Lee County, Virginia

Lawsons Named
County in Virginia
Ca 1800
Dier/Adiah Lawson, son of David and Mary was born 1793/98 (according to census reports).  Death Certificate says he died age 80 years and 9 months on 1 November 1880 (second wife turned this data in).  Ada Grace Catron listed his death as 1 November 1878, age 80 years and 9 months.  He married: (1) Jane England and (2) Charlotte Lawson Hart.  Lawson Newsletter #30, page 305.
Moroman, Stokely & Hutson
21 Mar 1805
1805 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
March 21, Lawson, Moroman, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 21, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 21, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Ambrose, David, Hutson, Moroman, Stokely & John
31 Mar 1806
1806 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
March 31, Lawson, Ambrose, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 31, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 31, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
March 31, Lawson, Moroman, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
March 31, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 31, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years
Hutson, Moroman, David, Ambrose & John
15 Apr 1807
1807 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
April 15, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
April 15, Lawson, Moroman, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
April 15, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
April 15, Lawson, Ambrose, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
April 15, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years
1808 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
No taxes collect for this year.
Hutson, David, Moroman, John, Stephen & Bartlett
20-22 Apr 1809
1809 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
April 20, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
April 22, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
April 22, Lawson, Moroman, 1 white male over 16 years
April 22, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years
April 22, Lawson, Stephen, 1 white male over 16 years
April 22, Lawson, Bartlett, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
David, Moroman, Hutson, John, Thomas & Stokely
Apr -May 1810
1810 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
April 17, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
May 18, Lawson, Moroman, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
May 18, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
May 18, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years
May 18, Lawson, Thomas, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
May 18, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Bartlett, David, Hutson, Thomas, Stokely, John & Morman
16-22 Apr 1811
1811 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
April 16, Lauson, Bartlett, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
April 30, Lauson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
April 30, Lauson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
April 30, Lauson, Thomas, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
April 30, Lauson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
April 30, Lauson, John, 2 white males over 16 years
April 30, Lauson, Morman, 1 white male over 16 years
Bartlett, Stokely, Thomas, Hutson, Morman & David
Apr -May 1812
1812 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
April 9, Lauson, Bartlett, 3 white males over 16 years, 1 horse
May 20, Lauson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years
May 20, Lauson, Thomas, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
May 20, Lauson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
May 20, Lauson, Morman, 1 white male over 16 years
May 20, Lauson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 5 horses
13 Jan 1813
Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 3, 1813 – 1820, pages 68 – 69.
This Indenture made this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, between Job Crabtree of the county of Lee and State of Virginia assignee of James Park of Richmond of the one part and Huston Lawson of the county and state aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the said Job Crabtree for and in consideration of the sum of three hundreds dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge have granted, bargained and sold unto the said Huston Lawson his heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land containing three hundred and forty acres the same being a part of a tract of land containing five hundred acres patented in the name of James Branch esq. beginning at three lynn trees on the south bank of the southern fork of Blackwater and running N 42 degrees E, 194 poles crossing the fork to a poplar, hickory, Spanish oak and stooping white oak on the east side of the ridge near a hollow N 9 degrees E, 128 poles to two branches at the foot of a ridge on the south of the north fork of Blackwater thence with a diving line between Lawson’s and Crabtree N 58 degrees W, 166 poles to a double chestnut, Spanish oak and hickory on the south side of Powel’s mountain, S 48 degrees W, 275 poles to a white oak and black oak at the foot of said mountain a corner to a survey of Arthur Campbell and two hickories and a white oak in the bank of a creek S 44 degrees E, 92 poles to a gum and double dogwood and ridge S 9 degrees E, 116 poles crossing a branch to a white oak on the foot of a ridge above a large spring N15 degrees E, 30 poles to the Beginning, together with the appurtenances there unto belonging to have fand to hold the said tract or parcel of land to the sole use and  behoof of him the said Huston Lawson and his heirs, that he the said Job Crabtree and his heirs the said tract or parcel of land with all its appurtenances unto the said Huston Lawson his heirs will warrant and forever defend against the right or claim of all and every other person or persons whatsoever.  In witness whereof the said Job Crabtree have hereunto subscribed his name and affixed his seal the day and year within written.Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of (part missing)
Job Crabtree – His seal
David, Hudson, Thomas, William & John
12 May 1813
1813 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
May 12, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 5 horses
May 12, Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
May 12, Lawson, Thomas, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
May 12, Lawson, William, 1 white male over 16 years
May 12, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
4 Aug 1814
Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 3, 1813 – 1820, page 259.
Know all men by these presents that I Hudson Lawson of Lee County and State aforesaid am held and firmly bound unto James Mullins as assignee, in the County and State aforesaid, in the final sum of 270 dollars lawful money of Virginia to which payment well and truly to be made, I bind myself, my heirs &c. as witness my hand and seal this 4th day August 1814, the condition of the above obligation is such that if the above named Hudson Lawson doth well and truly make or cause to be made a good and sufficient title to a certain tract of land in Lee County adjoining to the Campbell’s land patent to Mr. James Branch and being a part of a 500 acre survey the lower end of a survey from two beeches, a corner of a survey on the south side of the north fork of Blackwater and thence across a branch to a double chestnut, Spanish oak and hickory on the south side of Powel’s Mountain, then the above obligation to be made, otherwise to remain in full force in law as witness my hand and seal signed and delivered in the presence of – Test Joseph Baker, David his X mark Burk.
Signed Hudson his X mark Lawson  –  His Seal
1815-1826 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Note found in the records indicated “are not extant.”
7 Dec 1816
Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 3, 1813 – 1820, pages 367 – 368.
This Indenture made this seventh day December one thousand eight hundred and sixteen between Abraham Fulkerson of the County of Scott and State of Virginia of the one part and Stokely Lawson of the County of Lee and State aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of fifty five dollars lawful money of Virginia to him the said Abraham Fulkerson in hand paid by the said Stokely Lawson at or before the ___sealing and delivery of these present the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and him ___self therewith fully satisfied and ____ hath bargained, sold and conveyed and do by these present bargain, sell and convey unto the said Stokely Lawson, his heirs or assignees the certain tract or parcel of land being in & lying in the County and State aforesaid in the south side New Mans Ridge being the same the said Lawson now lives on containing fifty acres by survey and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning on two white oaks by a small branch thence S 76 degrees W, 58 poles to two gum trees on the side of said ridge thence N 56 degrees W, 58 poles to a blackoak thence N 85 degrees W, 54 poles to two chestnuts on the top of said ridge then N 32 degrees E, 40 poles to a chestnut, oak & dogwood & buckeye thence N 40 degrees E, 22 poles to a chestnut near said path N 37 degrees E, 82 poles to a double black oak & a poplar on the south side of said ridge, S 24 degrees E, 115 poles to the Beginning, together with all and singular the appurtenances before mentioned to have and to hold the said fifty acres of land with its appurtenances to the said Stokely Lawson his heirs, executors administrators or assignees free from the claim or claims of him the said Abraham Fulkerson or his heirs, executers administrators or assignees or of all or every other person or persons in fee simple and the said Fulkerson doth offer himself, his heirs and assignees and singular the appurtenances before mentioned for and in consideration of the above sum of fifty five dollars and do warrant and defend the said described parcel of land forever to the said Fulkerson or his heirs or assignees in witness whereof the said Abraham Fulkerson hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written, said signed and delivered in the presence of –
Joseph Baker
Jesse J. Rainey & Elkanah Winnie – sworn
Signed Abraham Fulkerson  –  His seal
30 Dec 1816
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 66, 1816-1817, page 188, (Reel 132) dated 30 December 1816, Morman Lawson, 200 acres on the southeast fork of Blackwater adjoining a tract of James Branch’s, Lee County, Virginia.
JAMES P. PRESTON, Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the 9th day of March 1810 by virtue of Preemption Warrant No. 1750 issued the 10th of May 1782, there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Morman Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing two hundred acres, situate in the County of Lee on the South East fork of Blackwater and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at two white oaks a corner to a tract of land patented in the name of James Branch, thence south fourteen degrees East, one hundred and forty poles to an ash and two hickory saplings on the South side of a hill, South seventy three degrees West, one hundred and forty poles to a chestnut oak, maple and service bush, North twelve degrees West, three hundred and forty poles crossing said fork to a stake and thence South forty eight degrees East, two hundred and thirty two poles to the beginning: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Morman Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said James P. Preston, Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the thirtieth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen and of the Commonwealth the forty-first.
James P. Preston
Morman & Hudson
22 Sep 1818
Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 3, 1813 – 1820, page 366.
This Indenture made this twenty second day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen between Morman Lawson of the County of Lee and Commonwealth of Virginia of the one part and Hudson Lawson of said County and State of the other part, witnesseth, that the said Mormon Lawson for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to me in hand paid before the assigning of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained, sold and delivered and do by these presence bargain, sell and deliver unto the said Hudson Lawson a certain track or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of Lee and bounded as follows beginning to wit: Beginning at two white oaks a corner to a tract of land patented in the name of James Branch thence south 14 degrees E, 140 poles to an ash and two hickory saplings on the south side of a hill, S 73 degrees W, 140 poles to a chestnut, oak, maple and service bush, N 12 degrees W to the east fork of Powels Blackwater, thence across said fork to the Beginning.  Supposed to be one hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the said described parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Hudson Lawson and his heirs forever and I the said Morman Lawson do bind myself my heirs and assignees firmly by these presence to Warrant and forever defend the title of the said land unto the said Hudson Lawson his heirs or assignees in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and date first above written.
Signed & sealed
Morman his X mark Lawson  –  His Seal
Delivered in presence of us
J. G. Rainey
John McKinney Jr.
James Allen
Acknowledged before the clerk of Lee County the 27th day of April 1819.
Teste Charles Carter C.L.C.
Acknowledged before the Clerk on Lee County the 27th day of April 1819
Teste Charles Carter C.L.C.For some reason this indenture was filed a second time and is located is Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 3, 1813 – 1820, pages 429 – 430.  Most of it was the same, except the name Lawson was spelled Losson and Lauson various places on the indenture.
Hutson, David, Dier, John, Stokely, Morman & Ambers (Ambrose?)
The 1820 Lee County, VA census listed the following: –
Hutson Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male, 26-45, 1 female under 10 and 1 female 26-45 years (the older Hudson?).David Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 4 males under 10 years; 1 male 10-16; 1 male 16-18; 1 male, 26-45; 1 female under 10; 2 females 10-16; 2 females 16-26 and 1 female over 45 years.Dice Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 10 years; 1 male, 16-26 and 1 female 16-26 years.John Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male, 16-26, 1 female under 10 and 1 female 26-45 years.

Stokely Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 10 years; 1 male 10-16; 1 male, 26-45; 4 females under 10; and 1 female 26-45 years.

Morman Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 10-16 years, 1 male over 45 years, 1 female under 10 years, 1 female 10-16 years and 1 female over 45 years.

Ambers Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 2 males under 10 years, 1 male 26-45 years, 2 females under 10 years and 1 female 26-45 years.

David & Dier
22 Apr 1824
Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 5, 1821 – 1827, pages 157 – 158.
This Indenture made the 22nd April A. D. 1824 between David Losson of the one part and Dier Losson of the other part, both of County of Lee and State of Virginia, witnesseth, that for and in consideration of eighty dollars to me in hand paid I do this day bargain, sell and deliver to Dier Losson a certain track of land lying in the County aforesaid on the waters of the North fork of Clinch River known by the hickory hill land being part of the same that I bought of John S. McFarlane attorney for Arthur L. Campbell containing eighty acres more or less beginning as follows viz: on a poplar on a ridge thence north to the Campbell’s line thence west to the branch by branch that runs between John & Dier Losson thence down said branch to a white oak that Samuel Moore begins on thence with a point line to the beginning to have and to hold with all and singular its appurtenances and I do for my part warrant and forever defend the above described land from me my heirs and all other persons to the said Dier Losson and his heirs forever.  In witness I have hereunto se my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed David his X mark Losson  His seal.At a court being & held for Lee County at the Court House thereof Tuesday the 27th day of April 1824.  This Indenture of bargain, sale for land between David Losson of the one part & Dier Losson of the other part was acknowledged by the said David Losson as his act & deed and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Alex W. Miller D.C.
David & John
22 Apr 1824
Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 5, 1821 – 1827, pages 158 – 159.
This Indenture made the 22nd April A. D. 1824 between David Losson of the one part and John Losson of the other part, both of the County and State of Virginia, witnesseth, that for and in consideration of one hundred & fifty dollars to me in hand paid the rec’t whereof I  here acknowledge and myself fully paid I do this day bargain, sell and deliver to John Losson one hundred & fifty acres of land more or less lying and being in the County of Lee and State aforesaid, it being part of the land that I bought from John S. McFarlane attorney for Arthur L. Campbell known by the Hickory Hill Land on the waters of the North Fork of Clinch beginning on a white oak thence up the branch that said oak stands on meandering with said branch to it intersect with the north side of the said survey thence to run with said line west with said line to a mulberry thence down the branch that mulberry stands on to hisself and to have and to hold forever & I do for my part bind myself and heirs severally and jointly to warrant and forever defend the said land with all its appurtenances thereunto to the said John Losson from me my heirs and all other persons as witness my hand and seal the day and date first above written.
Signed David his X mark Losson  His seal.At a court being & held for Lee County at the Court House thereof Tuesday the 27th day of April 1824.  This Indenture of bargain, sale for land between David Losson of the one part & John Losson of the other part was acknowledged by the said David Losson as his act & deed and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Alex W. Miller D.C.
22 Apr 1824
Lee County Virginia, Deed Book No. 5, 1821 – 1827, pages 158 – 159.
This Indenture made the 22nd April A. D. 1824 between David Losson of the County of Lee of the one part and Samuel More of the other part, witnesseth, that for and in consideration of eighty dollars to me in hand paid by the said Samuel More the rec’t I hereby acknowledge and myself fully satisfied and paid I do this day bargain, sell and deliver to the said Samuel More a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Lee and State of Virginia on the waters of the North Fork of Clinch it being part of a survey that David Losson bought of John S. McFarlane attorney for Arthur L. Campbell beginning on a white oak running north distance not known to ash & poplar thence running west distance not known to intersect with the said Campbell’s line thence to the beginning corner of said Campbell’s line thence to the beginning supposed to contain 80 acres more or less to have and to hold the said described land with all and singular its appurtenances thereunto to the said Samuel More and his heirs I do on my part warrant and forever defend the said land from me my heirs and all other persons the said Samuel More & his heirs forever.   In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the date first above written.
Signed David his X mark Losson  His seal.At a court being & held for Lee County at the Court House thereof Tuesday the 27th day of April 1824.  This Indenture of bargain, sale for land between David Losson of the one part & Samuel More of the other part was acknowledged by the said David Losson as his act & deed and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Alex W. Miller D.C.
Rial & David
6 Aug 1824
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 73, 1823-1825, page 311, (Reel 139) dated 6 August 1824, Rial Lawson, 50 acres on the waters of the North Fork of Clinch River, Lee County, Virginia.
James Pleasants Jr., Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the thirteenth day of January 1823, by virtue of Land Office Exchange Treasury Warrant No. 2047 issued July 17th, 1809, there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Rial Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty acres, situated in the County of Lee on the waters of the North Fork of Clinch River and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a stake in a field near a sink, thence S 50 degrees W, 240 poles to a pin oak and two ashes on a spur of Newman’s Ridge, S 20 degrees E, 39 poles to two white oaks and poplar, N 50 degrees E, 194 poles to a stake on a line of David Lawson’s survey of four hundred acres and thence with the same N 1 degree, 30 minutes W, 48 poles to the beginning….. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Rial Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said James Pleasants Jr., Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four and of the Commonwealth the forty-ninth.
James Pleasants Jr.
Rial & David
6 Aug 1824
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 73, 1823-1825, page 313, (Reel 139) dated 6 August 1824, Rial Lawson, 50 acres on the waters of the North Fork of Clinch River, Lee County, Virginia.
James Pleasants Jr., Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the fourteenth day of January 1823, by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 7043 issued February 28th, 1821, there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Rial Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty acres, situated in the County of Lee on the waters of the North Fork of Clinch River and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at two white oaks, two beeches and an ash corner to David Lawson, thence N 36 degree E, 40 poles to a large white oak, N 35 degrees E, 34 poles to a hickory, an oak and Spanish oak, S 52 degrees E, 75 poles to a beech and gum on the bank of a branch, thence S 8 degrees W, 63 poles to pointers and thence N 61 degrees W, 120 poles to the beginning, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Rial Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said James Pleasants Jr., Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the sixth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four and of the Commonwealth the forty-ninth.
James Pleasants Jr.
21 Jan 1825
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 73, 1823-1825, page 507, (Reel 139) dated 21 January 1825, David Lawson, 50 acres on the south east fork of Blackwater, Lee County, Virginia.
James Pleasants Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a Survey made on the seventeenth day of September 1814 by virtue of Treasury Warrant No. 1750 issued May 10th 1782 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto David Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty acres, situate in the County of Lee on the south east Fork of Blackwater and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at a lyun and sugar tree; thence N 25 degrees W, 50 poles to a black oak and white oak; thence N 61 degrees E, 160 poles to pointers; thence S 25 degrees E, 50 poles to a stake on Newman’s ridge and thence S 61 degrees W, 160 poles to the Beginning.  TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said David Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said James Pleasants Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the twenty first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five and of the Commonwealth the forty ninth.
James Pleasants
Dyer & Matilda
Obediah Lawson, Author: Debra Price, Date: 17 Apr 2000
Matilda Lawson born about 1826 Lee County, Virginia died 2 September 1867 Blackwater, Lee County, Virginia, Daughter of Obediah (Dyer) Lawson and Jane England married Joseph Willis on the 1st January 1843 in Hawkins County, Tennessee. I have the settlement of the estate of Obediah Lawson and Matilda’s children were named as heirs. She is my third Great Grandmother. Joseph Willis is buried in the Willis Cemetery (now Wallen) with his second wife Kissarah Roberts at Blackwater, Lee County, VA.
David, Rial, John, Dyer, Hudson Jr., Stokely, Thomas & Hudson Sr.
2 Mar 1827
1827 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
March 2, Lawson, David, 2 white males over 16 years, 2 horses
March 2, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
March 2, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 2, Lawson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 2, Lawson, Hudson Jr., 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 2, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
March 2, Lawson, Thomas, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
March 2, Lawson, Hudson Sr., 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
5 Jan 1828
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 76, 1827, page 517, (Reel 142) dated 5 January 1828, Stokely Lawson, 50 acres on the of Clinch River, south side of Newman’s Ridge, Lee County, Virginia.
William B. Giles Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the twenty second day of July 1824, by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 7015, issued February 15th, 1821; there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Stokely Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty acres, situate in the County of Lee lying on the waters of Clinch River and bounded as followeth, to wit: Beginning at two gums on the south side of Newman’s Ridge corner to said Lawson’s land; thence south ten degrees east, sixty poles to a sugar tree and two beeches near a small branch south seventy degrees east, twenty two poles to a beech and maple north thirty seven degrees east, one hundred and forty five poles to a gum and hickory north fifty one degrees west, one hundred and fifty five poles to a double black oak and chestnut; south twenty four degrees east, one hundred and fifteen poles to two white oaks and thence south forty six degrees west, fifty eight poles to the beginning, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Stokely Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said William B. Giles Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight and of the Commonwealth the fifty-second.
Wm. B. Giles
Rial, Hutson, Thomas, Wine (Winder?), Morman, David, Stokely, Dier & John
The 1830 Lee County, VA census listed the following: –
Rial Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 2 males under 5, 1 male 5-10,, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 20-30, 1 female under 5, and 1 female 20-30 years.Hutson Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 15-20, 1 male 50-60 and 1 female 40-50 years.Thomas Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 5, 1 male 5-10, 2 males 10-15, 1 male 40-50, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 15-20, and 1 female 40-50 years.Wine Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 15-20 and 1 female 15-20 years.

Morman Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 5-10, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 70-80, 1 female 15-20, 1 female 20-30 and 1 female 50-60 years.

David Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 2 males 10-15, 1 male 50-60, 1 female under 5, 1 female 15-20, and 1 female 50-60 years.

Stokely Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 15-20, and 1 female 15-20 years.

Dier Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 2 males under 5, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 30-40, 1 female under 5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 15-20 and 1 female 20-30 years.

John Lawson is enumerated in the 1830 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 20-30, 1 male 30-40, 3 females under 5, 2 females 5-10, 1 female 10-15 and 1 female 20-30 years.

Thomas, Wine, Hudson, Rial, Dyer & John
1831 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax RecordsEastern District, taken by Joseph Duff
Feb 28, Lawson, Thomas, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Feb 28, Lawson, Wine, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 28, Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Feb 28, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Feb 28, Lawson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 28, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Hudson, Wine, David, Stokely, Ryal, Memon, Peter, John & Dyer
1832 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by John B. Hollier
Feb 29, Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Feb 29, Lawson, Wine, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 29, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Feb 29, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 29, Lawson, Ryal, 1 white male over 16 years, 5 horses
Feb 29, Lawson, Memon, 1 white male over 16 years
Feb 29, Lawson, Peter, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 29, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Feb 29, Lawson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Stokley, Hudson, David, Wine, Rial, Charley, Dyer, John & Momon
1833 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Samuel H. Duff
Mar 8, Losson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 6, Losson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar 6, Losson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 6, Losson, Wine, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 6, Losson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 8 horses
Mar 6, Losson, Charley, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar 6, Losson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 6, Losson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 6, Losson, Momon, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
23 Dec 1833
This Indenture made the 23rd day of December in the year of our Lord 1833 between Rial Lawson of Lee County and State of Virginia of the one part and Sampson Bledsoe of the County and State aforesaid, of the other part, WITNESSETH THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SUM OF Fifty Dollars to the said Rial Lawson in hand paid, the receipt whereof he hath hereby acknowledged, hath this day granted, bargained and sold, and by these present doth grant, bargain, and sell unto the said Sampson Bledsoe a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Lee on the waters of the North Fork of Clinch River, granted by the Commonwealth to said Rial Lawson by Patent bearing Date the 6th day of August 18?? and bounded as follows, To Wit;  Beginning at a stake in a field near a sink, thence S 50 degrees W, 240 poles to a pin oak and two ashes on a spur of Newman’s Ridge, S 20 degrees E, 39 poles to two white oaks and poplar, N 50 degrees E, 194 poles to a stake on a line of David Lawson’s survey of four hundred acres and thence with the same N 1 degree, 30 minutes W, 48 poles to the beginning, containing fifty acres be the same more or less, together with all its appurtenances to the old Sampson Bledsoe, to have and to hold the said tract of land with the appurtenances there unto belonging to him the said Sampson Bledsoe, his heirs and assignees forever, and the said Rial Lawson for himself, his heirs, granter, administrators doth hereby covenant and agree with the Sampson Bledsoe, his heirs and assignees that, he, the said Rial Lawson and his heirs, the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances unto him, the said Sampson Bledsoe and heirs will forever warrant and defend from him, the said Rial Lawson and his heirs and from no other.  IN WITNESS whereof the said Rial Lawson hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and date first above written.
Rial Lawson (seal)
VIRGINIA, Lee County Court Clerk’s Office, 23 December 1833.
THIS INDENTURE of bargain and sale for land between Rial Lawson of the one part and Sampson Bledsoe of the other part, was acknowledged before me by the said Lawson to be his act and Deed and admitted to record.
W. S. Martin  G.C.
VIRGINIA, at a Court begun and held for Lee County at the Court House thereof on the 20 day of January 1834.  THIS INDENTURE of bargain and sale for land between Rial Lawson of the one part and Sampson Bledsoe of the other part was acknowledged in the Clerk’s Office by the said Lawson before John W. S. Morrison, Deputy Clerk of Lee County and admitted to record.
W. S. Morrison D. C.
Winder, Rial, Stokely, Hutson, David, Dyre & Peter
1834 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Jacob Crabtree
Feb 3, Losson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 3, Losson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Feb 3, Losson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Feb 3, Losson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Feb 3, Losson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Feb 3, Losson, Dyre, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Feb 14, Losson, Peter, 1 white male over 16 years
David & Dyer
David Lawson sold property to Dyer Lawson in Lee County, Virginia in 1835.  Lawson Newsletter #24, page 229.
Rial, Dyre, John, Peter, Charles, Hudson, Winder & David
1835 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Robert W. Wynn
Mar 24, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 24, Lawson, Dyre, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Mar 24, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar 24, Lawson, Peter, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar 24, Lawson, Charles, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Mar 24, Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar 24, Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar 24, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years
Winder, Rial, Dyer, John, Carter & David
1836 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Robert W. Wynn
Mar 15, Lauson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse, 1 stud horse
Mar 15, Lauson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 5 horses
Mar 21, Lauson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Mar 21, Lauson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 21, Lauson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 21, Lauson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Rial, Hutson, Winder, Dyer, John, Carter & David
1837 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Robert W. Wynn
Mar 1, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Mar 1, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 5 horses
Mar 1, Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 1, Lawson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Mar 1, Lawson, John, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 1, Lawson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 1, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
20 Oct 1837
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 87, 1837, page 395, (Reel 153) dated 20 October 1837, Peter Lawson, 49 ½ acres on waters North Fork of Clinch River, Lee County, Virginia.
DAVID CAMPBELL, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the 16th day of March 1836 by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 12406 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Peter Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing forty nine & a half acres, situate in Lee County on waters of the North fork of Clinch River: Beginning at an oak, buckeye & beech, by a branch, near a spring, S 59 degree W, 66 poles to a water oak & white oak on a spur of Newman’s Ridge, N 39 degrees W, 103 poles to a poplar & chestnut on the top of the same, N 42 degrees E, 78 poles to two hickories, S 34 degrees E, 125 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Peter Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said David Campbell, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven and of the Commonwealth the sixty-two.
David Campbell
20 Oct 1837
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 87, 1837, page 396, (Reel 153) dated 20 October 1837, Dyer Lawson, 50 acres on waters north fork of Clinch River, Lee County, Virginia.
DAVID CAMPBELL, ESQUIRE, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a Survey made on the 31st day of October 1835 by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 7826 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Dyer Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty acres, situate in Lee County on waters of the North Fork of Clinch, Beginning at a popular, hickory & walnut, in Campbell’s line, N 5 W, 35 poles to a macke oak, beech & hickory near the top of a ridge N 58 E 227 Poles to 3 macke oaks & new ash, S 23 E, 30 poles to a beech, S 55 W, 190 poles to a marker in said Campbell’s line & with the line, S 69 W, 47 poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Dyer Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said David Campbell, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven and of the Commonwealth the sixty-two.
David Campbell
21 Oct 1837
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 87, 1837, page 498, (Reel 153) dated 21 October 1837, Hudson Lawson, 50 acres on south side of the east fork of Blackwater, Lee County, Virginia.
DAVID CAMPBELL, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the 22nd day of December 1835 by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 12402 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Hudson Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty acres, situate in the Lee County on the south side of the east fork of Blackwater: Beginning at a white oak near said Lawson’s house, a corner of James Beanche’s land, thence S 64 degrees E, 140 poles to 2 hickories, S 74 degrees W, 14 poles to 2 white oaks, S 36 degrees E, 54 poles to two beeches & a white oak on a spur of Newman’s ridge, N 56 degrees E, 54 poles to a stake N 23 degrees W, 62 poles to a buckeye, N 81 degrees W, 33 poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Hudson Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said David Campbell, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the 21st day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven and of the Commonwealth the sixty-two.
David Campbell
Carter, Winder, Hutson, David, Winright, Stokely & Rial
1838 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by John Smyth
Mar 5, Lawson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 5, Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar 5, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Mar 5, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar 10, Lawson, Winright, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 10, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar 10, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Rial, Peter, Wainright, David, Hudson, Winder, Moreman & Preston
1839 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Elkanch Hansey(?)
Mar 14, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 6 horses
Mar 14, Lawson, Peter, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 14, Lawson, Wainright, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar 14, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 14, Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 5 horses
Mar 14, Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar 14, Lawson, Moreman, 1 white male over 16 yearsWestern District, taken by Alexander Erving
Mar 13, Lawson, Preston, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Rial, Windright, Wander, David, Hudson, Morman, Carter & Preston
1840 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Sebastian S. Slimp
Mar, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 7 horses
Mar, Lawson, Windright, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar, Lawson, Wander, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar, Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar, Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 5 horses
Mar, Lawson, Morman, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar, Lawson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horseWestern District, taken by Alexander Erving
Mar 13, Lawson, Preston, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
David, Carter, Rial, Preston, Hutson & Wyander
The 1840 Lee County, VA census listed the following: –
David Lawson is enumerated in the 1840 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 5, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 60-70, 1 female under 5, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 20-30 and 1 female 60-70 years.Carter Lawson is enumerated in the 1840 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 5, 1 male 20-30, 1 female under 5 and 1 female 20-30 years.Rial Lawson is enumerated in the 1840 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 5-10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 15-20, 1 male 30-40, 3 females under 5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15 and 1 female 30-40 years.Preston Lawson is enumerated in the 1840 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 5, 1 male 5-10, 2 males 10-15, 1 male 30-40 and 1 female 30-40 years.

Hutson Lawson is enumerated in the 1840 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 60-70 and 1 female 50-60 years.

Wyander Lawson is enumerated in the 1840 Lee County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 5, 1 male 20-30, 1 female under 5, 1 female 15-20, 2 females under 5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15 and 1 female 20-30 years.

31 Aug 1840
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 91, 1840-1841, page 41, (Reel 157) dated 31 August 1840, Hudson Lawson, 26 acres on waters of east fork of Blackwater, Lee County, Virginia.
THOMAS W. GILMER, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the 13th day of October 1837 by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 10244 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Hudson Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing twenty six acres, situate in the Lee County on waters of the east fork of Blackwater: Beginning on two beeches & a sugar tree by a spring, thence N 75 degrees E, 47 poles to two sugar trees & an ash on a line of said Lawson’s land & with the same N 12 degrees W, 80 poles to a white oak, Spanish oak & a small hickory on the north side of a ridge, near the top, thence S 78 degrees W, 57 poles to a stake near a bluff, thence S 20 degrees E, 80 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Hudson Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Thomas W. Gilmer, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the 31st day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty and of the Commonwealth the sixty-five.
Thomas W. Gilmer
Rial, Polly, Wainright, Carter, Winder, Hutson & Preston
1841 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Elhanan Flanry
Mar 11, Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 6 horses
Mar 18, Lawson, Polly, 2 horses
Mar 18, Lawson, Wainright, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 18, Lawson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar 18, Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar 18, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horsesWestern District, taken by Samuel H. Duff
Mar 15, Lawson, Preston, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Stokely, Arial, Hutson, Winright, Winder, Carter, Dyre, Russell & Preston
1842 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Abraham Crabtree
Mar, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar, Lawson, Arial, 2 white males over 16 years, 6 horses
Mar, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Mar, Lawson, Winright, 1 white male over 16 years
Mar, Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Mar, Lawson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Mar, Lawson, Dyre, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Mar, Lawson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horseWestern District, taken by Alexander Ewing
Mar 15, Lawson, Preston, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Rial, Wainright, Mary, Dyer, Russell, Hudson, Wynder, Carter & Stokely
1843 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Abraham Crabtree
May 8, Lawson, Rial, 2 white males over 16 years, 2 horse
May 8, Lawson, Wainright, 1 white male over 16 years
May 8, Lawson, Mary, 2 horses
May 8, Lawson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
May 8, Lawson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
May 8, Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
May 8, Lawson, Wynder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
May 8, Lawson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years
May 8, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years
Rial, Stokely, Carter, Wine, Hutson, Winright, Russell & Dier
1844 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by John Jayne
Feb 5, Lawson, Rial, 2 white males over 16 years, 2 horse
Feb 7, Lawson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 7, Lawson, Carter, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 7, Lawson, Wine, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 7, Lawson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Feb 8, Lawson, Winright, 1 white male over 16 years
Feb 8, Lawson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Feb 18, Lawson, Dier, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Winder, Russell, Stokely, Dyer, Rial, David & Hutson
1845 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Samuel H. Duff
Losson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years
Losson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Losson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Losson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Losson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Losson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Losson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Rial, David, Stokely, Russell, Dyer, Winder & Windright
1846 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Samuel H. Duff
Losson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
Losson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Losson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Losson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Losson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Losson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Losson, Windright, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Dyer, Russell, Windright, Stokely Jr., Wineder, Hudson, Stokely Sr., Rial & David
1847 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District, taken by Francis C. Allen
Lawson, Dyer, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Lawson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lawson, Windright, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lawson, Stokely Jr., 1 white male over 16 years
Lawson, Wineder, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Lawson, Stokely Sr., 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Lawson, David, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
30 Sep 1847
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 99, 1846-1848, page 365, (Reel 165) dated 30 September 1847, Obediah Lawson, 54 acres joining lands of said Lawson, Lee County, Virginia.
WILLIAM SMITH, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the twenty eighth day of September, one thousand eight hundred forty six, by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 15946 & 16016 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Obediah Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing fifty four acres, lying and being in the County of Lee and bounded as follows vig: Beginning at a poplar in a line of said Lawson’s land, thence N 8 degrees E, 73 poles crossing a hollow to a white oak and small sugar tree, N 44 ½ degrees E, 114 poles crossing a branch to a maple and Post oak on a rocky point N 70 degrees E, 68 poles to a white oak S 23 degrees E, 48 poles to a sugar tree in a flat, S 23 degrees W, 7 poles to a large poplar then with said Lawson’s line N 23 degrees W, 30 poles to three black oaks and an ash S 46 degrees W, 222 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Obediah Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said William Smith, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the thirtieth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven and of the Commonwealth the seventy-second.
Wm Smith
Stokly, Obediah, Stokely Sr., Russell, Winright, Hudson, Winder & Rial
1848 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District
Lawson, Stokly, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Lawson, Obediah, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Lawson, Stokely Sr., 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lawson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Lawson, Winright, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 3 horses
Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years
Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 4 horses
31 Aug 1848
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 100, 1848, page 477, (Reel 166) dated 31 August 1848, Dyer Lawson, 34 1/4 acres on waters north fork of Clinch River, Lee County, Virginia.
WILLIAM SMITH, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the eighth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty eight by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 16397 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Dyer Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing thirty four acres and one quarter, lying and being in the County of Lee on waters of the North Fork of Clinch River and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at 2 black oak saplings & an ash near the top of a knob, a corner to two 50 acres surveys of said Lawson; thence N 42 degrees E, 48 poles with a line of one of said surveys to a stake in a flat near a branch thence S 20 degrees E, 32 poles leaving said survey, to a stake in a line of a survey made in the name of A. Campbell; thence with lines thereof S 69 degrees W, 26 poles to a poplar and sugar tree now down thence S 3 ½ degrees E, 84 poles to a hickory and cucumber thence S 64 degrees W, 130 poles to a stake in a line of said Lawson’s land, thence N 53 degrees E, 140 poles with line and leaving said Campbell’s land to a stake, thence N 23 degrees W, 30 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Dyer Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said William Smith, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the thirty-first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight and of the Commonwealth the seventy-third.
William Smith
Obediah, Stokely Sr., Winright, Hudson, Winder, Rial & Russell
1849 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District taken by James Crabtree
Lawson, Obediah, 2 white males over 16 years, 3 horses
Lawson, Stokely Sr., 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lawson, Winright, 1 white male over 16 years
Lawson, Hudson, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lawson, Winder, 1 white male over 16 years
Lawson, Rial, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Lawson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Hutson, Stokely, Wianer, Winrite, Russell, Dyer, Wiander & Roiel
1850 Lee County, VA Personal Property Tax Records
Eastern District taken by John Smyth
Lauson, Hutson, 1 white male over 16 years, 1 horse
Lauson, Stokely, 1 white male over 16 years
Lauson, Wianer, 1 white male over 16 years
Lauson, Winrite, 1 white male over 16 years
Lauson, Russell, 1 white male over 16 years, 2 horses
Lauson, Dyer, 3 white males over 16 years, 3 horses
Lauson, Wiander, 1 white male over 16 years
Lauson, Roiel, 1 white male over 16 years, 6 horses
1 Sep 1852
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 107, 1852-1853, page 560, (Reel 173) dated 1 September 1852, Rial Lawson, 42 acres on north side of Powell’s Mountain, Lee County, Virginia.
Joseph Johnson, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 16969 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Rial Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing forty two acres, lying in Lee County on the North side of Powell’s mountain and bounded as follows: Beginning at two chestnut oaks on the top of said mountain, thence N 29 ½ degrees W, 20 poles to a gum & hickory corner to said Lawson’s land, thence with lines thereof N 51 degrees E, 172 poles to a lynn and buckeye, thence S 35 ½ degrees E, 54 poles leaving said Lawson’s land to two lynns and a hickory by a large rock on the top of said mountain, thence with the same S 60 degrees W, 173 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Rial Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Joseph Johnson, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two and of the Commonwealth the seventy-seventh.
Joseph Johnson
1 Jan 1855
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 110, 1854-1855, page 768, (Reel 176) dated 1 January 1855, Henry Lawson, 100 acres on waters of Blackwater, Lee County, Virginia.
JOSEPH JOHNSON, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the fifth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty three by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 20621 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Henry Lawson, assignee of Ansell Sisk a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing one hundred acres, lying in the Lee County on waters of North Blackwater and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at three dogwoods & an ash on top of a ridge on a line of said Sisk’s land, thence due West 23 poles to a hickory and dogwood S 60 degrees W, 29 poles to a sourwood and small sugar tree on the east side of a spring N 52 degrees W, 9 poles to a large poplar and sugar tree corner to George Osborn’s land & with line thereof N 64 degrees W, 51 poles to a sourwood on top of a small ridge N 51 degrees W, 40 poles to an ash, thence N 45 degrees E, 20 poles to a Spanish oak and small cedar on the north side of Newman’s Ridge, thence N 54 degrees E, 200 poles to a chestnut oak near the top of said ridge N 75 degrees E, 42 poles to a hickory on top of said ridge on Preston’s line & with the same S 1 degree E, 86 poles to a stake near a spring, thence N 84 W, 65 poles to a hickory and black oak near the top of a ridge, S 50 degrees W, 28 poles to a stake on top of said ridge, N 12 degrees W, 78 poles to a dogwood, thence S 84 degrees E, 16 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Henry Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Joseph Johnson, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five and of the Commonwealth the seventy-ninth.
Joseph Johnson
1 Jun 1855
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 111, 1855, page 343, (Reel 177) dated 1 June 1855, Rial Lawson, 60 acres on north side of Powell’s Mountain, Lee County, Virginia.
Joseph Johnson, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the twenty sixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two, by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 17081 there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Rial Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing sixty acres, lying in Lee County on the North side of Powell’s mountain and bounded as follows viz: Beginning at a lynn and buckeye, corner to said Lawson’s land, thence S 36 degrees E, 52 poles with a line thereof to two lynns on the top of said mountain, N 62 E, 180 poles with the same two lynns, corner to Alexander Hamilton & Nelson Preston’s land, N 21 degrees W, 52 poles with a line thereof to a sugar tree and lynn corner to Thomas Larmar’s & said Hamilton’s land, S 62 degrees W, 195 poles with Larmar’s and said Lawson’s line to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Rial Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Joseph Johnson, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five and of the Commonwealth the seventy-ninth.
Joseph Johnson
1 Jun 1855
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 111, 1855, page 328, (Reel 177) dated 1 June 1855, Stokely Lawson and William Willis, 220 acres on the south side of Newman’s Ridge, Lee County, Virginia.
Joseph Johnson Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the twentieth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two, by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 20043, there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Stokely Lawson and William Willis a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing two hundred and twenty acres, lying in Lee County on the South side of Newman’s Ridge and bounded as follows viz: Beginning at a chestnut and black oak sapling corner to said Willis’ land, S 25 degrees E, 76 poles to a white oak and hickory near the head of a hollow, S 38 degrees E, 36 poles to a black gum, N 25 degrees E, 10 poles to a hickory near a branch corner to Green Wallen’s land, thence with lines thereof, N 73 degrees E, 32 poles to a red oak on a ridge, N 55 degrees E, 42 poles to a small black walnut, S 56 degrees E, 54 poles to a cucumber, N 27 ½ E, 25 poles to a post oak, N 48 degrees E, 74 poles to an ash, N 9 degrees W, 11 poles to a white oak, N 45 degrees E, 62 poles to a buckeye, N 55 degrees E, 62 poles to a beech on a branch, N 41 degrees W, 30 poles leaving said Wallen’s land to a hickory and small chestnut corner to Johnston’s land, N 11 degrees W, 50 poles to a white oak and horn beam near a spring corner to said Willis’ land, thence S 64 degrees W, 330 poles with a line thereof to the beginning, with its appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Stokely Lawson & William Willis and their heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Joseph Johnson Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five and of the Commonwealth the seventy-ninth.
Jos. Johnson
1 Jun 1855
Virginia Land Office Grants, No. 111, 1855, page 235, (Reel 177) dated 1 June 1855, Winright Lawson, 65 acres on east fork of Blackwater, Lee County, Virginia.
Joseph Johnson Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia:  To all to whom these presents shall come, GREETING: KNOW YE, that in conformity with a survey made on the twenty fourteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two, by virtue of Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 19689, there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Winright Lawson a certain Tract or Parcel of Land, containing sixty five acres, lying in Lee County on the East Fork of Blackwater and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a poplar and 3 beeches corner to a survey made for Samuel Bledsoe, thence S 51 ½ degrees W, 132 poles with a line thereof to a stake and beech N 63 degrees W, 80 poles to a hickory on a spur N 12 degrees W, 12 poles to a beech N 47 degrees E, 20 poles to two poplars and black oak on a spur N 66 degrees E, 130 poles to a stake in a line of a survey made for Isaac Bledsoe S 49 degrees E, 57 poles to the beginning with its appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of Land, with it appurtenances, to the said Winright Lawson and his heirs forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Joseph Johnson Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his Hand and caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed, at Richmond, on the first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five and of the Commonwealth the seventy-ninth.
Jos. Johnson