New Kent County, Virginia

Lawsons Named
County in Virginia
New Kent
New Kent County, VA was formed from York County in the year 1654. See map 1651-1660
New Kent
The Vestry Book and Register of St. Peter’s Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia 1684-1786, page 10.
At a vestry held at St. Peters Parish Church on 4 May 1689 – It was ordered by the vestry, in obedience to an order of New Kent County Court dated 28 February 1689, that a Procession and Remarking of the bounds of each person land be done in the Parish between 10 May and 10 June 1689.  In the list of names of Processioner were Nick Lossen and Thomas Moorman.
Note: Thomas Moorman’s son Andrew Moorman was listed in the above Register as being baptized 4 November 1689.  Andrew Moorman later owned land next to Jonas Lawson in Goochland County, VA.
John & John
8 May 1690
New Kent
Register of St. Peter’s Parish, Volume I, page 19 – New Kent County, Virginia.  John, a son to John Lawson, baptized 8 May 1690.
John, Judith & Elenor
10 Jul 1698
New Kent
Register of St. Peter’s Parish, Volume I, page 19 – New Kent County, Virginia.  Elenor, a daughter of John Lawson and Judith his wife, baptized 10 July 1698.
Nicholas & John
New Kent
Early Virginia Families Along the James River Vol. I & II, Henrico & Goochland Counties.  New Kent County Rent Rolls – Rent Roll of the Lands held of Her Majestic in the Parish of St. Peters and St. Paul’s, anno. 1704: –
Nicholas Lawson 200 acres
John Lawson 50 acres
Richard & John
New Kent
Virginia Tax Records – From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. Virginia Quit Rent Rolls, 1704. During the colonial period all landowners in Virginia paid to the King an annual “quit rent” of one shilling for every fifty acres. It is singular that, as lists must have been sent annually, only one, that of 1704, has been discovered. Quit Rent for New Kent County list Richard Lawson with 200 acres and John Lawson 50 acres. Note: is this a mistake when it was written or when it was read or is Nicholas full name Richard Nicholas or Nicholas Richard Lawson?
20 Apr 1704
New Kent
Nicholas Lawson was listed in the Act that divided St. Peter’s Parish, 20 April 1704.  The dividing line of the two parishes would be from the mouth of Maccadecun Creed, then up the said creek to Mr. John Lewis’s mill, thence down the Queens high road to the Rowlling road that went from Edward Moors to George Turners, thence along the road (which would put Moor in the upper parish) to the plantation of John Baughan Sr. who was to be in the upper parish, thence upon a line between the plantations of Nicholas Lawson and John Sandidge (Nicholas Lawson to be in the lower parish and John Sandidge in the upper one) then straight to the Chickahominy Swamp.  The lower parish would be known as St. Peter’s Parish and the upper one would be known as St. Paul’s Parish.
See Document Vestry Book St. Paul’s Parish
22 Jul 1706
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 22.  Vestry held at the Lower Church for St. Paul’s Parish in New Kent County, 22 July 1706.  Ordered that Elizabeth Williams a Parish Child, which is at John Lawson’s be forthwith bound out to Thomas Carr, of King William County by the Churchwardens.
12 Aug 1706
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 24.  Vestry held at the Lower Church for St. Paul’s Parish in New Kent County, 12 August 1706.  To John Lawson for keeping Elizabeth Williams 8 months, 400 lbs. Tobacco.
14 Feb 1707 /08
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 33.  Vestry held at the Lower Church for St. Paul’s Parish in New Kent County, 14 February 1707/08.  Ordered that the following Tithables shall be added to and belong to the Precincts of Mr. John White – Mark Anthony’s, John Hall’s, Elizabeth Burnett’s, Edward Bullock’s, Frances Esther’s and Elizabeth Evins, (which lately belonged to the precincts of Capt. Robert Anderson) also Mr. Rowland Horsleys, John Lawson’s and William Freeman’s which lately belonged to the precincts of Joseph Baughon.
14 Mar 1708 /09
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 168.  Returns of the Processioning made to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish 14 March 1708/09 from the Surveyor of the 39 Precincts.  Listed in Precinct 23, the lands of Richard Brooks, Thomas Foster, Jonas Lawson, John Medlock, Peter Plantine, Abraham Venable, Charles Lovell, George Lovell and Samuel Hill, lying adjacent to each other being made one precinct, of which the said Abraham Venable and George Lovell were appointed overseers they made this return on the back of the Order.  Viz, this being complied with by us the subscribers according to Order within mentioned, as witness our hands to which all the said parties subscribed.
14 Mar 1708 /09
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 169.  Returns of the Processioning made to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish 14 March 1708/09 from the Surveyor of the 39 Precincts.  Listed in Precinct 25, the lands of Robert Bumpass, Mary Sandige, Thomas Tharp, Thomas Gibson, Henry Crumpton and Nicholas Lawson lying adjacent to each other, being made one precinct, of which the said Robert Bumpass and Henry Crumpton were appointed overseers, they made this return on the back of the order, (viz) this within order executed, Nicholas Lawson, denied being he was not a Liver (did not live) in the parish.  Subscribed by all the said parties except Nicholas Lawson.
14 Mar 1708 /09
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 170.  Returns of the Processioning made to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish 14 March 1708/09 from the Surveyor of the 39 Precincts. Listed in Precinct 28, the lands of Rowland Horsley, Charles Brian, William Freeman, Robert Horsley, John Bostick and John Lawson lying adjacent to each other, being made one precinct, of which the said Rowland Horsley and Charles Brian were appointed overseers, who made this return on the back of the order, viz This within order, executed with all the persons within mentioned, only one line between William Runnelds, and Thomas Ellet, which they cannot agree about, this procession by us the subscribers.  Subscribed – Rowland Horsley and Charles Brian.
24 Sep 1711
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 177.  Returns of the Processioning made to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish 17 March 1711/12.  Listed in Precinct 14, the lands of Robert Horsley, John Matlock, Peter Plantine, Jonas Lawson, William Talley, John Talley, Mark Anthony, Margaret Via, Widow Thomson, Widow Burnet, John Peece and Widow Crawford, being made one precinct, whereof the said Robert Horsley and John Matlock were appointed overseers, made ye, return viz, February24, 1711, in Obedience to this Order of Vestry, we the subscribers have, with ye, within mentioned persons, procession the lands of the within mentioned Order, John Matlock, Robert Horsley.
1715 or 1716
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 187.  Returns of the Processioning made to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish 3 April 1716.  Listed in Precinct 14, the lands of Robert Horsley, John Matlock, Peter Plantine, Jonas Lawson, William Talley, John Talley, Mark Anthony, Margaret Vin, Widow Thomas, Widow Burnet, John Peece, and Widow Crawford being made one precinct, whereof the said Robert Horsley, and John Matlock were appointed overseer made this return February 24, 1711, in Obedience to this Order of Vestry.  (This seemed to be a repeat of the one for 1711, however, part of precincts showed 1715 or 1716, so maybe they put the wrong date?)
3 Apr 1716
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 194.  Returns of the Processioning made to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish 3 April 1716.  Listed in Precinct 14, the lands of Robert Horsley, John Matlock, Peter Plantine, Jonas Lawson, William Talley, John Talley, Mark Anthony, Vary Via, Widow Tomson, Widow Burnet, Widow Peace and Widow Crawford being made one precinct, whereof Robert Horsley and John Matlock were overseers and made this return, viz in Obedience to the within Order of vestry, we have Peaceably Procession the lands of Jonas Lawson, William Talley, Mark Anthony, Amor Via, Widow Thompson, Widow Burnet, Widow Peece and Widow Crawford, Peter Plantine not Present, being affected with an ailment and not fitting to come, John Talley having no land adjoining at present.  Robert Horsley, John Matlock.
10 Aug 1719
New Kent
The Vestry Book, St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia 1706-1786, page 205.  Returns of the Processioning made to the Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish 10 August 1719.  Listed in Precinct 34, the lands of Mr. George Alves, Richard Anderson, William Clopton, John Lawson, Cicilia Anderson and Thomas Gibson, being one precinct of which Mr. George Alves and Richard Anderson were overseers, who made this return the above Order performed.  George Alves, Richard Anderson.
Hanover County, VA was formed from New Kent County in the year 1721 (see map 1721-1730).