomas Lee, Nicholas Martin and William _____ are appointed to review the place where the said Lawson would turn the said road and report their opinion of the Commission thereof to the next Court. |
Mary & John
12 Oct 1731
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 12, page 207 – Deed, Mary Harward, widow of George Harward – unto my well beloved grandchildren George and William Currell (sons of Jacob Currell, deceased) one negro woman named Bess and her child Winney and their increase, etc. For want of issue by my grandchildren, then to my son John Lawson of the County of Richmond. 12 October 1731. Wit: Robert Bisco and Isaac Currell. |
13 Oct 1731
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 45, 13 October Court 1731 – On the petition of Epaphroditus Lawson orphan of Epaphroditus Lawson, Gentleman, deceased praying to be possessed as the Estate of his said father, he being of said age ____ ____ him to issue or according to will of his father which is in the hand of Hugh Brent, Gentleman and William Martin Executors of his said father’s will as in said petition is ___ ____ it is ordered that the said Executors deliverunto the said petition his Estate of the said Epaphroditus Lawson, dececased in their hands and that the Epaphroditus and William Stepto Jr., security enter into bond to this Court for the payment of said Legacy. |
9 Dec 1731
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 50b, 9 December Court 1731 – Epaphroditus Lawson orphan son of Epaphroditus, Gentleman, deceased and William Stepto came into Court and acknowledge their bond to the _____ his majesty justices for this County for 600 pounds current money which was ordered to be recorded and the further proceeding on his petition preferred by the said Epaphroditus against Hugh Brent, Gentleman and William Martin Executors of the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased Epaphroditus is dismissed. |
Thomas & Epaphroditus
13 Jun 1733
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 87, 13 June Court 1733 – The suit between Thomas Lawson, Plaintiff and Epaphroditus, Defendant, neither party appearing is dismissed.Next entry on page. The suit between Epaphroditus Lawson, Plaintiff and Andrew Donaldson, Defendant for 896 pounds of tobacco due by bill is dismissed.Next entry on page. The suit between Epaphroditus Lawson, Plaintiff and William Scofield, Defendant by petition for 224 pounds of tobacco due by bill, the said Defendant not appearing and the said Plaintiff making oath to the truth of his claim, Judgment is granted him against said Defendant for the said 224 pounds of tobacco and costs. |
10 Sep 1733
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 93, 10 September Court 1733 – On the Complaint of Elizabeth Mitchell against Epaphroditus Lawson for wages. It is order that the said Epaphroditus Lawson be summoned to the next Court to answer the said Complaint. |
10 Oct 1733
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 95, 10 October Court 1733 – The order of the last Court for summoning Epaphroditus Lawson to answer the Complaint of Elizabeth Mitchell, not being performed. It is ordered that the said Epaphroditus be summoned to the next Court to answered the said Complaint. |
9 Jan 1733 /34
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 100, 9 January Court 1733/34 – On the case of Elizabeth Mitchell, Plaintiff and Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant, the said Plaintiff failed to appear. Found for the Defendant and Plaintiff to pay cost. |
Thomas & Rowland
19 Feb 1733 /34
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 12, pages 290-292 – This Indenture made 19 February 1733/34 between Thomas Lawson of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster, Gentleman and George Turberville of the County of Westmoreland, Gentleman for and in consideration of the sum of 21 pounds current money of Virginia do hereby has granted, bargain and sold unto the said George Turberville and his heirs 24 acres of land situated near ye mouth of Rappahannock River between the said River and Mosquito Point Creek in the said County of Lancaster beginning at the north point of an Island at a cedar upon the creek side thence running along the said creek south 35 degrees west 80 poles… which land was formerly granted unto Rowland Lawson, grandfather of the said Thomas Lawson party to these presents by patent from the proprietors office bearing date 8 June 1699 and is defended unto and become ye proper inheritance of the said Thomas Lawson as grandson and heir at law of the said Rowland Lawson the patentee aforesaid and all houses, out houses… In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed Thomas Lawson. Witnesses Nicholas Martin, John Stepto Jr., Hugh Kelley and William Williams. At a Court held for Lancaster County 13 march 1733/34 Thomas Lawson, Gentleman acknowledged this his deed to George Turberville, Gentleman, which was admitted to record and is recorded. |
Thomas , Rowland & Joanna
11 Mar 1733 /34
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 12, pages 230-321 – This Indenture made 11 March 1733/34 between Thomas Lawson of the Parish of Christ Church and County of Lancaster and John Stepto of the said Parish of Christ Church and County of Lancaster witnessed that whereas a certain Rowland Lawson late of ye said Parish and County of Lancaster, deceased had granted unto him by patent a certain tract of land lying and being on Mosquito Creek near the mouth of Rappahannock River in the County of Lancaster aforesaid containing by estimation 1,000 acres and the said Rowland by his Will and Testament gave part of the aforesaid tract of land unto a certain Rowland Lawson, his son and the aforesaid Rowland Lawson the younger by his last Will and Testament gave his part of the aforesaid tract of land unto Thomas Lawson his son, relation thereunto being had among the records of Lancaster County may fully appear. Now this Indenture witnessed that Thomas Lawson, son of aforesaid Rowland Lawson for and inconsideration of the sum of 43 pounds current money of Virginia has given, granted bargained, sole unto John Stepto 100 acres of the before mentioned tract of land lying on the Northwest of Mosquito Creek beginning at a pine tree on the said Creek adjoining the land of Capt Turbervile and running a long the said Turbervile’s line ta a corner that divides this land from the land of John Kelley, thence west… In witness whereof the parties aforesaid have set their hands and affixed their seal as the day and year above written. Signed Thomas Lawson. Witnesses William Nelmes, John Cox and Patrick (his PM mark) Mullen.Memorandum – The twenty-third line was underlined and if the said Stepto should die without such heir that the aforesaid land to fall to Joanna his wife; this done before signing. Recorded 9 October 1734. Thomas Lawson, Gentleman came into Court and acknowledge this his deed to John Stepto Junior which was admitted to record and is recorded. |
11 Mar 1733 /34
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 13, 1736-1743, page 107 – Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Lawson of the Parish of Christ Church and County of Lancaster am holding and firmly indebted and justly bound unto John Stepto of the Parish of Christ Church and County of Lancaster. In the full sum of 500 pounds sterling money to be paid unto the said Stepto, his heirs, executors, administrators or assignees to the which payment well and truly to be made and done. I bind myself, my heirs firmly by these presents, sealed with my hand and seal this 11 March 1733/34.The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Thomas Lawson has bargained and sold to the above mentioned John Stepto a parcel or tract of land situated, lying on the North side of Mosquito Creek containing by estimation 100 acres of land be the same more or less and has entered into deed bearing date with these presents. Now if the said Thomas Lawson shall execute and personally acknowledge in the Court of Lancaster Count such deeds for the conveying of the before mentioned parcel of land within 6 months and he the said Thomas Lawson, his heirs, executors, administrators and assignees shall and will from time to time and at all times forever hereafter save and keep the aforesaid John Stepto, his heirs, administrators and assignees in peaceable and quiet possession of the before mentioned parcel of land and premises are then this obligation to stand void and of none effect else the same to stand, remain and be in full force and virtue. Signed Thomas Lawson. Witnesses William Nelmes, John Cox and Patrick (hi P mark) MullinAt a Court held for Lancaster County on the 11 August 1738. This bond was proved to be the act and deed of the aforesaid Thomas Lawson by the Oath of William Nelmes a witnesses thereto and admitted to record and is recorded. |
14 Aug 1734
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 114, 14 August Court 1734 – The Action of Debt between John Stepto Junior, Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Gentleman, Defendant for 1,164 pounds of tobacco in the declaration is set forth, neither party appearing, is dismissed. |
11 Sep 1734
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1729-1743, page 115 – Court Wednesday, 11th day of September 1734. Present were William Ball, Henry Fleet, William Ball Jr., Henry Carter, Henry Lawson, William Taylor, Joseph Chinn and Joseph Carter – Gentlemen Justices. |
10 Jul 1735
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 127, 10 July Court 1735 – The suit between Epaphroditus Lawson Plaintiff and Francis Timberlake, Defendant by Petition is continued until the next Court. |
10 Aug 1735
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 128, 10 August Court 1735 – The suit between Epaphroditus Lawson Plaintiff and Francis Timberlake, Defendant by Petition for 3 pounds, 17 shilling and 1 penny half penny due by account. On hearing the parties and the evident on this causes. It is the opinion of the Court that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant the said 3 pound, 17 shillings and 1 penny half penny and costs. |
Henry & Thomas
10 Sep 1735
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 129, 10 September Court 1735 – The suit between Thomas Bridgford Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Gentleman, Defendant by Petition, Thomas Lawson and Thomas Hunton are appointed to value said horse mentioned in the Plaintiff’s account in this cause and Thomas George, William Oliver and George Warrick are appointed to value said work mentioned in the said account and it is ordered that a report of the proceedings herein be made to the next Court. |
Henry & Thomas
8 Oct 1735
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 131, 8 October Court 1735 – The suit between Thomas Bridgford Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Gentleman, Defendant by Petition. The order of the last Court appointing Thomas Lawson and Tomas Hunton to value the horse mentioned in the Plaintiff account in this cause and Thomas George, William Oliver and George Warrick to value the work mentioned in the said account not being performed is renewed and it is ordered that the same be performed and a report thereof made to the next Court.Note: -same page. Henry Lawson is shown as one of the Gentleman Justices of the Court. |
12 Nov 1735
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 132, 12 November Court 1735 – The suit between Thomas Bridgford Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Gentleman, Defendant by Petition for 770 pounds of tobacco due by audit judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for 633 pounds of tobacco and cost. |
11 Feb 1735 /36
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 135, 11 February Court 1735/36 – On the prayer of Nicholas Lawson, orphan of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased Nicholas Martin, Gentleman is appointed his guardian. Ordered that the said Nicholas Martin forth with possess himself with the Estate of the said orphan and Exhibit an account of the same at next Court. |
10 Mar 1735 /36
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 137, 10 March Court 1735/36 – By Virtue of the Commission of the Peace a Dedimus relating thereto, Henry Lawson, John Heale and William Stepto, Gentlemen having taken the oath to the Government subscribed the test and had the oaths, appointed by a late Act of Assembly of this Colony to be taken by Justices of the Peace, administered to them. Signed Henry Lawson, John Heale and William Stepto, Gentleman.Same page and Court. This Court being satisfied by 3 of the bench that the new main road that Mr. Henry Lawson cleared through his plantation from Christ Church to Maj. Fleets is a better way and nearer then the old road. Ordered that the said Lawson have liberty to shut up his gates, that is across the said old road and open his ditch. |
Nicholas & Henry
8 Sep 1736
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 149, 8 September Court 1736 – Ordered that Nicholas Martin, Gentleman Guardian of Nicholas Lawson be summoned to the next Court to Exhibit and make Oath to an account of the said orphan’s Estate as the law directs.Henry Lawson was shown as one of the Gentleman Justices in this Court. |
13 Oct 1736
Lancaster County, VA, Deed, Will & Etc., Book 13, 1736-1743 page 18 – At a Court held for Lancaster County on the 13 October 1736. This report was this day returned and ordered to be recorded and is recorded. An Account of Nicholas Lawson’s Estate that I have received, Anno 1736. Listed the Estate, giving a total 127 pounds, 9 shillings and 2 1/4 pence. Signed Nicholas Martin.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 151, 13 October Court 1736 – Nicholas Martin, Gentleman exhibited and made Oath to his account of the Estate of Nicholas Lawson an orphan under his guardianship which is ordered to be recorded. |
Mary, John, Epaphroditus & Thomas
9 Dec 1737
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 13, 1736-1743, page 71 – In the name of God, Amen. I Mary Harward of the Parish of Christ Church and County of Lancaster being very sick and weak in body but of good and perfect mind and memory do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following – First of all I commit my soul to God… Item – It is my Will and Desire that my just debts be first duly paid and satisfied. Item – I give and bequeath unto Catherine James my crape suit and a pair of shoes and a side saddle. Item – I give and bequeath unto Mary James one tapseil gown. Item – I give and bequeath unto my son John Lawson one negro man call old Tom and one negro man called Jack to him my said son and his heirs forever. Item – I give and bequeath unto my grandson Epaphroditus Lawson the sum of 5 shillings sterling money to be in lien and full satisfaction of any claim he may pretend to in respect of affinity. Item – I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my estate of what nature or kind forever to be equally divided between my two grand children George Currell and William Currell to them my said grandchildren and to their heirs forever. And lastly I do nominate and appoint my good friend Mathias James and my said two grandchildren when they arrive at the age of 21 years to be Executors of this my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5 October 1737. Signed Mary (MH) Harward. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Walter James, Eliz. James and Robert Biscoe. Recorded 9 December 1737.In obedience to an Order of Court dated 9 December 1737. We the subscribers being first sworn have appraised the Estate of Mary Harward, deceased. Total of appraisal was 47 pounds, 12 schillings and 8 pence. Signed Nicholas Martin, Thomas Lawson and Samuel Hinton and received by Abraham Currell who had it recorded 18 January 1737/38.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 186, 9 December Court 1737 – The Last Will & Testament of Mary Harward, deceased was presented in Court by Mathias James, Executor therein named who refusing to take upon him the burthen of the said Executor. Abraham Currell made Oath to the said Will which being proved by the Oath of Walter James one of the witnesses thereto the same is admitted to record and in the motion of the said Abraham Currell and his giving security for his just and faithful administration of the said deceased’s Estate with the aforesaid Will Annexed. Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration thereof during the minority of George Currell and William Currell, Executors also named in the said Will due form.Ordered that Nicholas Martin, Thomas Lawson, Samuel Thorton and John Stepto Junior or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of Peace for this County meet and appraise the Estate of Mary Harward, deceased in money and make a return of their proceedings to the next Court that Abraham Currell, Administrator with the Will annexed of the said estate do appear and make Oath to the inventory. |
18 Jan 1737 /38
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 189, 18 January Court 1737/38 – The appraisement of the Estate of Mary Harwood, deceased was returned and Abraham Currell, Administrator thereof making Oath thereto according to the subscription on the Inventory, ordered to be recorded. |
John & Henry
10 Mar 1737 /38
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 193, 10 March Court 1737/38 – In the Action of Detinue between George Currell by Abraham Currell his next friend, Plaintiff and John Lawson, Defendant the said Defendant being called and not appearing on the motion of the said Plaintiff, Judgment is granted him against the said Defendant and Nicholas Martin, Gentleman, his security for what shall appear to be justly due to the said Plaintiff in this cause at the next Court unless the said Defendant shall then appear and answer to the said action.Same Court and page. Henry Lawson, Joseph Chinn and Joseph Carter, Gentlemen are by the Court presented to the Honorable the Lt. Governor as persons fit and able to execute the office of Sheriff of this County for the ensuing year. |
4 Apr 1738
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 196, 4 April Court 1738 – The Action of Detinue between George Currell by Abraham Currell his next friend, Plaintiff and John Lawson, Defendant is continued until the next Court at the Defendant motion and costs. |
12 May 1738
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 204, 12 May Court 1738 – The Action of Detinue between George Currell by Abraham Currell his next friend, Plaintiff and John Lawson, Defendant. The said Defendant pleaded and the Plaintiff joined issue and it is ordered that the trial of the said issue be referred until the next Court. |
9 Jun 1738
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 206, 9 June Court 1738 – The Action of Detinue between George Currell by Abraham Currell his next friend, Plaintiff and John Lawson, Defendant, having heretofore pleaded and the Plaintiff joined the issue in this cause a jury was this day impaneled and sworn to try the said issue. Vis. Richard Chichestee – Whereupon the said Defendant tendered a bill of Exceptions, which was admitted and said Jury after some time returned a special verdict which verdict on the motion of the said Plaintiff is admitted to record and it is ordered that the arguments thereon be referred until the next Court.Same Court and page 207. Thomas Barber, Gentleman having attended one day as a witness for John Lawson in a suit brought against him by George Currell, it is ordered that the said John pay the said Thomas for the said attendance and for the traveling 56 miles in coming to and returning from the place of his attendance as the law directs.Same Court and page 208. Mathias James having attended one day as a witness for John Lawson in a suit brough against him by George Currell, it is ordered that the said John pay the said Mathias for the same as the law directs.Same Court and page. Mary Donnalson having attended one day as a witness for John Lawson in a suit brought against him by George Currell, it is ordered that eh said John pay the said Mary for the same as the Law directs. |
14 Jul 1738
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 211, 14 July Court 1738 – The Action of Detinue between George Currell by Abraham Currell next friend, Plaintiff and John Lawson, Defendant is continued until the next Court. |
Thomas, John & Henry
11 Aug 1738
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 212, 11 August Court 1738 – A bond from Thomas Lawson to John Stepto Junior for 500 pounds Sterling money was proved in Open Court by the Oath of William Nelmes one of the witnesses thereto to be the Act and Deed of the said Thomas and admitted to record.Same Court and page 214. Abraham Currell and John Stepto Junior of Christ Church Parish in this County came into Court and acknowledged themselves jointly and severally indebted to John Lawson of the County of Richmond in the sum of 20 pounds current money of Virginia to be levied on their goods and chattel lands tenements under condition that George Currell appear on the ninth day of the next General Court and then and there prosecute his appeal this day granted him from a Judgment of this Court against him to the said John Lawson with effect and perform the Judgment of the General Court herein as the Law directs.Henry Lawson was listed as one of the Gentleman Justices in this Court. |
Jane (Jean), Joanna & Thomas
8 Sep 1738
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 13, 1736-1743, pages 111-112 – In the name of God, Amen. I jane Lawson of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Lancaster, being sick and weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for it do nominate and appoint this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all other Will or Wills, Testament or Testaments whatsoever. Imprimis – I bequeath my sol to God who gave it and my body to be buried as my executor hereafter named shall think fit. Item – I give and bequeath into John Biscoe, the son of Robert Biscoe, one young cow and calf and their increase to him and his heirs forever. Item – all the rest of my Estate of what nature or kind (except my wearing apparel which I give unto my daughter Joanna Stepto) I give and bequeath unto my dear and well beloved son Thomas Lawson, to him I do appoint and nominate to be my sole and only Executor of the my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and deal this 20 September 1735. Signed Jane Lawson. Witnesses Robert Biscoe and Charles Collins. Proved in Open Court by the Oath of Robert Biscoe a witness and admitted to record and is recorded, 8 September 1738.In obedience to an Order of Court dated the 8 September 1738, we whose names are underwritten being first duly sworn have met and appraised the Estate of Mrs. Jane Lawson, deceased and inventory whereof is as follows. Total value was 74 pounds, 3 shilling and 1/2 pence. Signed Samuel Hinton, Abraham Currell and Isaac Currell. The appraisal of the Estate of Jane Lawson, deceased was returned and Thomas Lawson her Executor making oath as before written, it was ordered to be recorded and was recorded 13 July 1739.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 218, 8 September Court 1738 – The Last Will & Testament of Jane Lawson, widow, deceased was presented in Court by Thomas Lawson, Executor therein named who made Oath thereto and being proved by the Oath of Robert Biscoe a witness thereto is admitted to record and on the motion of the said Executor and his performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. |
Thomas & Joanna
11 May 1739
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 235, 13 April Court 1739 – In the suit in Chancery between John Stepto Junior and Johanna his wife, Complaints and Thomas Lawson, Executor of Jane Lawson who was surviving Executrix of Rowland Lawson, Gentleman, deceased, Defendant, the said Complaints have gave t file their bill in this suit at anytime within 4 days from this time but they are to pay the cost of this suit hitherto or expended though they recover.This case goes on for a number of entries with no action. Page 239, 11 May Court 1739 – continued until next Court. Page 242, 8 June Court 1739 – continued until next Court. Page 246, 13 July Court 1739 – continued until next Court. Page 247, 10 August Court 1739 – continued until next Court. Page 252, 12 September Court 1739 – continued until next Court. Page 255, 9 November Court 1739 – continued until next Court. Page 257, Febrauary Court 1739/40 – continued until next Court. Page 261, 14 March Court 1739/40 – continued until next Court. |
11 May 1739
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 1729-1743, page 237 – Court, 11th day of May 1739. Henry Lawson, Gentleman refused to accept of the Commission of the peace at this time. |
Rowland & Henry
11 May 1739
Lancaster County, VA, original loose papers, on deposit in the Virginia State Archives Department, Richmond, VA. Wills 1650-1759, Folder 1730-1739 – Will of Ruth Gibson, dated 7 February 1709/10 and probated 11 May 1739. Wit: Rowland Lawson, Henry Lawson and Edward Newgent. |
Thomas & Jane
13 Jul 1739
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 245, 13 July Court 1739 – The Appraisement of the Estate of Jane Lawson, deceased was returned and Thomas Lawson, Executor of the Will of the said deceased making Oath according to his subscription on the Inventory, ordered to be recorded. |
Thomas, Jane, Joanna & Rowland
11 Apr 1740
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 266, 11 April Court 1740 – In the suit in Chancery between John Stepto Junior and Johannah, his wife, Complaints and Thomas Lawson, Executor of Jane Lawson who was surviving Executrix of Rowland Lawson, Gentleman, deceased, Defendant for their Legacies and distributor parts of the said Rowland Lawson and Jane Lawson and their deceased children’s Estates as in the bill is set forth. William Ball Junior, Robert Mitchell and Joseph Carter, Gentlemen are appointed to examine Estate and settle all papers and accounts which shall be produced to them by either of the parties in this suit and to make a report of their proceeding and of the evidence offered them herein to the next Court. |
Thomas, Jane, Joanna, Sarah & Rowland
11 Jul 1740
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 13, 1736-1743, page 173 – We the subscribers being appointed by an order of Court dated 11 April 1740 and thence continued to 13 June 1740 to examine, state or settle accounts between John Stepto Junior and Johanna his wife, Complainants and Thomas Lawson, Executor of Jane Lawson who was the surviving Executrix of Rowland Lawson, Gentleman, deceased, Defendant for their part of their deceased father, Rowland Lawson’s Estate and having heard both parties and what evidence they had to produce to us we have proceeded to settle the deceased Estate as above and also the Complainants account. By which it will appear there is due the Complainants 17 pounds, 7 shillings and 1 penny but both Complainants and Defendant objected against the above settlement, the Defendant says he has evidence to prove that more has been paid the Complainants which he will produce at Court and the Complainants says there is but one eight part of the deceased Rowland Lawson Estate due to his widow by his Will, he then having 7 children living which we find he had one of which child named Sarah we find died before the testate and 4 more before any division of his Estate which objection we leave to the determination of the worshipful Court. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 11 July 1740. Signed William Ball Jr., Robert Mitchell and Joseph Carter. Recorded in Court the same date. |
11 Jul 1740
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 284, 11 July Court 1740 – The Action of trespass between John Griggs, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant for 6 pounds current money damage as in the declaration is set forth being agreed, is dismissed. |
12 Sep 1740
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 292, 12 September Court 1740 – For the Action of Debt between Richard Chapman, Plaintiff and Thomas Lawson, Defendant for 5 pounds, 7 shillings and 8 pence half penny current money of Virginia due by obligation by consent Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for the aforesaid debt and costs. |
Thomas, Jane, Joanna & Rowland
10 Oct 1740
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 295, 10 October Court 1740 – In the suit in Chancery between John Stepto Junior and Johannah, his wife, Complaints and Thomas Lawson, Executor of Jane Lawson who was surviving Executrix of Rowland Lawson, Gentleman, deceased, Defendant for their Legacies and distributor part of the said Rowland and Jane and their deceased children’s Estate is in the bill is et forth. The Parties were fully heard on the Bill, answer replication and auditors’ report in this suit and the testimony of several witnesses taken in the trial, whereupon it is decreed and ordered that the said Complaints recover against the said Defendant 17 pounds, 7 shilling and 9 pence three farthings by the auditors aforesaid in their report aforesaid to the said Complaints awarded together with the costs by the said Complaints in this behalf expended but it is considered that the said 17 pounds, 7 shillings and 9 pence 3 farthings be paid out of ye Estate of ye Testators Jane Lawson in the Defendants hands.Same Court and page. The Petition of Robert Biscoe for his attendance in the suit brought by John Stepto Junior and Johannah, his wife, Complaints against Thomas Lawson is continued until the next Court.Page 302 and November Court 1740. The Petitions of Robert Biscoe against Thomas Lawson for his attendance being agreed is discontinued. |
Epaphroditus & Thomas
14 Nov 1740
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 13, 1736-1743, page 193 – At a Court held for Lancaster County on 14 November 1740. This appraisement of the Estate of Ruth Sydnor, deceased was returned and Anthony Sydnor, her Executor making oath wherefore written and ordered to be Recorded. Appraisement done by John Stepto Jr., Epa Lawson and Thomas Lawson. |
14 Mar 1741 /42
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 331, 14 March Court 1741/42 – James Lawson a servant man belonging to John Rutter came into Court and voluntarily agree to serve his said master or his assignees one year after his time by Indenture Custom or former order is expired in consideration of his said masters care and kindness towards him and his having purchased him from his former master at his earnest request which was ordered to be recorded. |
25 May 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 348, 25 May Court 1742 – The suit between William Schofield, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant by Petition is dismissed, neith party appearing. |
9 Jul 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 351, 9 July Court 1742 – The action of Debt between Thomas Lawson, Plaintiff and George Currell, Defendant is dismissed. |
9 Jul 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 352, 9 July Court 1742 – In the action upon the case between Patrick Mitchell, Merchant, Plaintiff and Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant, a special Imparlance is granted the said Defendant until the next Court. |
Thomas & Henry
15 Jul 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Deed and Will Book 13, 1736-1743, page 282 – This Indenture made 15 July 1742 between Thomas Lawson of Christ Church Parish in the County of Lancaster, Gentleman and George Currell of the Parish and County aforesaid. Witnessed the said Thomas Lawson for and in consideration of a certain sum of money to him paid by the said George Currell do hereby acknowledge, hath demised, leased and to farm one parcel of land containing by estimation 100 acres situate, lying and being in the aforesaid Parish and County bounded as following, beginning gum at the head of a valley near the creek being a corner tree to the land leased unto Robert Biscoe and along the said Biscoe’s line to a small corner pine marked … along a line of Henry Lawson’s line and along the said line to George Currell’s plantation where he now lives to the beginning. To have and to hold the said parcel of land with all the appurtenances… to him the said George Currell from the 25 December next for and during his the said George Currell’s natural life and also free liberty to and for the said George Currell to clear and lend any part of the premises with as many hands as he shall think proper…granted, yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year during the said term the yearly rent of 850 pounds of tobacco and cash unto the said Thomas Lawson, his heirs… these presents set their hand and seals the same time and date. Signed Thomas Lawson. Witnesses Walter James and Robert Biscoe. Recorded 10 August 1742. |
Thomas & Epaphroditus
13 Aug 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 353, 13 August Court 1742 – Thomas Lawson, Gentleman came into Court and acknowledge his Deed of Lease to George Currell, Carpenter for and concerning 100 acres of land situate in Christ Church Parish in this County which was admitted to Record.Same Court and page 356. In the action upon the case between Patrick Mitchell, Merchant, Plaintiff and Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant, the said Defendant pleaded and the Plaintiff joined issue, whereupon the trial of the said issue is referred until the next Court. |
Epaphroditus & Nicholas
10 Sep 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 358, 10 September Court 1742 – The action upon the case between Patrick Mitchell, Merchant, Plaintiff and Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant is continued until the next Court on the Defendant motion and costs.Same page and Court. In the suit between Nicholas Lawson, Plaintiff and William Schofield, Defendant, in Petition Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for 30 shillings current money and costs. |
Henry & Thmas
13 Nov 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 370, 13 November Court 1742 – The action between Henry Lawson, Gentleman, Plaintiff and Thomas Lawson, Defendant for 10 pounds current money of Virginia as in the Declaration is set forth being agreed, is dismissed. |
10 Dec 1742
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 369, 10 December Court 1742 – In the action upon the case between Patrick Mitchell, Merchant, Plaintiff and Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant for 1,015 pounds of tobacco damage as in the Declaration is set forth Joseph Chattin, Thomas Blackmore, Francis Walter, Thomas James, James Rob, John Mott, Thomas Carter, Thomas Hinton, Benjamin George Jr., Robert Edmonds, George Currell and Alexander Matson were empanelled and sworn to try the issue, joined in this cause and bringing in their verdict in these words – We of the Jury find for the Defendant. Joseph Chattin foreman. The said verdict on the Defendant motion is recorded and it is considered that the said Plaintiff take nothing by his bill aforesaid but for his false claim be there of in mercy and that the said Plaintiff pay unto the said defendant his costs in this behalf expended together with one Attorney fee. |
11 Mar 1742 /43
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 376, 11 March Court 1742/43 – In the action of Debt between John Lawson, Plaintiff and Abraham Currell, Gentleman, George Currell and William Currell, Defendants, the said Defendants being called and failing to appear, a conditional Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendants Abraham and William Stepto, Gentleman, Sheriff of this County for the non appearance of the said Abraham and against the said George and Isaac Carrell, his security for the non appearance of the said George and also against the Defendant William and Samuel Hinton, his security for the non appearance of the said William for what shall appear to be justly decree to the said Plaintiff unless the said Defendant do then appear and answerer the said action.Same Court and page 377. In the action of Debt between John Lawson, Plaintiff and Abraham Currell, Gentleman, George Currell and William Currell, Defendants for 100 pounds current money due by bond under the hands and seals of the Defendants dated the 10 March 1740 as in the declaration is set forth the said Defendants appeared and confessed Judgment and it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendants the aforesaid sum of 100 pounds to be discharged upon the said Defendants, their paying 25 pounds sterling and 50 shillings current money with the tobacco costs of a suit omitted by the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant in the General Court mention in the award of John Taylor Esquire and George Turburvile, Gentleman between the said parties and interest on the said sterling and current money and tobacco costs from the 11 May 1740 until the same shall be fully satisfied as also the costs by the said Plaintiff in this suit expended together with one Attorney’s fee.Same Court and page 377. John Lawson of the County of Richmond, Planter in open Court releases, acquits and discharges Abraham Currell, Gentleman and George Currell and William Currell, Planters of this County of and from all claims, suits, controversies and demands whatsoever concerning the Estate of Mary Harward,, George Harward and John Lawson, late of this County, deceased or any other matter or thing thereto relating from the beginning of the world to this day. |
11 Mar 1742 /43
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 378, 11 March Court 1742/43 – In the action of Trespass upon the case between William Heard by Ezekiel Gilbart, his guardian, Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Gentleman, Defendant for 20 pounds current money damage, as in the declaration is set forth by consent of the parties, Nicholas Martin, John Stepto, Draham Currell, Gentleman and James Haines or any three of them are appointed to examine, state and settle all amounts in difference between them relating to this suit and to make a report of proceeding to the next Court and it is agreed that the said report shall be the Judgment of the Court in this action. |
13 May 1743
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 8, 1729-1743 contained in Deed, Will & Etc. Book 13, page 382, 13 May Court 1743 – In the suit between Alexander Mollison, Plaintiff against Abraham Geogorn, Defendant by attachment against the Estate of the said Defendant Henry Lawson, Gentleman, a garnishee in this cause was sworn and declared he had no more than 82 pounds of tobacco and a calf in his hands when this attachment was served upon him and it is ordered that the said Henry pay the same to the said Plaintiff towards satisfaction of his Judgment against the said Defendant in this suit and the said Plaintiff failing further to prosecute herein this attachment is discontinued.Same page and Court. In the action of Trespass upon the case between William Heard by Ezekiel Gilbart his guardian, Plaintiff and Henry Lawson, Defendant for 13 pounds, 2 shillingand 9 pence current money by amount as in the declaration is set forth and report of Nicholas Martin, John Stepto and James Haines, 3 of the auditors appointed in this cause was returned and ordered to be recorded and the parties as well the Plaintiff and Defendant heard on the said auditor’s report, thereupon it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant one pound, 12 shilling and 9 pence current money the balance by the auditors aforesaid in their report aforesaid awarded to him as also his costs by him in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in mercy. |
11 Nov 1743
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 5, 11 November 1743 – In the Action of Debt between William Scofield, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant for 22 pounds, 10 shillings current money. Due by Bill as in the Declaration is set forth the said Defendant appeared and confessed. Judgment wherefore it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant the aforesaid 22 pounds, 10 shillings current money. |
12 Apr 1744
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 14, page 19 – Will of Ezekiel Gilbert, dated 12 April 1744 and recorded 8 June 1744. Executors, sons Ezekiel and Morris. Witnesses Wm. Gibson, George Heuphryes, Nicholas Lawson. Wife: Elizabeth Gilbert. Children: Ezekiel, Morris and Elizabeth Gilbert.Same Will Book, page 217. Thomas Edwards guardian of Elliza. Gilbert, orphan of Ezekiel Gilbert. Dated 14 October 1748. |
11 May 1744
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 25, 11 May 1744 – In the Action of Debt between John Falkener, Plaintiff and Christopher Collins, William Donalson and Thomas Lawson, Defendants for 13 pounds current money due by the Defendants Debt’s note to the Plaintiff, dated ye 24 February 1742 as in the Declaration is set forth the said Defendants being called and not appearing on the Prayer of the said Plaintiff the conditional Judgment granted him at ye last Court in this cause against ye said Defendants. |
8 Jun 1744
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 29, 8 June 1744 – In the Action upon the case between Nicholas Lawson, Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Hallurioy, deceased, Plaintiff and William Stamps, Defendant for 1,300 pounds of tobacco as in the Declaration is set forth on hearing the parties and the oath of the said Defendant to his account which was settled in Court. Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for 592 pounds of tobacco and the cost by the said Plaintiff about this suit in this behalf expended and the said Defendant in mercy. |
Epaphroditus & Nathaniel
8 Jun 1744
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 14, 1743-1750, page 20 – Thomas Bridgfort’s Estate, appraisement by Epa Lawson and Nathl. Lawson and Thomas James, 8 June 1744. |
8 Jun 1744
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 14, 1743-1750, page 22 – In obedience to an order of this County Court dated 13 April last past, I have examined and settled the accounts in difference between John Eustace, Gentleman Plaintiff and Thomas Lawson, Gentleman, Defendant and defined the balance due to the said Plaintiff to amount of 11 pounds current money of Virginia but forasmuch as the Defendant urges he has make appear a payment not yet credited, I am of opinion that he discount any payment he has already made oath to between this and the next Court to be held for this County not mentioned in William Eustace’s books and of this I make my report this 8 June 1744. Signed T. Edwards. |
28 Aug 1744
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 36, 28 August 1744 – In the suit by Petition between John Dunham, Merchant, Plaintiff and Thomas Lawson, Defendant, Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for 2 pounds, 19 shillings and 8 pence current money and the costs thereby expended together with 7 shilling and 6 pence for one Attorney’s fee. |
14 Dec 1744
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 14, 1743-1750, pages 36-37 – Know all men by these present that we William Dymer of the County of Lancaster and John Nutt and Edwin Fielding of the County of Northumberland, Planters are held and firmly bound unto Nicholas Lawson of the County of Lancaster, Planter in the sum of 60 pounds sterling to be paid to the said Nicholas Lawson or his heirs and lawful Attorney, Executors, Administrators or assignees to the which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, Executors, Administrators and every of them jointly, severally, firmly by these presents, dated and sealed with our seals this (blank) day of (blank) Anno Domin 1741.The Condition of this Obligation is such that whereas the above bounden William Dymer for the consideration of 30 pounds sterling to him in hand paid or well and truly secured to be paid by the aforesaid Nicholas Lawson hath bargained and sold to the said Nicholas Lawson and his heirs and assignees forever his right of a track of land situate in the Parish of Christ Church in the aforesaid County of Lancaster to contain 100 acres and to be bounded on the lands of Ezekiel Gilbart, John Griggs, Absalom Mohon and John Angell and to include the house and plantation where on the said Nicholas Lawson now dwells and whereas the said William Dymer is at the present time something under the age of 21 years, now if the said William Dymer so soon as he shall attain the age of 21 years provided the said William Dymer shall so long live and in case of his decease his heir or heirs to whom the said 100 acres of land shall descend shall at the reasonable request, costs and charges in the Land of the said Nicholas Lawson his heirs or assignees make, seal and execute sufficient and good Deed or Deeds of conveyance for the effectual securing and making over and conveying the aforesaid tract or parcel of land… the said William Dymer and Nicholas Lawson had made and concluded without fraud or delay then this obligation to be void other ways to remain in full force and virtue. Signed William Dymer and Edwin Fielding. Record 14 December 1744Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 40, 14 December 1744 – A Deed of Feoffment together with a Livery of Seizin thereon from William Dymer to Nicholas Lawson for and concerning 100 acres of land was in open Court acknowledged by the said William Dymer to be his Act and Deed and admitted to record. |
11 Jan 1744 /45
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 43, 11 January 1744/45 – On the Prayer of Joanna Yearly, Orphan of John Yearly, deceased Nicholas Lawson is appointed her Guardian having given Security for his said Guardianship and it is ordered that the said Guardian forthwith possess himself with ye Estate of the said Orphan and exhibit an account thereof on oath at ye next Court. |
Nicholas & Sarah
12 Apr 1745
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 13, page 54 and 147: The nuncupative will of John Yerby, dated 11 December 1736, was recorded in Lancaster County 8 April 1737. On 10 June 1737 his wife filed inventory in estate. Their children were: William, John, Elizabeth and Joanna Yerby and Sarah wife of Nicholas Lawson. The division in his estate was made 12 April 1745 and it reads that Nicholas Lawson in right of his wife (Sarah) her part of the slaves which did belong to Katherine Stamps, her mother.” This would indicate that Katherine Stamps had died previous thereto. |
Epaphroditus, Epaphroditus Jr., John, Elizabeth & Anna Stepto
12 Apr 1745
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, page 128. – Last Will and Testament of Epaphroditus Lawson Item – I do leave and lend to my beloved wife one negro girl name Judith during her widowhood and in case of her death or marriage then to be equally divided among my children. Item – I give and bequeath to my son Eppa Lawson, my still and all necessaries to her belonging also my desire is that the said still shall not be lent or hired to any person or persons whatsoever but to remain for use of the plantation until the owner comes of age to receive her. Item – My will and desire is that if my negro Stephen now lying in the goal (jail) of Lancaster County is not hanged that my Executor will make sale of him o the advantage which thy see most proper. Item – I give to my son John Lawson 25 pounds current money the said money or 25 pounds to be raised by the sale of the negro Stephen, if the above slave is hanged what ever he is valued to more than pays the 25 pounds current money and if not hanged whatever he is sold for more than the said sum, I devise it may be disposed of as my Executor see occasion for the use of the plantation. Item – My will is that after my son John Lawson has received his schooling he shall be bound to a trade at the age of 16 and serve until 20, it being 4 years. Item – My will and desire is that all my Estate of what sort or kind so ever it be, omitting the above legacies shall be equally divided amongst my wife and children, vis. Eppa, Elizabeth, John and Anna Stepto and in Case of either of my children should deceased in their non age or without issue, it is my desire that the said child or children’s part or parts may be equally divided among my surviving child or children. Item – I do nominate my loving friend James Haynes Sr., John Stepto, James Haynes Jr. and William Dymer to be my whole and sole Executors to this my last Will & Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25 March 1745. Signed Epaphroditus Lawson. Witnesses James Kirk and Uriah Angell. Recorded 12 April 1745 by oath of James Kirk and Uriah Angell and admitted to record.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 54, 12 April 1745 – The last Will and Testament of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by John Stepto, Gentleman one of the Executors therein named who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of James Kirk and Uriah Angel witnesses thereto was admitted to record and on the motion of the said Executor and his performing what is usual in such cases Certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form.Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 14, 1743-1750, page 77 – In obedience to an order of Court dated 12 April 1745, we the subscribers being first sworn have mad and appraised the Estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased as follows – Total of his Estate was 350 pounds, 19 shilling and ½ pence. Signed Abraham Currell, Nicholas Martin and Isaac Currell. This is a true and perfect Inventory of all the Estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased as yet come to my hands. Signed John Stepto. Recorded 10 May 1745.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 60, 10 May 1745 – The appraisement of the Estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased was returned and John Stepto, Gentleman and Executor making oath according to his subscription on the Inventory ordered to be recorded.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 82, 11 October 1745 – The last Will and Testament of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by William Dymer one of the Executors therein named who made oath thereto and on the motion of the said Executor and his performing what is usual in such cases Certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form.Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, page 256. – In obedience to an order of Lancaster County Court bearing date 11 August 1749, we the subscribers have divided the Estate of the deceased Mr. Eppa Lawson’s Estate and set apart Elizabeth Gilbart’s share to Ezekiel Gilbart as follows – Their part was 10 pounds, 17 shillings and 10 ½ pence. Signed Abraham Currell and John Fleet. Dated 16 August 1749. Note – Anna Lawson allotted her part of her husband’s Negroes, 17 January 1752. |
9 Aug 1745
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 76, 9 August 1745 – A Mortgage from Thomas Lawson, Gentleman to Thomas Edwards and Baldwin Matthews Smith, Gentleman for and concerning 7 Negro Slaves was in open Court acknowledged by the said Thomas Lawson to be his Act and Deed and admitted to record. |
Anna, John & Epaphroditus
13 Sep 1745
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 79, 13 September 1745 – Anna Lawson is by the Court appointed Guardian to John Lawson, orphan of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased having given security for her said Guardianship and it is ordered that she forthwith process herself with the Estate of the said orphan and exhibit an account thereof at the next Court as the Law Directs. |
11 Oct 1745
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 81, 11 October 1745 – In the suit by Petition between Cavan Dulany, Gentleman, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant for 1 pound, 10 shillings current money due by account on the oath of the said Plaintiff, Judgment is granted to him against the said Defendant for 1 pound, 10 shillings current money and costs. |
13 Jun 1746
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 100, 13 June 1746 – The Action upon ye case between Thomas Hunton, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant for 13 pounds, 4 shillings and 9 pence current money by account as in ye Declaration is det forth being agreed is dismiss but by the assent of the said Defendant it is considered that ye said Plaintiff recover or pay him the costs by ye said Plaintiff in this suit expended. |
13 Jun 1746
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 101, 13 June 1746 – In ye action of Debt between John Eustacus, Defendant and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant for 40 pounds, 19 shilling current money due by the Debt Bond under his hands an seal payable to ye Plaintiff and dated the 20 April 1743, ye said Defendant appeared and confessed Judgment there fore it is considered that ye said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant ye said 40 pounds, 19 shillings but execution on this Judgment is to be discharged on ye payment of 20 pounds, 9 shillings together with lawful interest, rest for ye same from ye aforesaid 20 April until ye 20 pounds, 9 shillings shall be fully satisfied together with ye costs by ye said Plaintiff in this behalf expended. |
12 Sep 1746
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 109, 12 September 1746 – In the suit by Petition between James Bonvie, Merchant, Plaintiff and Thomas Lawson, debt for 2 pounds, 5 shillings and 7 pence, half penny current money by note payable to Capt. William Dunless and assigned to ye Plaintiff, the said Defendant came into Court and confessed, Judgment thereupon it is considered that ye said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant ye aforesaid 2 pounds, 5 shillings and 7 pence half penny and ye costs hereby occasioned together with 7 shillings and 6 pence for an Attorney’s fee. |
14 Nov 1746
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 114, 14 November 1746 – In the suit by Petition between Nicholas Lawson, Plaintiff and Nicholas Martin, Isaac Currell and Abraham Currell, Gentleman, Executors of William Martin, deceased debt for 1 pound, 13 shillings due from the aforesaid William Martin in his life time by account on hearing the Parties and the evidence of Hugh Brent, Gentleman, James Haines and Robert Biscoe and the deposition of Ellenor Perkins taken in this matter the Court are of opinion that this suit be dismissed and that the said Plaintiff pay unto the said Defendants their costs hereby occasioned. |
13 Mar 1746 /47
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 122, 13 March 1746/47 – In the action upon the case between Nicholas Lawson, Plaintiff and Chattin Chowning, Administrator of ye estate of William Stamps, deceased, Defendant for 1,100 pounds of tobacco damage as in the declaration is set forth the Debt for plea said the deceased did not assume as the said Plaintiff hath complained and of this he puts himself on the Country and the Plaintiff likewise. Whereupon at this day came here into Court the parties aforesaid by their Attorneys and a Jury impaneled to try the issue joined in this cause to wit, Hugh Brent Jr., Thomas Haveis, William Shelton, William Carter, Thomas Sharp, John Walters, George Smither, Giles Robinson, William Sanders, John Frame, Thomas Lee and Gavin Lanry which Jurors to say the truth of the premises being elected tried and sworn returned their verdict in these words – We of the Jury do find for the Defendant. Hugh Brent Jr. Foreman. Whereupon it is considered that the said Plaintiff take nothing by his bill aforesaid but for his false complaint be there of in Mercy and that ye said Plaintiff pay unto the said Defendant his costs in this behalf expended together with one Attorney’s fee.Same page and Court – Joseph George a witness for Chatten Chowning, Administrator of the Estate of William Stamps, deceased in a suit brought against him by Nicholas Lawson being three times solemnly called failed to appear. |
Thomas, Margaret, Thomas Jr. and Anna
14 Aug 1747
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, pages 147-148. – Last Will and Testament of Thomas Lawson. Item – My will is that 5 of my negroes shall be sold to pay my debts, such negroes as my Executors shall think proper. Item – My desire is that my Executors shall sell what pine planks, pine trees, oak planks and all sorts of timber as they shall think fit towards paying of my debts of and for ye benefit of my son. Item – My desire is that after ye lease I gave to Robert Bisoe is expired that one hundred acres of the said land be sold to ye highest bidder for ye us as aforesaid. Item – My desire is that my friend, James Steptoe have ye care and bringing up my son Thomas, until he shall arrive to the age of 21 years. Item – My will is that all my Estate be inventoried and appraised and be equally divided between my loving wife Margaret and my son Thomas after my just debts are paid. Item – To my nephew John Steptoe Junior, I give my old gun. Item – I appoint my loving wife, my friend, Mr. Samuel Blackwell, Mr. James Steptoe and Capt. Peter Conway to be ye Executors of this my Last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 14 July 1747. Signed Thomas Lawson. Witnesses John Steptoe, Anna Lawson and Catherine James. Proven by oaths of John Stepto, Gentleman and Anna Lawson in Open Court 14 August 1747.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 136, 14 August 1747 – The last Will and Testament of Thomas Lawson late of this County, deceased was presented in Court by Margaret Lawson, widow, one of the Executors in the said Will named who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of John Stepto, Gentleman and Anna Lawson, witnesses thereto was admitted to record and on the motion of the said Executrix and her performing what is usual in such cases Certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due Form.Same page and Court – Ordered that Abraham Currell, Nicholas Martin, John Fleet and William Dymer, Gentleman or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County meet and appraise the Estate of Thomas Lawson, deceased in money and make a report of these proceedings to the next Court and that Margaret Lawson his Executrix do then appear and make oath to the Inventory.Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, pages 152-153. – By an order of Lancaster County Court 14 August 1747, we the subscribers being appointed to appraised the Estate of the deceased Mr. Thomas Lawson being first sworn have proceeded as follows – Total valve of the Estate was 526 pounds, 3 shilling and 10 pence. Signed Nicolas Martin, Abraham Currell and William Dymer. This is a true and perfect inventory of all the estate of Thomas Lawson, deceased as yet come to my hands. Signed Margaret Lawson.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 141, 11 September 1747 – The appraisement of the Estate of Thomas Lawson, deceased was returned and Margaret Lawson, Executrix of the Last Will of the said deceased making oath according to her subscription on the Inventory ordered to be recorded. |
11 Dec 1747
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 149, 11 December 1747 – In the suit by Petition between John Eustace, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant, Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for 3 pounds, 8 shillings with lawful intere3st thereon from the 20 April 1743 and 91 pounds of tobacco and cost. |
Epaphroditus Ann & Epaphroditus
11 Mar 1747 /48
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, pages 179-180. – This Indenture witnessed that Epaphroditus Lawson, son of Epaphroditus Lawson, late of the County of Lancaster, deceased of his free and voluntary will and with the consent of Anna Lawson his mother hath put himself apprentice to David Galloway and George Ker of the County of Northumberland Merchants, the science of trade which they now use to be taught and with them after the manner of an apprentice to and well and serve firm the 25 March 1748 until he the said apprentice shall arrive to the age of 21 years during which apprenticeship the said apprentice the said David Galloway and George Ker well and truly shall serve…witness whereof the parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and seals this 11 March 1747/48. Signed Epaphroditus Lawson, Anna Lawson, David Galloway and George Ker. Witnesses John Steptoe and William Dymer. Recorded 11 March 1747/48. |
11 Mar 1747 /48
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 151, 11 March 1747/48 – On the Petition of Nicholas Lawson, Plaintiff against Mary Anderson, Defendant for liberty of a path to his landing through the said Anderson’s Plantation a report of the auditors appointed herein was returned and by the Curt ordered to be recorded and it is ordered that the said Lawson have a path or clear passage according to his aforesaid Petition. |
13 Jan 1748 /49
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 176, 13 January 1748/49 – James Lawson, deceased being indebted to Mr. Thomas Edwards and William Stepto in the sum of 7 pounds, 14 shillings and 3 pence half penny as by account in Court produced may appear on the motion of the said Thomas Edwards and his making oath that the said James departed this life without making any Will as far as he knows or believes and giving security for his just and faithful administration of the said deceased estate, Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the said Estate in behalf of himself and the said William Stepto in due form.Same page and Court – Ordered that George Flower, William Dymer, George Wale and George Horton or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County meet and appraise the Estate of James Lawson, deceased in money and make a report of their proceedings to the next Court and that Thomas Edwards, Gentleman, Administrator of the said decease’s Estate do then appear and make oath to the Inventory. |
11 Mar 1748 /49
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 179, 11 March 1748/49 – In the suit by Petition between Margaret Lawson, widow, Plaintiff and John Mullen and Ezekiel Gilbart, Defendants for 527 pounds of tobacco by obligation, Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for the aforesaid 527 pounds of tobacco and costs.Same page and Court – In the suit by Petition between Margaret Lawson, widow, Plaintiff and Cornelius Mullen and John Mullen, Defendants for 355 pounds of tobacco by obligation, Judgment is granted to the said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for the aforesaid 355 pounds of Tobacco and cost.Same page and Court – The suit by Petition between Margaret Lawson, Executrix of Thomas Lawson, deceased, Plaintiff and Christopher Collins, Defendant is continued until the next Court at the Defendants petition and cost. |
14 Apr 1749
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, page 233. – The sale of the Estate of James Lawson, deceased 25 march 1749 at outcry. Total value of Estate was 10 pounds and 8 pence. At a Court held for Lancaster County on 14 April 1749, this sale was returned and ordered to be recorded and was recorded. Signed Thomas Edwards Jr.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 182, 14 April 1749 – The appraisement and sale of the estate of James Lawson, deceased were returned and Thomas Edwards, Gentleman, his Administrator making oath according to his subscription on the Inventory ordered to be recorded. |
9 Jun 1749
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 190, 9 June 1749 – In the suit by Petition between William Porter, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant for 250 pounds of tobacco by account on hearing the parties, Judgment is granted to ye said Plaintiff against the said Defendant for the aforesaid 250 pounds of tobacco and cost. |
9 Jun 1749
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 190, 9 June 1749 – In the action of Trespass upon the case between Margaret Lawson, Executrix of Thomas Lawson, Gentleman, deceased, Plaintiff and John Broom, Defendant for 7 pounds current money, damage as in the Declaration is set forth at this day came here into Court the parties aforesaid by their Attorneys and a Jury impaneled to try the issue joined in this cause to wit – John Hott, Benjamin George Sr., John Davies, Isaac Taylor, William Kelley, Edward Blackmore, John Rogers, Hugh Brent Jr., Thomas Sharpe, John Griggs, John George and Stephan Shelton which Jurors to lay the first of the premises being elected, tried and sworn returned their verdict I these words – We of the Jury find for the Plaintiff 2 pounds, John Hott foreman. Which on the Plaintiff’s motion is ordered to be recorded and it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant 2 pounds the damage aforesaid by the Jurors aforesaid inform aforesaid assessed together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendant in mercy. |
1 Aug 1749
Elizabeth Lawson and Ezekiel Gibert were married 1 August 1749 in Lancaster County, Virginia. John Steptoe surety. |
Elizabeth & Epaphroditus
11 Aug 1749
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, page 256. – In obedience to an order of Lancaster County Court bearing date 11 August 1749, we the subscribers have divided the Estate of the deceased Mr. Eppa Lawson’s Estate and set apart Elizabeth Gilbart’s share to Ezekiel Gilbart as follows – Their part was 10 pounds, 17 shillings and 10 _ pence. Signed Abraham Currell and John Fleet. Dated 16 August 1749. |
11 Aug 1749
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 195, 11 August 1749 – The Action of Trespass upon the case between Ann Lawson, Executrix of Thomas Lawson, deceased and John Mullen, Defendant continued until the next Court. (Note: – Margaret’s full name must be Margaret Ann?) |
11 Aug 1749
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 195, 11 August 1749 – In the Action of Trespass upon the case between John Stepto, Gentleman, Plaintiff and Nicholas Lawson, Defendant for 8 pounds current money. Damage as in the Declaration is set forth the said Defendant came into Court and confessed. Judgment for 7 pounds, 4 shillings and 11 pence. Whereupon it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant the aforesaid 7 pounds, 4 shillings and 11 pence and cost together with one Attorney’s fee. |
Nicholas, Sarah, Catherine, Betty, Judith and Sarah Jr.
13 Apr 1750
Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, page 277. – Last Will & Testament of Nicholas Lawson, I give and bequeath as follows- I lent and bequeath to my loving wife, Sarah Lawson all my estate both real and personal during her widowhood to her use and my children except my chest of drawers and my great looking glass and one of my best beds and furniture and two dishes and two basons of our plates and her trunk – then I give to her during her natural life and all the rest of my estate both real and personal my will is that it should be equally divided between my four daughters Catharine Lawson, Betty Lawson and Judith Lawson and Sarah Lawson, my will is that my eldest daughter Catherine Lawson shall have the refusal of my land at the division. I do appoint David Carrie, William Dymer and Sarah Lawson and John Zirby Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. Signed 6 February 1749/50, Nicholas Lawson.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 208, 13 April 1750 – The Last Will and Testament of Nicholas Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by Sarah Lawson, Executrix therein named who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of William Gibson and John Griggs, witnesses. Thereto was admitted to record and on the motion of the said Executrix and her performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted her for obtaining a Probate of the said Will in due form.Same page and Court – Ordered that Thomas James, Simon Deggs, Uriah Angel and Ezekiel Gilbart or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County meet and appraised the Estate of Nicholas Lawson, deceased in money and make a report of their proceedings to the next Court and that Sarah Lawson, Executrix of the said decease’s Estate do then appear and make oath to the Inventory.Lancaster County, VA, Deeds & Wills, Book 14, 1743-1750, page 282. – In obedience to an order of Court dated 13 April 1750, we the subscribers being first sworn have met and valued the estate of Nicholas Lawson, deceased as follows – Total value was 192 pounds, 12 schillings and 10 pence. Signed Thomas James, Uriah Angell and Simon Degge. This is a true and perfect inventory of all the estate of Nicholas Lawson deceased as yet into my hands. Signed Sarah (I) Lawson.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 215, 11 May 1750 – Sarah Lawson, widow and relict of Thomas Lawson, deceased came into Court and announced he benefit and advantage in the Will of the said deceased and on her Prayer it is ordered that Thomas James, George Wale and Uriah Angel or any two of them divide the estate of the said deceased and a lot and set apart the said Sarah her Dower in the said decease’s Estate and make a report of their proceedings therein to the next Court. (Note: – Is this a mistake in the entry and it should be Nicholas or is his full name Thomas Nicholas or Nicholas Thomas or is this another Lawson? Looks like it may have been a mistake in entering his name?)Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 251, 14 June 1751 – The Division of the Estate of Nicholas Lawson, deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. |
Margaret & Thomas
8 Jun 1750
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 219, 8 June 1750 – Margaret Lawson, Executrix of Thomas Lawson, deceased, Plaintiff against John Mullen, Defendant – Trespass on the case for 12 pounds current money. On this day came here into Court the Parties aforesaid by their Attorneys and a Jury impaneled to try the issues joined in this cause who to say the truth of the premises being elected tried and sworn say on their oath that the said John Mullen did not assume as the said Margaret Lawson thereof within against him declares, therefore it is considered that the said Margaret Lawson take nothing by her Writ aforesaid but for her false Plaint be thereof in mercy and that she pay unto the said Defendant his costs and charges hereby occasioned and the said Judgment may go thereof without ____. |
10 Jul 1750
Margaret Lawson and Nicholas Currell were married 10 July 1750 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety John Fleet. |
12 Apr 1751
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 9, 1743-52, page 244, 12 April 1751 – A bond from Nicholas Lawson, deceased to Thomas Yerby was made oath to in Court by the said Yerby and on his Prayer ordered to be certified. |
Anna & Epaphroditus
17 Jan 1752
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 15, page 88. – Anna Lawson allotted her part of her husband’s Negroes. Recorded 17 January 1752.Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 15, page 133. – Mrs. Anna Lawson’s inventory returned by George Ker, administrator. Recorded 15 June 1752.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 1, 21 February 1752 – The allotment of Negroes due to Anna Lawson, widow of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased out of the Estate of the said deceased returned and ordered to be recorded.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 103, 16 March 1753 – The division of the Estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. |
Epaphroditus & Elizabeth
26 Mar 1752
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 15, page 102 – Will of Ezekiel Gilbert, dated 26 March 1752 and recorded 17 July 1752. Wife Elizabeth (note she was a Lawson) Gilbert. Daughter Anna Stepto Gilbert. Brother, Maurice Gilbert “and his first son names after my name.” Sister Elizabeth Gilbert. Brother-in-law Epaphroditus Lawson. Executors: wife Elizabeth and Major Conway and Maurice Gilbert. Witnesses Will Dymer and Nicholas Bent. |
Henry (Harry), Winifred and Henry Jr.
19 Jun 1752
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 15, page 96. – Henry Lawson, dated 21 November 1751, recorded 19 June 1752. Wife: Winifred. Children: not named. Executors: Wife Winifred, William Hathaway and Nicholas Currell. Wits: Nicholas Curell, Henry Lawson Jr. and John Biscoe.Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 15, page 103. – Harry Lawson’s inventory and appraisal done 19 June 1752 and returned by Winifred Lawson, executrix. Recorded 17 July 1752.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, pages 46 & 47, 19 June 1752 – The Last Will and Testament of Henry Lawson Jr., deceased was presented in Court by Winiford, widow and relict of the said deceased who made oath thereto and being proved by the oath of John Biscoe was ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said Winiford and her giving Bond and Security for her just and faithful execution of the said Will, Certificate is granted her for obtaining Letters of Administration on the said deceased’s Estate with the said Will annexed in due form.Same page and Court – Ordered that George Carrell, Samuel Hinton, Benjamin Kelley and Thomas Lee or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County meet and appraise the Estate of Henry Lawson Jr., deceased in money and make a report of their proceedings to the next Court and that Winiford Lawson, Administrator, with the Will annexed, of the said deceased do then appear and make oath to the Inventory.
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 54, 17 July 1752 – The appraisement of the Estate of Henry Lawson Jr., deceased was returned on the Executrix, her oath and ordered to be recorded. |
John & Epaphroditus
19 Jun 1752
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 49, 19 June 1752 – On the Prayer of John Lawson, orphan of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased and with the consent of his mother he is by the Court bound to Peter Conway, Gentleman until he attains the age of 20 years his said master to learn him to read and write and the art or science of a Merchant and issue and provide him with sufficient wholesome and cleanly diet, lodging and apparel and at the expiration of his servitude to pay and allow him as is appointed for servants by Indenture or Custom. |
Elizabeth & Epaphroditus
17 Jul 1752
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 15, page 102 – Will of Ezekiel Gilbert, written 26 March 1752 and recorded 17 July 1752. Wife, Elizabeth Gilbert. Daughter Anna Stepto Gilbert. Brother, Maurice Gilbert “and his first son names after my name.” Sister Elizabeth Gilbert, brother-in-law Epaphroditus Lawson. Executors wife, Elizabeth and Major Conway and Maurice Gilbert. Witnesses Will Dymer and Nicholas Brent. |
John, Anna Stepto & Epaphroditus
16 Mar 1753
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 104, 16 March 1753 – On the Prayer of John Lawson and Anna Stepto Lawson, orphans of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased, Nicholas Currell is by the Court appointed their Guardian having given Bond and Security for his said Guardianship as the Law directs and it is ordered that the said Guardian forthwith possess himself with the Estates of the said orphans and exhibit an account thereof on oath of the next Court. |
Anna & Epaphroditus
16 Mar 1753
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 109, 16 March 1753 – George Ker, Merchant, greatest creditor to Anna Lawson, deceased came into Court and made oath that the said Anna departed this life without making any Will as far as he knows or believes and on his motion and giving security for his just and faithful administration of the said decease’s Estate, Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the said Estate in due form.Same page and Court – Ordered that William Dymer, Thomas James, George Currell and Benjamin Kelley or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County meet and appraise the Estate of Anna Lawson, deceased in money and make a report of their proceedings to the next Court and the George Ker, Merchant, Administrator of the said deceased do then appear and make oath to the Inventory.Same page and Court – On the Prayer of Epaphroditus Lawson, it is ordered that William Dymer, Thomas James, George Currell and Benjamin Kelley or any three of them divide the Negroes of Anna Lawson, deceased between the children of the said deceased and that they make a report of their proceeding to the next Court.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 150, 15 June 1753 – The appraisement of the Estate of Anna Lawson, deceased was returned on the Administrator’s oath and ordered to be recorded.
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 160, 11 July 1753 – A division of the Negroes of Anna Lawson, deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. |
17 Mar 1753
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 117, 17 March 1753 – Anna Lawson, Plaintiff against Richard Blade, Defendant – On this day came here the Parties aforesaid by their Attorneys and the Executors in arrest being argued an overruled and it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant 30 shillings current money the damages heretofore assessed by a Jury in this suit and aforesaid 30 shillings for the said Plaintiff, her costs and charges by the Court here adjudged and the said Defendant in mercy. |
22 Jun 1754
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 235, 22 June 1754 – John Stepto, Gentleman, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – Petition. It is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the Defendant 3 pounds, 4 shillings and 6 pence and costs together with one Attorney’s fee. |
17 Jan 1755
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 294, 17 January 1755 – On the prayer of William Hathaway, Administrator of Henry Lawson, deceased, it is ordered that William Dymer, Thomas James, Isaac Currell and George Carrell or any three of them divide the Estate of the said decease’s possessions the heirs of the said deceased with their respective parts thereof…Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 392, 17 October 1755 – The division of the Estate of Henry Lawson, deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. |
18 Jul 1755
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 365, 18 July 1755 – Simon Degge, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – Petition. On the oath of the Plaintiff, it is considered that he recover against the said Defendant 3 pounds, 12 shillings and 1 penny half penny with lawful interest thereon from the 14 June last and costs. |
16 Apr 1755
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 15, page 202 – Will of John Stepto, dated 9 August 1753 and recorded 16 April 1755. Wife not named. Son: William (not married). Daughter Nancy. Executors Friend Nicholas Currell, Thomas Edwards Jr. and John Ledford. Witnesses Nicholas Currell and John Hinton.Not sure of Will Book, page 129. Division of the estate of John Steptoe. Administration granted John Stepto. To Mrs. Joannah Stepto, John Stepto and Will Powell. |
Mar 1756
William Waller Hening 1820. The Statutes at Large; Being A Collection Of All the Laws Of Virginia From The First Session Of The Legislature. March 1756, Chapter IX, Lancaster County tobacco Proprietors – Christopher Lawson, 1680 lbs. Nett Tobacco. |
16 Oct 1756
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 10, 1752-56, page 432, 16 October 1756 – George McCall, Merchant, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – With the assent of the Defendant, it is considered that the said Plaintiff hereon against him 35 pounds, 14 shillings and 6 pence farthing and costs together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendant in mercy. |
18 Mar 1757
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 46, 18 March 1757 – Paul Sulivant, Plaintiff against Eppa. Lawson, Defendant – Petition. With the assent of the Defendant it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against him 1 pound, 17 shillings and 10 pence and 151 pounds and a half of tobacco and costs. |
19 Aug 1757
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 87, 19 August 1757 – Edward Ker, Merchant, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – In debt. By consent of parties the issue heretofore joined in this cause is waved, errors released and the matter submitted to the Judgment of the Court, whereupon after maturely deliberating the premises, it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant, 16,988 pounds of crop tobacco with lawful interest thereon from 1 September 1755 and costs together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendant in mercy. |
Judith, Sarah & Nicholas
18 Nov 1757
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 101, 18 November 1757 – Benjamin George Jr. is by the Court appointed Guardian to Judith and Sarah Lawson, orphans of Nicholas Lawson, deceased. Thomas Richard, Gentleman becoming his security in 400 pounds as the Law directs and it is ordered that the said Guardian forthwith possess himself with the Estate of the said orphans and exhibit an account thereof on oath at the next Court. |
Nicholas, Catherine, Judith & Sarah
20 Jan 1758
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 15, page 319. – Nicholas Lawson’s estate division, 20 January 1758. Benjamin George Jr. married Katherine, one of the orphans of Nicholas Lawson and guardian of Judith and Sarah, orphans of deceased.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 118, 20 January 1758 – The division of the Estate of Nicholas Lawson, deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. |
8 Apr 1758
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 16, page 198 – Will of Elizabeth Gilbert, written 8 April 1758. Estate to brother-in-law, Maurice Gilbert. |
12 Jun 1758
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 16, page 47 – Richard Lee of Parish of Christ Church, dated 12 June 1758 and recorded 15 December 1758. Died without making a will in writing but desired his brother, Charles Lee, of Fleet’s Island, mariner, might have certain negroes. Thomas Lee his brother complies with this request. Witnesses Spencer Currell, Epa Lawson and Constantine Rock. |
John & Epaphroditus
21 Jul 1758
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 150, 21 July 1758 – A Bond from John Lawson, Thomas Binchard and Elizabeth Gilbert to Nicholas Currell was proved in open Court by the oath of Thomas Lee and Epaphroditus Lawson, witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. |
21 Jul 1758
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 152, 21 July 1758 – Edward Carter, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – In debt. It is considered that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant 4 pounds, 9 shillings and costs together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendant in mercy. |
Thomas & Henry
21 Aug 1760
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 20, page 44. – Thomas Lawson, part of his father’s estate delivered to him 8 May 1760. Recorded 21 August 1760 of Mr. Nicholas Currell. Wits: Henry Lawson and Richard Bland. Re-recorded 16 July 1772. |
Judith, Nicholas & Epaphroditus
24 Sep 1760
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 293, 24 September 1760 – On the Prayer of Judith Lawson, orphan of Nicholas Lawson, deceased, Epaphroditus Lawson is appointed her Guardian, he giving security for his said Guardianship as the Law directs. It is ordered that he forthwith possess himself with the Estate of the said orphan and exhibit an account thereof on oath at the next Court. |
21 Nov 1760
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, pages 302-303, 21 November 1760 – Thomas Lawson, Plaintiff against John Muse, Defendant – On this day came here the parties aforesaid by their Attorneys and a Jury impaneled to try the issue joined in this cause to wit John Rogers who to say the truth of the premises being elected, tried and say on their oath that the said Defendant is guilty in manner and form as the said Plaintiff hath thereof against him complained and they assess the damage by means thereof to 6 pence therefore it is considered that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant the said debt, the damages aforesaid by the jurors aforesaid assessed and that he also have his term get to come in 6 messuages, 1 apple orchard, 1 peach orchard and 150 acres of land with the appurtenances and costs, together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendant mercy. |
20 Feb 1761
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 307, 20 February 1761 – Ordered that Nicholas Currell, Thomas Lawson, Thomas Hinton and Samuel Hinton or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County meet and appraise the Estate of John Muse, deceased in money and make a report of their proceedings to the next Court and that Frances Muse, Executrix of the said deceased do then appear and make oath to the Inventory.Same page and Court – A lease from Thomas Lawson to Nicholas Currell and Margaret his wife for and concerning 200 acres of land with provisos and restrictions was acknowledged in open Court by the said Thomas and Nicholas and ordered to be recorded. Same page and Court – A Bond from Thomas Lawson to Nicholas Currell and Margaret his wife for performance of Covenants was acknowledged in open Court by the said Thomas and ordered to be recorded. |
17 Jul 1761
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 331, 17 July 1761 – Richard Selding, Gentleman, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – Petition. With the assent of the Defendant it is considered that the Plaintiff recover against him 2 pounds, 10 shillings and costs. |
Anne, Winford & Henry
16 Nov 1761
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 16, page 176. – Anne Lawson, dated 23 October 1760, recorded 16 November 1761. Winford Lawson and her daughter Mary Lawson. James Hathaway, Elizabeth Hathaway, Mary Lawson, William Hathaway Sr., Sarah Biscoe, John Biscoe, Henry Lawson. Executor Em. Hathaway Sr. Wits: George Currell and James Currell.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 351, 16 November 1761 – The Last Will and Testament of Ann Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by William Hathaway Executor, wherein named who made oath thereto and being proved by the oath of George Currell and James Currell, witnesses thereto was ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said Executor and his performing what is usual in such cases, Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form.Same page and Court – Ordered that Thomas Lawson, George Currell, Rawleigh Shearman and Nicholas Currell or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the Peace for this County meet and appraise the Estate of Ann Lawson, deceased in money and make a report of their Proceedings therein to the next Court and it is ordered that William Hathaway, Executor of the said deed do then appear and make oath to the Inventory. |
16 Apr 1762
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 377, 16 April 1762 – Harry Kelly, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – Petition. It is considered that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant 3 pounds and 9 pence and costs together with one Attorney’s fee. |
16 Jul 1762
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 401, 16 July 1762 – James Crane assignee of John Hill, Plaintiff against Henry Lawson and Thomas Pollard, Defendants – Debt. With the assent of the Defendants, it is considered that the Plaintiff recover against them 28 pounds, 14 shillings current money to be discharged in the payment of 14 pounds, 7 shillings with lawful interest thereon from the 17 March 1762 and costs together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendants in mercy. |
16 Jul 1762
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 403, 16 July 1762 – John Steptoe, Plaintiff against Thomas Lawson, Defendant – Debt. On this day came here the parties aforesaid by their Attorneys and a Jury impaneled to try the issue joined in the cause who to say the truth of the premises. Being elected, tried and sworn, do say on their oath that the said Defendant ought to be charged with the Defendant aforesaid in manner and form as the Plaintiff hath thereof against him declared and they assess the damage of the Plaintiff by means thereof to 105 pounds, 12 shillings and 10 pence. Therefore it is considered that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant 105 pounds, 12 shillings and 10 pence the damages aforesaid by the Jurors aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed and costs together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendant in mercy. |
17 Sep 1762
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 11, 1756-64, page 422, 17 September 1762 – Charles Bell, Executor of Leanna Lee, deceased, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – Petition. On the oath of the Plaintiff, it is considered that he recover against the said Defendant 2 pounds, 8 shillings and 3 pence and costs. |
Thomas & Epaphroditus
20 Jan 1764
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 18, page 1 – Appraisement of William Clark’s estate, 20 January 1764 and recorded 17 February 1764 by Benjamin Kelly, Thomas Lawson and Epa. Lawson. |
3 Sep 1765
Northum -berland
In obedience to an order of Northumberland County Court, we have examined Mrs. Elizabeth Brent’s Account of Administration on the Estate of her deceased husband William Brent and do find that there will be due to Epaphroditus Lawson who intermarried with the daughter of the said deceased on the death of the said Elizabeth Brent 8 pounds, 14 shillings and 11 pence half penny and we do also award and direct that the said Elizabeth deliver unto the said Lawson within 2 months from this day 15 yards of good Negro Cotton and 21 yards of good Oznabrigo. And of this we make our report this 3 September 1765. Signed by George Ball, Thomas Edwards and Anthony Sydnor. Northumberland Book 6, page 641. |
17 Sep 1767
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 18, page 89, 17 September 1767 – Division of William Carter’s estate. Recorded 21 January 1773 between George and Elizabeth Carter, by Harry Currell, Nicholas Currell and Thomas Lawson. |
Ann S.
7 Jan 1768
Ann S. Lawson and John Lewis were married 7 January 1768 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Charles Lee of Northumberland County surety. |
16 Jun 1768
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 18, page 56 (back of book) – John Flower, orphan of George Flower, deceased bound by his guardian, to Wm. Lawson to learn him to read and write and the trade of shop joiner and provide him good sufficient diet, lodging and apparel and pay him when free as is appointed by Law to servants by Indenture or Custom. |
21 Oct 1768
Henry Lawson and Esther Chinn were married 21 October 1768 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Consent of Robert Chinn. James Kirk Sr. surety. |
20 Apr 1769
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 14, 1768-70, page 13, 20 April 1769 – John Edwards, orphan of John Edwards deceased is by the Court Bonded to William Lawson until he attains the age of 20 years and 11 months, his said Master to learn him to read and write and the trade of woodshop joiner and to provide him with sufficient, wholesome cleanly diet, lodging and apparel and at the expiration of his servitude to pay and allow him as is appointed for servants by Indenture or Custom. |
21 Apr 1769
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 14, 1768-70, page 19, 21 April 1769 – Thomas Lawson having made oath that he attended 7 days as a witness for Thomas Pollard, Plaintiff in his suit against Henry Hinton and John Fleet Defendants. It is ordered that the said Pollard pay unto the said Lawson 175 pounds of tobacco for his said attendances as the Law deems. |
21 Sep 1769
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 14, 1768-70, pages 52 & 53, 21 September 1769 – Thomas Lawson came into Court and entered himself Security for Winifred Oharrow and his other securities for her _____ motion of the Estate of Thomas Oharrow, deceased. It is ordered that Hugh Brent, James Kirk and Nicholas Currell or any two of them settle the administration amount of the Estate of the said Thomas Oharrow, deceased with John Fleet and Rawleigh Sherman, Gentleman and possess Thomas Lawson therewith, propone to next Court. |
18 May 1770
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 14, 1768-70, page 82, 18 May 1770 – Robert Gordon, administrator of Robert Wooddrick or Woddrope, Plaintiff against John Lawson, William Dymes and Thomas Prichard, Gentleman, Defendant – Debt. The issue heretofore joined is by consent of parties waved. Therefore it is considered that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendants 430 pounds, 15 shilling and 9 pence current money to be discharged and by the payment of 154 pounds, 15 shillings and 9 pence half penny of the like money with interest thereon from the 13 July 1768 until payment and costs together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendants in mercy. |
18 Apr 1771
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 82, 18 April 1771 – Thomas Pinchard, Gentleman, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant – In debt. Pursuant to a rule of this Court, the Persons chosen and appointed to arbitrate the matter in the difference between the Parties in this suit, returned their award upon the premises in these words. In obedience to an order of Lancaster Court bearing date 21 July 1768, we the subscribers have settled the accounts of Thomas Pinchard, Gentleman, Plaintiff against Epaphroditus Lawson, Defendant and do find for the Plaintiff the sum of 3 pounds, 1 shilling and 11 pence current money. Given under our hands this 16 April 1771. Richard Edwards, Hugh Brent. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the said Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant the said sum of 3 pounds, 1 shilling and 11 pence with Lawful interest on 2 pounds, 1 shilling and 11 pence from the 16 April 1771 until payment and costs together with one Attorney’s fee and the said Defendant in mercy. |
18 Apr 1771
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, pages 87 & 88, 18 April 1771 – Order that Richard Edwards, Gentleman, Hugh Brent, James Kirk and Thomas Lawson or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of Peace for this County meet and appraised the Estate of William Dynes, Gentleman, deceased in money and make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court.Same page and Court – Thomas Lawson, Gentleman was select as one member of sixteen of the New Commission of the Peace and of Oyer and Terminer. Edwin Conway and Jesse Ball administered the oaths appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. Then Thomas Pinckard subscribed the Abjuration Oath, the Test and Oath of a Justice of the Peace and of a Justice of the County Court in Chancery and of Oyer and Terminer. For the next Court held on the 16 of May 1771, he was shown as a Justice. |
16 May 1771
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 89, 16 May 1771 – Epaphroditus Lawson is appointed surveyor of the highway from Christ Church to Gilbert’s Ferry in the lower part of this County for the ensuing year. |
Thomas, Epaphroditus & Henry
15 Aug 1771
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 135, 15 August 1771 – Thomas Lawson, Gentleman is appointed Guardian to Margaret Reid, orphan of Nicholas Reid, deceased, he the said Lawson together with John Fleet, Gentleman his security having entered into and acknowledged Bond for the due performance of the said orphan’s Estate in the penalty of 200 pounds current money.Same page and Court – Ordered that Thomas Hunton, Epaphroditus Lawson and Henry Lawson or any two of them meet and possess (looks like some missing here?) Thomas Lawson Guardian to Margaret Reid, orphan of Nicholas Reid, deceased with the said orphan’s Estate and make report of their proceeding therein to the next Court. |
19 Sep 1771
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 20, pages 26 and 44. – Capt. Thomas Lawson, guardian to Margaret Reid, dated 16 August 1771 and recorded 19 September 1771. Orphan of Nicholas Reid, certain Negroes due her from the estate of Capt. Dymer her late guardian, deceased. |
16 Nov 1771
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 20, page 31 – Will of Wm. Hathaway, dated 16 November 1771 and recorded 16 January 1772. Wife- Sarah. Sons: Lawson, James, Thomas and William Hathaway. Daughters Dolly and Mary Hathaway. Grandson John James. Granddaughter Nancy James. Witnesses Isaac Currell, James Pollard and William Lawson.Same Will Book, page 33. Division of estate – Sarah Hathaway, relict, 1/3, John, James, Thomas, Mary and Lawson Hathaway 1/6, Isaac Currell 1/6. Dated 20 February 1772. |
17 Dec 1771
Mary Lawson and John Riveer were married 17 December 1771 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety William Edwards. |
Henry & Thomas
16 Jan 1772
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 135, 15 August 1771 – On the motion of Henry Lawson who made oath according to Law, Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration of the Estate of John Shelton, deceased in due form. He the said Henry Lawson together with Thomas Lawson his security having entered into and acknowledge Bond for the due Administration of the said Estate. |
22 May 1772
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, 22 May 1772 – Thomas Lawson was present as one of the Justices for the Court of Lancaster County. |
16 Jul 1772
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 244, 16 July 1772 – John Smith, Executor of John Plummer, deceased, Plaintiff against Thomas Lawson – Petition. Is Dismissed.Same page and Court – The division of the Estate of Thomas Lawson, deceased between Nicholas Currell and Thomas Lawson was acknowledged by the said Lawson and ordered to be recorded. (Note: – Nicholas Currell was Thomas Lawson’s stepfather.) |
18 Nov 1772
Thomas Hathaway and Elizabeth Kirk were married 18 November 1772. William Lawson surety. |
19 Nov 1772
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 284, 19 November 1772 – Henry Shelton, orphan of John Shelton, deceased is by the Court Bound to Henry Lawson until he arrives to the age of 21 years, his said Master is to learn him to read and write and to find and provide him with sufficient wholesome and cleanly diet, lodging and apparel and at the expiration of his servitude to pay and allow him as is appointed for servants by Indenture or Custom. |
19 Aug 1773
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 344, 19 August 1773 – William Lawson, Plaintiff against Thomas and James Perkins, Defendants – Petition. It is considered that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendants, 4 pounds, 19 shillings and 11 pence farthing and costs together with one Attorney’s fee. |
16 Sep 1773
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 349, 16 September 1773 – John Wale, orphan of George Wale, deceased is by the Court Bound to William Lawson until he arrives to the age of 21 years, his said Master is to learn him to read and write and the trade of a shop joiner and house carpenter and to find and provide him with sufficient diet and lodging and at the expiration of his servitude to allow him as is appointed for servants by Indenture or Custom. |
16 Sep 1773
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 349, 16 September 1773 – On the motion of Epaphroditus Lawson a witness for William Nutt, Administrator of William Dymer, deceased at the suit of Edward Archer. It is ordered that the said William Nutt pay him 50 pounds of tobacco for 2 days attendances at this Court according to Law. |
5 Nov 1773
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 20, page 67 – Appraisement of estate of Benjamin Kelly, dated 5 November 1773 and recorded 18 November 1773. By Nicholas Currell, Eppa Lawson and James Currell. |
16 Dec 1773
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 372, 16 December 1773 – John Heath Tactor for McHillrick & Company, Plaintiff against Henry Lawson, Administrator of John Chetton (Shelton), deceased, Defendant – Scire Facias. It is considered that the Plaintiff’s Judgment obtained in Lancaster County Court on the 18 April 1764 against John Shelton be renewed against Henry Lawson, Administrator of the said Shelton and that the Plaintiff recover against the Debt 1 pound, 6 shillings and 3 pence, three farthings for Debt and 59 pounds nett tobacco and 7/6 and his costs in this suit expended except the Lawyer’s fee and the said Defendant in mercy and this Judgment was assigned in Court to David Boyd, Gentleman. |
19 May 1774
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 20, page 81 – Division of George Flower’s estate, 19 May 1774, recorded 20 April 1775. William Lawson, guardian of John Flower, Robert Robuck, husband of Elizabeth Flower, George Flower his part of his father’s estate in hands of George Yerby, his guardian; Nancy Flower’s part in hand of George Yerby. |
William & Henry
19 May 1774
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 20, page 73 – Appraised estate of Benjamin James, dated 19 May 1774 and recorded 16 June 1774. By Thomas Hunton, William Lawson, James Currell and Lawson Hathaway.Same Will Book, page 89. Appraisement of estate of Joan James, date 16 March 1775 and recorded 16 November 1775/ By Martin George, William Griggs and Henry Lawson.Same Will Book, page 158. Division of estate Sarah James, dated 17 September 1778 and recorded 18 March 1779. Heirs: James Hudnel, Beorge Brent, Zachariah Barr. Mentions John Wale and Lawson Wale, orphans. By William Griggs their guardian. |
22 Dec 1774
Elizabeth Lawson and John Hurt were married 22 December 1774 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Robert McCleoy surety. |
Judith & Henry
16 Nov 1775
Judith Lawson and Joh Nuttall were married 16 November 1775 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety Henry Lawson. |
Mary T.
9 Jan 1776
Mary T. Lawson and Hugh Brent were married 9 January 1776 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety Joseph Stephens. |
15 Apr 1776
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 20, page 97 – John Simmons, dated 15 April 1776 and recorded 16 May 1776. Sally Simmons, orphan of John Simmons. Jesse George her late guardian, Henry Lawson her present gurardian. |
18 Apr 1776
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 412, 18 April 1776 – William Lawson, Plaintiff vs. John Robertson, Defendant – Attachment. It is considered that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendant 1 pound, 10 shillings current money and costs and Attorney’s fee, to be levied in the hands of Thomas Hunton, who was sworn a Garnishee, the Attachment being legally served in the hands of said Hunton and costs and Attorney’s fee. |
15 May 1777
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 423, 15 May 1777 – William Mountague and Henry Lawson are by the Court recommended to his Excellency the Governor as proper Persons to be added to the Commission of the Peace for the said County. |
19 Jun 1777
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 423, 19 June 1777 – On the Presentment of Grand Jury vs. Eppa. Lawson for being drunk, the said Lawson judged himself convicted, by sending and paying 5 shillings for the same and ordered that he be discharged from further prosecution. |
19 Jun 1777
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 424, 19 June 1777 – On the Presentment of Grand Jury against Thomas Lawson for being drunk, the said Lawson came into Court and acknowledge himself convicted and paid 5 shillings for the said offence and was discharged from further prosecution. |
Mary, Thomas & Henry
12 Aug 1777
Mary Lawson and Capt. George Ford were married 12 August 1777 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Daughter of Thomas Lawson. Henry Lawson surety. |
7 Feb 1778
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 20, pages 127 and 133 – Epa. Lawson, deposition dated 7 February 1778 and recorded 7 February 1778. Age about 44 years. States that he heard Mr. Thomas Lee say that Charles Lee should not pay any of the debts due from his brother Richard Lee, deceased. |
Elizabeth, William, Ann, Ann & Thomas
19 Feb 1778
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 20, page 117 – Elizabeth Lawson of Parish of Christ Church, dated 2 May 1774, recorded 19 February 1778. Brother – William Lawson. Sister – Ann Lawson. Niece – Ann Reveer. Wits: Robert Clark, John Flowers and Ann Lawson.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 431, 19 February 1778 – The Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by William Lawson who made oath thereto and being proved by the oath of Ann Lawson and John Flowers, two of the witnesses thereto was ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said William Lawson giving security a Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration with the said Will annexed in due form.Same page and Court – Thomas Lawson, James Currell, Lawson Hathaway and Thomas Hathaway or any three of them are by the Court appointed to appraise on oath in money the slaves and personal estate of Elizabeth Lawson, deceased and make report to the Court.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 15, 15 October 1778 – The Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Elizabeth Lawson, deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. |
Epaphroditus, Mary, Epaphroditus Jr. & Elizabeth
18 Jun 1778
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1753-1800, Will book 20, page 133 – Will of Epa Lawson, dated 16 January 1778, recorded 18 June 1778. Wife Mary Lawson. Daughter Elizabeth Hunt. Son Epaphroditus Lawson. “All my children.” Executrix: Wife Mary Lawson. Wits: Richard E. Lee, Henry Lawson and Lawson Hathaway.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 438, 18 June 1778 – The Last Will and Testament of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by Mary Lawson the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto and being proved by the oaths of Henry Lawson and Richard E. Lee, witnesses thereto was admitted to record and on the motion of the said Executrix giving security a Certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form.Same page and Court – Nicholas Currell, Richard Hall, Richard E. Lee and Thomas Hunton or any three of them are by the Court appointed to appraised on oath in money the Estate of Epaphroditus Lawson, deceased and make report to the Court.Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 441, 16 July 1778 – The Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Epaphroditus, deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. |
16 Jul 1778
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 15, 1770-1778, page 441, 16 July 1778 – The Petition of Henry Lawson against Thomas Bridgford is dismissed. |
Henry & William
15 Oct 1778
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 17, 15 October 1778 – Henry Lawson, William Lawson, Nicholas Currell and Thomas Hunton or any three of them are by the Court appointed to appraised on oath in money the Estate of William Mason, deceased and make report thereof to Court. |
19 Nov 1778
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 20, 19 November 1778 – Henry Lawson is by the Court appointed to purchased 7 barrels of Indian Corn for the use of Rachel Hill, widow of Martin Hill, deceased. |
Ann Steptoe
14 Apr 1779
Ann Steptoe Lawson and Newton Brent were married 14 April 1779 in Lancaster County, Virginia. John Berryman surety. |
20 May 1779
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 28, 20 May 1779 – Henry Lawson is shown as one of the Justices of this Court.Same page and Court – Ordered the Grand jury offenders be summoned to the next Court except Dolly Davis who paid her fine to Henry Lawson, Gentleman and Molly Taylor who paid her fine to William Davenport, Gentleman…Same page and Court – Ordered the Treasurer pay to Henry Lawson, Gentleman the sum of 50 pounds for the support of Rachel Hill whose husband died in the Navy service of this state. |
William Jr.
20 May 1779
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 28, 20 May 1779 – William Lawson, Jr., Plaintiff vs. Henry Fleet, Defendant – Assault and Battery. Is dismissed at the Defendants costs. |
20 May 1779
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 28, 20 May 1779 – Mary Lawson, Plaintiff vs. Charles Rogers and Co., Defendant – In Chancery. The Complaint filed her Bill and on the Prayer of the Defendants by their Attorney, time is given them to consider the same until next Court. |
Thomas & Henry
17 Jun 1779
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 30, 17 June 1779 – Thomas Lawson and Henry Lawson are shown as Justices for this Court.Same page and Court – Richard Mitchell and Henry Lawson, Gentlemen are appointed to act as Coroners for this County.Same page and Court – William Yerby and Henry Lawson, Gentleman are appointed to take the list of tithables below Carter’s Mill in this County, James Gordon, Gentlemen between the said Mill and Selden’s Mill, John Selden, Gentleman for Willomoco parish, Richard Mitchell, James Ball Jr., and Henry Towles Gentlemen in the upper part of the County for this present year. |
Thomas, Lettice & William
16 Sep 1779
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 37, 16 September 1779 – A Deed of Bargain and Sale from Spencer Hinton to Thomas Lawson, Gentleman acknowledge by the said Hinton and ordered to be recorded.Same page and Court – A deed of Bargain and Sale from Thomas Lawson, Gentleman and Lettice, his wife with a Commission for the Privy examination of the said Lettice to William Lawson acknowledge by the said Thomas and ordered to be recorded. |
20 Jan 1780
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 42, 20 January 1780 – Henry Lawson is listed as one of the Gentlemen Justices for this Court.Same page and County – John Bonyman and Henry Lawson, Gentlemen are by the Court appointed to try the weights at Dymer’s Warehouse in this County, James Gordon and Henry Towles, Gentlemen at Davis’ & Lowry’s Warehouses and Richard Mitchell and James Ball Jr. at Deep Creek, this present approved. |
17 Feb 1780
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 42, 17 February 1780 – Anthony Sydnor, son of Anthony Sydnor, deceased is by the Court Bound to William Lawson for 3 years to learn the trade of Joiner, the said Lawson not to be compelled to find him any clothing or _____ by agreement. |
Elizabeth & William
25 May 1780
Marriages of Lancaster County, VA. James Brent and Elizabeth Hunt were married 25 May 1780. Surety William Lawson. |
Henry & Thomas
10 Aug 1780
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 20, page 247? – Will of William Griggs of Parish of Christ Church, dated 10 August 1780 and recorded 21 February 1782. Grandsons: Wm. And Thomas Doggett. Daughter Elizabeth Carter. Grandchildren: Patrick Connolly, Charlotte Connolly and Wm. Griggs Connolly. Executors Henry Lawson, Thomas Lee, James Pollard and Rev. Shearman. Witnesses Henry Lawson, Nicholas Currell Jr. and Thomas Lawson. |
Mary, John, Bailey & William
17 Aug 1780
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 62, 17 August 1780 – Mary Lawson is appointed Guardian to John and Bailey Lawson, orphans of William Lawson, deceased who gave Bond according to Law. |
21 Sep 1780
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 66, 21 September 1780 – Thomas Lawson, Gentleman is recommended to his Excellency Thomas Jefferson, Governor of this State, as a proper person to consent the office of Sheriff in this County the ensuing year. |
16 Nov 1780
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 68, 16 November 1780 – Thomas Lawson, Gentleman presented a Commission from his Excellency Thomas Jefferson, Governor of this State, appointing him Sheriff of this County who took the oath prescribed and gave Bond according to Law. |
Henry & Thomas
21 Dec 1780
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 70, 21 December 1780 – Henry Lawson is listed as one of the Gentlemen Justices for this Court.Same page and Court – On the motion of Elizabeth Hinton, Thomas Lawson, John Berryman, Henry Lawson, Gentleman and Lawson Hathaway or any three of them are appointed by consent of parties to divide the Estate of Richard Hinton, deceased according to Law and make their report to the Court.Same page and Court – Thomas Lawson, Gentleman acknowledge Bond with security as Sheriff of this County for the collection of the taxes according to Law. |
10 Apr 1781
Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1770-1783, Will Book 20, page 192 – Hugh Brent’s last division of Estate, recorded 10 April 1781. Mrs. Judith Brent, which, on her death, will belong to Mr. Newton Brent. By Richard Mitchell, James Gordon and Henry Lawson. |
19 Apr 1781
Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1770-1783, Will Book 20, page 191 – Elizabeth Blackerley’s division of Estate, dated 17 March 1781 and recorded 19 April 1781. William Hill one of heirs.Same Deed Book, page 253 – Idem. November 1782, to orphans of Martin Hill, vizt. Thomas, John Hill and William Everitt. By John Fleet, John Berryman, Henry Lawson and Wm. Meredith. |
Henry & Epaphroditus
17 Jan 1782
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 87, 17 January 1782 – Henry Lawson is listed as one of the Gentlemen Justices for this Court.Same page and Court – On the Motion of Epaphroditus Lawson, Henry Lawson, Gentleman, Lawson Hathaway, James Currell and Thomas Hathaway or any three of them are appointed to allot unto the said Epaphroditus Lawson his part of his deceased father’s negroes according to his Will and make a report of their proceedings therein to next Court. |
12 Mar 1782
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 90, 12 March 1782 – Henry Lawson is listed as one of the Gentlemen Justices for this Court.Same page and Court – Henry Towles, James Ball and Henry Lawson, Gentlemen are appointed as Commissioner for ascertaining the value of all lands within the aforesaid County of Lancaster and John Taylor and Edwin Conway, Gentlemen are appointed for ascertaining the value of the said Commissioner’s lands. |
Thomas, Henry, William, Epaphroditus & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1782 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas Lawson, 11 white & black tithes, 10 young blacks, 3 horses, 21 cattle. Henry Lawson, 8 white & black tithes, 13 young blacks, 4 horses, 19 cattle. William Lawson, 5 white & black tithes, 5 young blacks, 2 horses, 5 cattle. Epaphroditus Lawson, 2 white & black tithes, 3 young blacks, 2 horses, 9 cattle. Mary Lawson, 3 cattle. |
William, Thomas & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1782 Land Tax List – William Lawson, 100 acres Thomas Lawson, 600 acres Mary Lawson, 200 acres |
23 May 1782
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 20, page 239 – Will of Robert Gilmour, dated 23 May 1782 and recorded 18 July 1782. Mentions his cash account at the store kept by Wm. Lawson at Falmouth. |
16 Aug 1782
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 110, 16 August 1782 – Mary Lawson, Plaintiff vs. Charles Rogers & Co., Defendant – In Chancery. The said Defendants herein has leave until next Court to file their answer to the Complainant’s Bill. |
20 Feb 1783
Lancaster County, VA, Order Book 16, 1778-1783, page 125, 20 February 1783 – William Doggett, orphan of George Doggett, deceased is Bound unto William Lawson according to Law and the said Lawson is to find and provide for the said orphan good and sufficient lodging and diet and teach him the trade of a shop joiner and at the expiration of his servitude to pay him as the Law directs and the said Doggett is to be finished with clothing during his said servitude by Mr. Charles Lee his Guardian. |
Epaphroditus, William, Henry, Mary & Thomas
The following 1783 Lancaster County, Virginia lists as Heads of Families: – Eppa Lawson, 4 white souls, 5 blacks William Lawson, 5 white souls, 11 blacks Henry Lawson, 9 white souls, 20 blacks Mary Lawson, 5 white souls, 11 blacks Thomas Lawson, 4 white souls, 18 blacks |
Mary, Henry, Epaphroditus, William & Thomas |
Lancaster County, VA, 1783 Personal Property Tax List only gave amount of tax paid in May and August – Mary Lawson Henry Lawson Epaphroditus Lawson William Lawson Thomas Lawson |
Henry, William, Thomas & Mary |
Lancaster County, VA, 1783 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson, Commissioner, 250 acres William Lawson, 100 acres Thomas Lawson, 600 acres Mary Lawson, 200 acres |
19 Oct 1783
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 16 – Sarah Jones, widow. Dated 19 October 1783 and recorded 10 March 1784. Nephew: Dr. William Ball. Niece: Mary Graham. Cousins: Mrs. Priscilla Harvey, James Harvey, John Harvey, Anne Harvey and Sarah Harvey. Niece: Alice Ball. Executor Mungo Harvey. Witnesses William Lawson, John Tarpley and David Galloway. |
24 Dec 1783
Marriages of Lancaster County, VA. John Wiatt and Mary Harwood Currill were married 24 December 1783. Surety Epaps Lawson. |
19 Feb 1784
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 12 – Frances James, recorded 19 February 1784. Account John James administrator of Frances James’ estate. John Fleet, John Berryman, Thomas Carter and William Lawson. |
Epaphroditus, Mary, William, Thomas & Henry
Lancaster County, VA, 1784 Personal Property Tax List – Epaphroditus Lawson, 2 white & black tithes, 4 young blacks, 3 cattle, 1 horse. Mary Lawson, 7 white & black tithes, 5 young blacks, 6 cattle, 2 horses. William Lawson, 4 white & black tithes, 5 young blacks, 10 cattle, 2 horses. Thomas Lawson, 11 white & black tithes, 7 young blacks, 17 cattle, 3 horses. Henry Lawson, 7 white & black tithes, 14 young blacks, 12 cattle, 4 horses. |
15 Apr 1784
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 23 – Division of Rawleigh Chinn’s estate, recorded 15 April 1784. Among representatives of daughters Catherine, wife of Francis E. Christian and Ann, wife of Thaddeus McCarty. No. 1 to Mrs. Ann Lawson; No. 2 to Catherine; No. 3 to Mary; No. 4 to Mrs. Elizabeth Craine; No. 5 to Fanny; No. 6 to Frederick; Catherine’s representatives. No. 1 Mr. Rawleigh Christian; No. 2 Mr. John Christian; No. 3 Mr. Francis Christian; No. 4 to Mrs. Ann Carter. By Ran. W. Downman, Wm. Carpenter, Wm. Sydnor and Thomas Scott. |
16 Jul 1784
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 33 – Sarah Ann Simmons, wife of George Brent, recorded 16 July 1784. Settlement by Capt. Henry Lawson, guardian. By Ja. Ball, James Tapscott and Edwin Conway. 15 July 1784, Received of Capt. Henry Lawson for George Brent a loan office certificate for $400 being money due the loan office by the said Lawson for a negro fellow that belonged to Sarah Ann Simmons, wife of said Brent, that was condemned and executed for Felony in the County of Lancaster. |
Ann S.
21 Oct 1784
Marriages of Lancaster County, VA. John Lewis and Ann S. Lawson were married 21 October 1784. Surety Charles Lee of Northumberland County. |
Henry & William
Dec 1784
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 114 – William King’s division of estate, December 1784 and recorded 16 February 1786. Isaac Degge and William Sydnor, guardians of Mary, Katherine and John King. Lawson Hathaway husband of Elizabeth King. By Henry Lawson, William Merridith and William Lawson. |
Henry & William
20 Jan 1785
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 74 – Ann Bridgford’s Estate appraised, 20 January 1785 and recorded 21 April 1785 by Henry Lawson, Lawson Hathaway and William Lawson. |
18 Mar 1785
Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 18 – Hugh Brent’s settlement of estate, February 1785 and recorded 18 March 1785. By Henry Lawson, James Tapscott and Wm. Gibson.Same Will Book, page 116 – Appraisal and division by above name Executors, 15 October 1787. Heirs: Joseph Stevens, Presellah Brent, Hugh Brent, Martin Brent and Kenner Brent. |
Thomas, William, Mary, Epaphroditus & Henry
The following list is from the 1785 Lancaster County, Virginia – Heads of Families: – Thomas Lawson, 5 white souls, 1 dwelling and 8 other buildings. William Lawson, 6 white souls, 1 dwelling and 5 other buildings. Mary Lawson, 3 white souls, 1 dwelling and 4 other buildings. Epp Lawson, 4 white souls, 1 dwelling and 2 other buildings. Henry Lawson, 10 white souls, 1 dwelling and 6 other buildings. |
William, Epaphroditus, Mary, Henry & Thomas
Lancaster County, VA, 1785 Personal Property Tax List – William Lawson, 1 white tithe over 21, 4 black tithes, 6 young blacks, 2 horses, 10 cattle Eppa Lawson, 1 white tithe over 21, 1 black tithe, 2 young blacks, 1 horse, 3 cattle. Mary Lawson, 1 white tithe over 21, 6 black tithes, 4 young blacks, 3 horses, 6 cattle. Henry Lawson, 1 white tithe over 21, 7 black tithes, 14 young blacks, 4 horses, 16 cattle. Thomas Lawson, 1 white tithe over 21, 12 black tithes, 7 young blacks, 3 horses, 14 cattle. |
Thomas N. & Henry
16 Feb 1786
Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 145 – John Berryman’s Will, dated 16 February 1786 and recorded 16 April 1787. Mentions Wife; Sons (not of age) Gibson, land in Lancaster; Richard and James the youngest son. Daughters: To Sarah Foote (her mother’s wedding ring); Martha; Frances Bushrod – youngest daughter. Mentions half blood of children. Wowned land in Prince William County. Mrs. Frances Mapwell to care for children if his wife dies. Executors: James Brent, Gentleman, Wm. Meredith. Witnesses: Wm. Norris, Gilbert Currell, Thomas N. Lawson, Henry Lawson and George Brent. Same Will Book, page 145 – Codicil, 31 March 1786, recorded 16 July 1787. Same Will Book, page 153 – Appraisal above estate by Henry Lawson, Isaac Degge and Martin Shearman. |
Henry, Mary, John, Thomas, Thomas N., Epaphroditus & William
Lancaster County, VA, 1786 Personal Property Tax List – Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 8 blacks over 16, 13 blacks 12-16, 4 horses, 21 cattle. Mary Lawson and son John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 6 blacks over 16, 4 blacks 12-16, 3 horses, 10 cattle. Thomas Lawson and son Thomas N. Lawson, 2 free white males over 21, 11 blacks over 16, 7 blacks 12-16, 3 horses, 13 cattle. Eppa Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 black over 16, 3 blacks 12-16, 1 horse, 3 cattle. William Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 5 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 2 horses, 11 cattle. |
Henry, William, Thomas & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1786 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson, 250 acres William Lawson, 100 acres Thomas Lawson, 600 acres Mary Lawson, 200 acres |
Margaret S. & Thomas
24 Jun 1786
Margaret S. Lawson and Vincent Brent were married 24 June 1786 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Thomas N. Lawson put up surety. |
William & Henry
20 Jul 1786
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 123 – William Martin’s appraisal of estate, recorded 20 July 1786. By Lawson Hathaway, Isaac Degge and William Lawson.Same Will Book, page 131. Appraisement of estate in Richmond County by Thomas Clarke, Andrew Morgan and Griffin Garland. Certified by Wm. MiskellSame Will Book, page 141. Division of estate, 18 January 1787. Hannah Martin, widow. By Thomas Carter, Lawson Hathaway and William Lawson.Same Will Book, page 431. 16 June 1794 Hannah Martin, widow. By Henry Lawson, Lawson Hathaway and James Pollard. |
Epaphroditus Jr. & Henry
18 Jan 1787
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 140 – Epaphroditus Lawson Jr. appraisal, dated November 1786 and recorded 18 January 1787. Appraisal done by Henry Lawson, Martin Shearman and James Currell. |
Henry, William, Thomas, Thomas N., Mary & John
Mar 1787
Lancaster County, VA, March 1787 Personal Property Tax List – Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 8 blacks over 16, 12 blacks 12-16, 4 horses, 23 cattle. William Lawson and Anthony Sydnor, 2 free white males over 21, 4 blacks over 16, 9 blacks 12-16, 3 horses, 10 cattle. Thomas Lawson and son Thomas N. Lawson, 2 free white males over 21, 7 blacks over 16, 7 blacks 12-16, 3 horses, 13 cattle. Mary Lawson and son John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 6 blacks over 16, 5 blacks 12-16, 3 horses, 13 cattle. |
Henry, William, Thomas & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1787 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson, 250 acres William Lawson, 100 acres Thomas Lawson, 600 acres Mary Lawson, 200 acres |
Henry & William
16 Jul 1787
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 152 – Appraisal of Nicholas Currell Jr.’s estate, recorded 16 July 1787 by Henry Lawson, Gilbert Currill, Lawson Hathaway and Wm. Lawson. |
10 Feb 1788
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 325 – Col. Thaddeus McCarty division of estate, recorded 10 February 1788. To Frederick McCarty, Mrs. A. Lawson, Capt. James Craine, Miss Fanny McCarty, Miss Molly McCarty. By James Newby, Ozwald Newby and Rawl. Davenport. |
Thomas, Thomas N., William, Mary, John & Henry
Mar 1788
Lancaster County, VA, March 1788 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas Lawson and son Thomas N. Lawson, 2 free white males over 21, 9 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 3 horses. William Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 2 horses. Mary Lawson and son John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 6 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 free white male 16-21, 9 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. |
Henry, William, Thomas & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1788 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson, 250 acres William Lawson, 100 acres Thomas Lawson, 600 acres Mary Lawson, 200 acres |
Henry & John
21 Jul 1788
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 183 – Will of George Currell, dated 6 February 1788 and recorded 21 July 1788. Son Robert Currell, all my land; daughters: Eliz. Lighbourne; Lucy Garlington; Mary Harward Wiatt. Executor son Robert. Witnesses John Lawson, Martin Shearman and Wm. Doggett.Same Will Book, page 246. Appraisal of above estate, recorded 18 January 1790 by Henry Lawson, John Lawson and James Currill. |
William, Thomas, Thomas N., Mary, John & Henry
Mar -Apr 1789
Lancaster County, VA, March-April 1789 Personal Property Tax List – William Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 2 horses. Thomas Lawson and son Thomas N. Lawson, 2 free white males over 21, 9 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 2 horses. Mary Lawson and son John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 6 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 free white male 16-21, 9 blacks over 16, 3 blacks 12-16, 5 horses. |
Henry, William, Thomas & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1789 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson – 100 acres Thomas Lawson – 600 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
William, Betty, Anthony, Elizabeth, Rowland, Henry & Henry C.
19 Apr 1790
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 258 – William Lawson of Christ Church Parish, dated 5 March 1789, recorded 19 April 1790. Wife – Betty. Son – Anthony Lawson. Daughters Elizabeth Sydnor Lawson and Ann Lawson. Unborn child. Rowland Lawson. Executors: Brother Henry Lawson and Lawson Hathaway. Mentions brother and sister’s children. Wits: – John Sydnor and Henry C. Lawson.19 July 1790 William Lawson’s appraisal, will book 22, page 278. |
Henry, William’s estate, Thomas, Thomas N., Mary & John
Mar -Apr 1790
Lancaster County, VA, March-April 1790 Personal Property Tax List – Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 2 free white males 16-21, 11 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 5 horses. William Lawson’s estate, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 2 horses. Thomas Lawson and son Thomas N. Lawson, 2 free white males over 21, 8 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 2 horses. Mary Lawson and son John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. |
Henry, William, Thomas & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1790 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson – 100 acres Thomas Lawson – 600 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
15 May 1790
Ann Lawson, widow, and William Cuthbert were married 15 May 1790 in Lancaster County, Virginia. James Hill surety. |
Epaphroditus & Nancy
21 Jun 1790
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 269 – Eppa Lawson’s division of estate, dated 16 February 1790 and recorded 21 June 1790. Allotted to widow, Nancy Lawson by Martin Shearman and Robert Fergusson. |
19 Jul 1790
Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 279 – John Eustace Beale, settlement, December 1789, recorded 19 July 1790, Charles Lee, administrator, mention widow and orphans (no names). Returned by Henry Lawson and Rawleigh Shearman. |
17 Jan 1791
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 285 – Epaphroditus Lawson’s settlement, James Brent administrator, by Henry Dawson and Martin Shearman. |
Mary, John, Thomas, Thomas N., Henry & Henry C.
Mar -Apr 1791
Lancaster County, VA, March-April 1791 Personal Property Tax List (note could only read the names) – Mary Lawson and son John Lawson Thomas Lawson and son Thomas N. Lawson Henry Lawson and son Henry C. Lawson |
Henry, William’s Estate, Mary & Thomas
Lancaster County, VA, 1791 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s Estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres Land transfer – Thomas Lawson sold 600 acres to Dincent Newton. |
Thomas, Thomas N., John, Henry, Henry C., Elizabeth & Mary
Apr -Jun 1792
Lancaster County, VA, April-June 1792 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, could not read. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 horse. John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 4 black above 16, 3 horses Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 11 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 4 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 2 free white males 16-21, 2 horses. Elizabeth Lawson, 1 free white male 16-21, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. Mary Lawson, 6 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. |
Henry, William’s Estate & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1792 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s Estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
John Biscoe
16 Jul 1792
Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 348 – John Biscoe’s division of Estate, dated December 1791 and recorded 16 July 1792. Heirs were William, Lawson, Elizabeth and George Biscoe. By Henry Towles, John Chowning and Wm. George. |
Elizabeth & Henry
17 Dec 1792
Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 357 – James Brent’s Will, dated 13 May 1791 and recorded 17 December 1792. Wife, Elizabeth Brent; sons: James and William; Daughters: Susannah, Sarah Nutt Brent, Mary and Elizabeth Brent and a child yet unborn. Executrix, wife. Proved by Martin Shearman and George Brent.Same Will Book, page 365, 18 February 1793 – Appraisal above estate by Henry Lawson, Wm. Eustace and Wm. Gibson. |
Henry C., Henry, Thomas, Thomas N., Elizabeth, John & Mary
May -Aug 1793
Lancaster County, VA, May-August 1793 Personal Property Tax List – Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 horse. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 10 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. Thomas Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 9 blacks over 16, 2 horses. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 horse. Elizabeth Lawson and William Currell, 1 free white male over 21, 4 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 1 horse. John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 5 blacks above 16, 2 horses Mary Lawson, 5 blacks over 16, 3 horses. |
Henry, William’s Estate & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1793 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s Estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
22 Sep 1793
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 22, page 397 – Will of Benjamin Garton, dated 22 September 1793, recorded 21 October 1793. Son: Benjamin. Daughter Judith Clemons, wife of John Clemons. Daughter-in-law: Mary Garton. Granddaughter Sarah Cornelius, wife of William Cornelius and their son John B. Cornelius. Leviney Lawson. Ann Hill, Betty Hill and Judith Hill, daughters of Rachel Crowther. Executors Lawson Hathaway and Benjamin Garton. Witnesses Mathew James, John King and Lawson Hathaway. |
Catherine & Thomas
28 Oct 1793
Richard Bennett of Westmoreland and Catherine Lawson, daughter of Thomas Lawson were married 28 October 1793 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Thomas Lawson surety. |
27 Dec 1793
John Lawson and Charlotte Ashburn, daughter of Margaret Ashburn were married 27 December 1793 in Lancaster County, Virginia. William Cornelious surety. |
20 Jan 1794
John Lawson and Mary Tunstall Digges were married 20 January 1794 in Lancaster County, Virginia. James Pollard surety. Marriage solemnized by the Reverend Isham James. |
John, Elizabeth, Henry, Henry C., Mary, John, Thomas N. & Thomas
Apr -Jul 1794
Lancaster County, VA, April-July 1794 Personal Property Tax List – John Losson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 horse Elizabeth Lawson and William Currell, 1 free white male over 21, 4 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 1 horse. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 10 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 horse. Mary Lawson, 5 blacks over 16, 3 horses. John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 5 blacks over 16, 2 horses Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. Thomas Lawson, 1 free white male over 21. |
Henry, William’s Estate & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1794 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s Estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
John & Mary Tunstall
16 Feb 1795
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 12, Will written 19 April 1794 and probated 16 February 1795. Of Christ Church Parish Leg: wife Mary Tunstall Lawson Exr: Mr. William Degge Wits: William Degge and George Brent |
John, Mary T., Mary, Henry, Henry C., Elizabeth & Thomas N.
Mary 1795
Lancaster County, VA, May 1795 Personal Property Tax List – John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21. Mary T. Lawson, 2 blacks over 16, 2 horses Mary Lawson, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 10 blacks over 16, 3 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 horse. Elizabeth Lawson, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 black over 16, 1 horse. |
Henry, William’s Estate & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1795 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s Estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
20 Jul 1795
Abstracts Lancaster County, VA, Wills 1783-1795, Will Book 22, page 460 – John Lawson’s appraisal, dated 16 February 1795 and recorded 20 July 1795. By William Gibson, George W. Yerby and Thomas Pitman. |
Mary T.
9 Jan 1796
Mary T. Lawson married Hugh Brent 9 January 1796 in Lancaster County, VA. Joseph Stephens surety. |
Henry C.
18 Jan 1796
Henry C. Lawson and Margaret S. Lee were married 18 January 1796 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Thomas Lee surety. |
Thomas N., John, Elizabeth, Henry C., Henry & Mary
Mary 1796
Lancaster County, VA, May 1796 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. John Lawson, 1 free white male over 21. Elizabeth Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 21, 10 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 5 horses. Mary Lawson, 4 blacks over 16, 6 blacks 12-16, 3 horses. |
Henry, William’s Estate & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1796 Land Tax List – Henry Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s Estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
Mary & Henry C.
6 Aug 1796
Mary Lawson and Timothy McNamara, mariner, were married 6 August 1796 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety Henry C. Lawson. |
Henry C., Henry, Elizabeth, Mary & Thomas N.
May 1797
Lancaster County, VA, May 1797 Personal Property Tax List – Henry C. Lawson, 2 free white males over 16, 3 blacks over 16, 2 horses. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 12 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. Elizabeth Lawson, 5 blacks over 16. Mary Lawson, 5 blacks over 16, 2 horses. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1797 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson – 200 acres |
Henry, William’s estate, Henry C. & Thomas N.
May -Apr 1798
Lancaster County, VA, May-April 1798 Personal Property Tax List – Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 11 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 3 horses. Wm. Lawson’s estate, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 3 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 2 horses. Thos. N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Mary’s Estate
Lancaster County, VA, 1798 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson’s estate – 200 acres |
Thomas Newton, Henry & Henry C.
May -Jun 1799
Lancaster County, VA, May-June 1799 Personal Property Tax List – Thos. Newton Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 10 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 3 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 2 horses. |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Mary’s Estate
Lancaster County, VA, 1799 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson’s estate – 200 acres |
Levinia H.
17 Jul 1799
Levinia H. Lawson and Nicholas Reaves were married 17 July 1799 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety James Towls. |
Katharine, Thomas & Lettice
17 Jul 1799
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 30, Will of Vincent Brent, written 27 April 1799 and probated 16 September 1799. Legs: Wife Margaret Steptoe; son Charles, poplar neck purchased of Gilson? Berryman including reversion of land held as dower by Mrs. Sarah Berryman, plus rent due from John Hunt; son Arthur, land in Fleets bay neck; daughters Katharine Lawson, Ann Steptoe and Sarah Newton, land purchased from Capt. Thomas Lawson Negroes: Thomas and Mary, living with Capt. Thomas Lawson, at his death to children; Elliot, also living with Capt. Lawson, at his disposal by will. Exr: William Yerby, also acting as guardian of son Charles. Wits: Leroy Nutt, Ann L?. Brent, Lettice Lawson, Thomas James and John Hunt. |
Thomas Newton, Henry C. & Henry
Jun -Jul 1800
Lancaster County, VA, June-July 1798 Personal Property Tax List – Thos. Newton Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 8 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 5 horses. |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Mary’s Estate
Lancaster County, VA, 1800 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson’s estate – 200 acres |
Thomas N., Henry C., Henry & Anthony
Jun 1801
Lancaster County, VA, June 1801 Personal Property Tax List – Thos. N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 8 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 5 horses. Anthony Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 1 horse. |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Mary’s Estate
Lancaster County, VA, 1801 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson’s estate – 200 acres |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Mary’s Estate
15 Jun 1801
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 49, Will of Nicholas Currell, written 6 May 1801 and probated 15 June 1801. Legs: son James Currell, Kentucky land; son-in-law Thomas Lee; daughter Ann Ball; granddaughters Margaret Steptoe Lawson, Ann Currell Lee, Margaret Steptoe Ball; Jane White Ford. Negroes Robin, Solomon and Sarah to granddaughter Margaret Steptoe Lawson. Exrs: Sons-in-law Joseph Ball, Thomas Lee; Capt. Henry C. Lawson. Wits: George Ford, Henry Lawson and Lawson Hathaway. |
Margaret Steptoe, Henry C. & Henry
Apr -Jun 1802
Lancaster County, VA, April-June 1802 Personal Property Tax List – Henry Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 7 blacks over 16, 3 blacks 12-16, 3 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 9 blacks over 16, 3 blacks 12-16, 3 horses. Anthony Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 horse. Thos. N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 3 horses. |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Mary’s Estate
Lancaster County, VA, 1802 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s estate – 100 acres Mary Lawson’s estate – 200 acres |
19 Jul 1802
Anthony Lawson and Ann Shelton were married 19 July 1802 in Lancaster County, Virginia. George Flowers surety. |
Anthony, Epaphroditus, Henry’s estate, Henry C. & Thomas N.
May 1803
Lancaster County, VA, May 1803 Personal Property Tax List – Anthony Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. Eppy Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 horse. Henry Lawson’s estate, 10 blacks over 16, 3 blacks 12-16, 3 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. Thomas. N. Lawson, 6 blacks over 16, 3 horses. |
Henry C., William’s Estate & Epaphroditus
Lancaster County, VA, 1803 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres William Lawson’s estate – 100 acres Land transfer Eppy Lawson sold 200 acres to Timothy McNamara |
Henry Sr., Esther, Thomas, William, Winifred, Sally, Susannah, Fanny & Henry C.
20 Jun 1803
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 72, Will written 29 May 1800 and probated 20 June 1803. Legs: wife Esther Lawson; children Thomas Lawson, William Lawson, Winifred Kirk Lawson, Sally Chinn Lawson, Susannah Mitchell Lawson, Fanny Lawson; son Henry Chinn Lawson, land and plantation. Negroes: Joe to Henry Chinn Lawson, Letty already given to Winifred Kirk Lawson, as Maria to Sally Chinn Lawson and Daniel to Thomas Lawson. Exrs.: Esther Lawson, Henry Chinn Lawson, Thomas Lawson, Martin Shearman and William Kirk. Wits.: Augustine Carter, Rawleigh Tapscott and Martin Shearman. |
Elizabeth & Henry C.
5 Aug 1803
Elizabeth Lawson and William Smither were married 5 August 1803 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Henry C. Lawson surety. |
Thomas Jr., Epaphroditus, Thomas N., Henry C. & Esther
Mar -Apr 1804
Lancaster County, VA, March-April 1804 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas Lawson Jr., 1 free white male over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. Eppa Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 2 horses. Thomas. N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 5 horses. Esther Lawson, 3 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. |
Henry C. & Thomas N.
Lancaster County, VA, 1804 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres Thomas N. Lawson – 360 acres Land transfer Thomas N. Lawson sold 15 acres to Isaac Currell |
Winifred & Henry C.
30 Aug 1804
Winifred R. Lawson and John McNamara were married 30 August 1804 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety Henry C. Lawson. |
17 Mar 1805
Nancy Lawson and Isaac Hurst were married 17 March 1805 in Lancaster County, Virginia. William Smither surety. |
Thomas N., Thomas Jr., Henry C. & Esther
May -Jun 1805
Lancaster County, VA, May-June 1805 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 4 blacks over 16. Thomas Lawson Jr., 1 free white male over 16, 1 horse. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. Esther Lawson, 3 blacks over 16, 1 horse. |
Henry C., Thomas N. & Thomas Jr.
Lancaster County, VA, 1805 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres Thomas N. Lawson – 256 2/3 acres Thomas Lawson, Jr. – 100 acres Land transfer Thomas N. Lawson sold 100 acres to Thomas Lawson Jr. Thomas N. Lawson sold 312 acres to Fleet Currell. |
Thomas N., Esther, Epaphroditus, Thomas & Henry C.
May -Aug 1806
Lancaster County, VA, May-August 1806 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas. N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. Esther Lawson, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. Eppa Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16. Thomas Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 6 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 3 horses. |
Henry C., Thomas N. & Thomas Jr.
Lancaster County, VA, 1806 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres Thomas N. Lawson – 256 2/3 acres Thomas Lawson, Jr. – 100 acres |
Henry C., Esther, Thomas & Epaphroditus
Mar -Apr 1807
Lancaster County, VA, March-April 1807 Personal Property Tax List – Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 4 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. Esther Lawson, 3 blacks over 16, 1 horse. Thomas Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 horse. Eppa Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16. |
Henry C., Thomas & Thomas N.
Lancaster County, VA, 1807 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres Thomas Lawson – 12 1/2 acres Land transfer – Thomas N. Lawson 263 acres to George W. Yerby. Thomas Lawson 87 acres to George W. Yerby. |
Frances & Henry Chinn
15 Jul 1807
Frances Lawson and Timothy McNamara were married 15 July 1807 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Henry Chinn Lawson surety. |
Epaphroditus, Ester, William & Henry C.
Mar -Apr 1809
Lancaster County, VA, March-April 1809 Personal Property Tax List – Eppa Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. Esther Lawson, 3 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. William Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 1 black 12-16. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 4 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 4 horses. |
Henry C. & Thomas
Lancaster County, VA, 1809 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres Thomas Lawson – 12 1/2 acres |
Ester & Henry C.
Mar 1810
Lancaster County, VA, March 1810 Personal Property Tax List – Esther Lawson, 4 blacks over 16, 1 horse. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 4 horses. |
Henry C. & Thomas
Lancaster County, VA, 1810 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 250 acres Thomas Lawson – 12 1/2 acres |
Henry C., & Mary
Lancaster County, VA, 1810 Census – Henry C. Lawson – In his household are 5 males under 10, 1 male 10-16, 2 males 26-45, 2 females under 10, 1 female 10-16 and 1 female 16-26 years. Mary Lawson – In her household are 1 male under 10, 1 male 10-16, 2 females under 10, 1 female 26-45 and 1 female 45 years and over. |
19 Dec 1810
Eppa Lawson and Ann Thornton Longwith were married 19 December 1810 in Lancaster County, Virginia. John Longwith surety. |
Henry C., William & Epaphroditus
Mar -May 1811
Lancaster County, VA, March-May 1811 Personal Property Tax List – Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 2 blacks 12-16, 5 horses. Wm. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16. Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. |
Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1811 Land Tax list – Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres |
Henry C.
15 Jul 1811
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 117, Will of William Smither, written 21 February 1811 and probated 15 July 1811. Legs: Wife Elizabeth Smither; son Thomas Smither, home plantation; daughters Elizabeth Smither and Judith Smither Exrs: Wife Elizabeth Smither, Henry C. Lawson and Richard Berryman |
Thomas N., Henry C., Epaphroditus & William
May 1812
Lancaster County, VA, May 1812 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 1 horse. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 4 blacks 12-16, 7 horses. Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 1 horse. Wm. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 2 blacks over 16, 1 black 12-16, 1 horse. |
William, Thomas N. & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1812 Land Tax list – William Lawson – 175 acres Thomas N. Lawson – 4 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 1/2 acres Land transfer – Leo P. Oliver 4 acres to Thomas N. Lawson William George 175 acres to William Lawson |
Epaphroditus, Henry C., William & Thomas N.
May 1813
Lancaster County, VA, May 1813 Personal Property Tax List – Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 2 blacks over 16, 1 horse. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 5 blacks over 16, 4 blacks 12-16, 7 horses. William Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 2 blacks over 16, 2 horses. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 1 horse. |
Henry C.
17 May 1813
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 49, Will of Sarah Currell, written 7 July 1806 and probated 17 May 1813. Legs: Son Isaac Currell; daughter-in-law Dolly Currell; grandchildren Elizabeth Currell, James Currell, Polly Currell, Alice Currell and Isaac Currell. Wits: Henry C. Lawson and Joseph Shearman. |
William, Thomas N. & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1813 Land Tax list – William Lawson – 175 acres Thomas N. Lawson – 4 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1⁄2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 ¾ acres |
Henry C., Epaphroditus & William
Mar -Apr 1814
Lancaster County, VA, March-April 1814 Personal Property Tax List – Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 6 blacks over 16, 4 blacks 12-16, 6 horses. Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 1 horse. William Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 black over 16, 2 horses. |
William, Thomas N. & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1814 Land Tax list – William Lawson – 175 acres Thomas N. Lawson – 4 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1⁄2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 ¾ acres |
William, Henry C. Sr., Henry C. Jr. & Thomas Lee
4 Dec 1814
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 163, Will written (Nuncupative) 4 December 1814 and probated 15 May 1815. Wounded by British 3 December 1814, wished to be buried in Richmond County near wife and little daughter. Legs: Daughter to be in care of aunt Mrs. Elleanor Williams, then Amelia Glascock; brothers Henry C. Lawson and Thomas Lee Lawson; son of Henry C. Lawson, miscellaneous property at Mr. Waddey’s, Mr. John Thomson’s and Mr. Glascock’s; Mr. Thomas Mason in his debt. Wits: Benjamin George and John Thomson. |
Henry C.
18 Apr 1815
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 161, Will of John James, written 27 October 1814 and probated 18 April 1815. Legs: Son John James, land; mother Mary James; wife Betsy L. James; brother William M. James; sisters Margaret Mason, Mary K. George, Betsey P. James and Nancy James. Exrs: Betsey L. James, Henry C. Lawson and Wm. Pollard Wits: James Gibson, Lawson Hathaway and Wm. James |
Epaphroditus, Thomas N., William’s estate & Henry C.
Mar -May 1815
Lancaster County, VA, March-May 1815 Personal Property Tax List – Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 horse. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 horse. William Lawson’s estate, 1 black over 12. Henry C. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 10 blacks over 12, 3 blacks 9-12, 5 horses, 9 cattle. |
William’s Estate, Thomas N. & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1815 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s estate – 175 acres Thomas N. Lawson – 4 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1⁄2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 ¾ acres |
Elizabeth C. & Henry C.
25 Oct 1815
Elizabeth C. Lawson, daughter of Henry C. Lawson and Peter Beane Jr. were married 25 October 1815 in Lancaster County, Virginia. John Edmonds surety. |
20 Nov 1815
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 170, Will of George Wale’s, written 6 July 1810 and probated 20 November 1815. Eppa Lawson was a witness. |
Henry Chinn
18 Mar 1816
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 176, Will of Robert Clarke, written 13 August 1815 and probated 18 March 1816. Legs: Sister Judith Thrall, wife of Mr. John Thrall; niece Nancy Thrall Exrs: Mr. Wm. Pollard, Capt. Henry Chinn Lawson and Mr. Joseph Shearman |
Thomas N., Epaphroditus & Henry C.
Apr 1816
Lancaster County, VA, April 1816 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16, 1 horse. Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. Henry C. Lawson, 2 free white males over 16, 11 blacks over 12, 6 horses. |
William’s Estate, Henry C. & Thomas N.
Lancaster County, VA, 1816 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s estate – 175 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 ¾ acres Land transfer – Thomas N. Lawson 4 acres to Jesse Hubbard |
Henry C., Epaphroditus & Thomas N.
Apr -May 1817
Lancaster County, VA, April-May 1817 Personal Property Tax List – Henry C. Lawson, 2 free white males over 16, 11 blacks over 12, 6 horses. Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. |
William’s Estate & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1817 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s estate – 175 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 ¾ acres |
Henry C.
20 Oct 1817
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 185, Will of William Pollard, written 30 June 1816 and probated 20 October 1817. Legs: Wife Nancy Hale Pollard; son James Pollard, in care of Capt. Henry C. Lawson and Mr. Peter Beane, Senior, interest in estate of his deceased uncle James Pollard. |
20 Oct 1817
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 183, Will written 23 October 1815 and probated 20 October 1817. Will of Richard Mitchell. Eppa Lawson was one of the witnesses. |
Epaphroditus, Henry C. & Thomas N.
Mar -May 1818
Lancaster County, VA, March-May 1818 Personal Property Tax List – Eppa. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. Henry C. Lawson, 2 free white males over 16, 10 blacks over 12, 6 horses. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. |
William’s Estate & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1818 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s estate – 175 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 ¾ acres |
Thomas N. & Henry C.
Apr -May 1819
Lancaster County, VA, April-May 1819 Personal Property Tax List – Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. Henry C. Lawson, 2 free white males over 16, 14 blacks over 12, 6 horses. |
William’s Estate & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1819 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s estate – 175 acres Henry C. Lawson – 262 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 71 1/2 acres Henry C. Lawson – 3 ¾ acres |
Henry C.
20 Sep 1819
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 197, Will of Lawson Hathaway, written 24 May 1815 and probated 20 September 1819. Legs: Wife Elizabeth Hathaway; son Lawson Hathaway; daughter Elizabeth Rogers, had legacy from Capt. James Kirk; daughter Sarah Degges; grandchildren, heirs of William Hathaway. Exrs: William Kirk and Henry C. Lawson |
Henry C. & Thomas N.
Apr 1820
Lancaster County, VA, April 1820 Personal Property Tax List – Henry C. Lawson, 2 free white males over 16, 12 blacks over 16, 3 black12-16, 7 horses. Thomas N. Lawson, 1 free white male over 16. |
William’s Estate & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1820 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s Estate – 175 acres, forest near Eustaw’s Mill. Henry C. Lawson – 337 3/4 acres, low on Rappahannock River. |
Henry C. & Thomas N.
Lancaster County, VA, 1820 Census – Henry C. Lawson – In his household are 4 males under 10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-18, 2 males 16-26, 1 male 45 and over, 1 female under 10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 16-26, 1 female 26-45 years and 31 slaves. Thomas N. Lawson – In his household is 1 male 45 and over and no slaves. |
Thomas L.
28 Nov 1821
Thomas L. Lawson and Judith N. Brent, daughter of Alice Brent were married 28 November 1821 in Lancaster County, Virginia. John T. Degge surety. |
William’s Estate & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1821 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s Estate – 175 acres, forest near Eustaw’s Mill. Henry C. Lawson – 337 3/4 acres, low on Rappahannock River. |
Thomas N.
21 Jan 1822
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 223, Will of Mary James, written 18 December 1821 and probated 21 January 1822. Legs: Daughters Elizabeth James and Nancy James: “balance of my children” – daughter-in-law Elizabeth L. James, William M. James, Thomas James, Mary K. George, son-in-law Thomas Mason Exr: Hierom Carpenter Wits: Thomas N. Lawson and Hierom Carpenter |
Margaret L.
9 Jul 1822
Margaret L. Lawson and William Gibson were married 9 July 1822 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Surety Benjamin M. Walker. |
William’s Estate & Henry C.
Lancaster County, VA, 1822 Land Tax list – William Lawson’s Estate – 175 acres, forest near Eustaw’s Mill. Henry C. Lawson – 337 3/4 acres, low on Rappahannock River. Henry C. Lawson – 170 acres, Carter’s Creek |
Henry C.
20 Sep 1824
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 253, Will of Peter Beane, written 5 December 1820 and probated 20 September 1824. Legs: Son Thomas J. Beane, home plantation called Musqueto; son Peter H. Beane, 10 acres of land on Carter’s Creek bought from Wm. H. George and Baily George; Leanner Chilton; grandson Peter Henry Beane, granddaughter Ann C. Chilton and heirs. An appeal against Thomas J. Beane and Cyrus Chilton by Henry C. Lawson, guardian of Peter H. Beane, on the Court’s opinion of 16 August 1824 that this not be the legal will of Peter Beane. Court reversed and annulled decision and admitted will to probate. |
Henry B. & Thomas
23 Jan 1826
Henry B. Lawson and Sally E. McNamara were married 23 January 1826 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Thomas L. Lawson surety. |
Pauline & Henry C.
13 Nov 1826
Pauline Lawson and Spencer George were married 13 November 1826 in Lancaster County, Virginia. Daughter of H. C. Lawson. Surety George P. Stephens. |
Thomas L.
15 Jan 1827
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 273, Will of Sarah Dunton, written 25 May 1824 and probated 15 January 1827. Legs: son Thomas Dunton Wits: John Meredith and Thomas L. Lawson |
Henry C. & Margaret
21 Apr 1834
Lancaster County, VA Land Causes – Robert T. Dunaway, Guardian vs Suit for division, Henry C. Lawson – Bill of complaint – Humbly complaining; shews unto your worships your orator, Robert T. Dunaway, guardian and next friend of Eliza and John Towill; that Thomas Lee died about the year 1809 or 1810, intestate and possessed of considerable land and personal estate, leaving a widow and three children, namely John, Margaret and Ann; Margaret intermarried with Henry C. Lawson and Ann intermarried with Thomas Towill. That by an order of the County Court of Lancaster William Pollard, Richard Berryman, Joseph Shearman and Samuel M. Shearman as Commissioners, attended by James Alderson as surveyor, divided the said real estate of the said Thomas Lee among his heirs as follows: To the widow 113 ¾ acres; to John Lee 75 ½ acres; to Henry C. Lawson, in right of his wife who was Margaret Lee, 71 ½ acres and to Lawson and Towill 7 ½ acres jointly, being woodland as your orator is informed — that John Lee died under the age of 21 years, without issue and intestate; Thomas Towill is also dead and the widow of Thomas Lee has also long since died; Ann Towill, who was Ann lee, the widow of Thomas Towill, intermarried with John Meredith, she the said Ann Meredith, who was Ann Lee, is also dead and left four children by her first marriage, namely Charles, Ann, Eliza and John Towill and two by her last marriage, namely Margaret and Thomas Meredith; Charles Towill died in the year 1833, of full age but without issue, having made and published his last will, a copy of which is herewith filed; Lawson Hathaway is his administrator. Ann Towill intermarried with Thomas Waters and has since died leaving one child who is an infant by the name of Ann R. Waters; John Meredith, the second husband of Ann Lee has also lately died; that since the first division of the lands of the said Thomas Lee no correct division has taken place &c.— Ann R. Waters not an inhabitant of this Commonwealth – 21 April 1834 – page 216. |
Esther C. & Margaret
20 Apr 1835
George W. Payne and Esther C. Lawson, daughter of Margaret Lawson were married 20 April 1835 in Lancaster County, VA. James Harding put up security. |
Margaret, Charles N., Octavious, Mordecai & Melissa
15 May 1837
Lancaster County, VA, Will Book 28, Abstracts and Index of Wills Recorded 1796 – 1839, compiled by Mary Ball Washington. Page 344, Will written – not dated and probated 15 May 1837. Legs: son Charles N. Lawson, interest and rights in land on Carter’s Creek; sons Octavious Lawson and Mordecai Lawson. Wits: Eliza L. McNamara, Melissa G. Lawson and Sarah N. Brent |
Elizabeth C. & Judith N. |
28 Nov 1843
James B. James and Elizabeth C. Lawson, daughter of Judith N. Lawson were married 28 November 1843. Hugh Brent put up security. |
1 Sep 1847
James Lawson and Elizabeth Barrock were married 1 September 1847 in Lancaster County, VA. John K. Treakel put up security. |