Includes New, Lower and Upper Norfolk Counties
Lawsons Named
Date |
County in Virginia
Documentatiom |
16 Feb 1623
James City
Lists of the Living and the Dead in Virginia 16 February 1623 (in Colonial Records of Virginia [Richmond: R. F. Walker, Superintendent of Public Printing, 1874]) – Lists of dead at the Plantation over at James City – One in the list was Thomas Lawson. |
New Norfolk
New Norfolk County was created from Elizabeth City in 1636. See map 1634-1640
Upper Norfolk & Lower Norfolk
New Norfolk County was divided and became Upper Norfolk and Lower Norfolk in 1637. See map 1634-1640
New Norfolk
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Virginia Immigrants 1623-66, – Eliz. Lawson, 1637, transported by Capt. Adam Thoroughgood to New Norfolk County, VA. |
23 Aug 1638
New Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 592, 23 August 1638 – Percivall Champion, 250 acres in Upper County of New Norfolk. Within Dumpling Island Creek on the east side, butting upon land of Epaphroditus Lawson, south by west upon said creek and north by east into the woods.
16 Oct 1638
New Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 682, 16 October 1638 – Mareene De La Mundayes, 200 acres Upper County, New Norfolk. In New Town Haven River between land of Henry Hooper and the first point within the river adjacent a creek parting land of the said Hooper and this land, being known as Dawson’s Neck. 50 acres for his per. adv. And the residue by assignment from Epaphroditus Lawson and due Lawson by assignment from William Dawson to whom it was granted 20 November 1635. This patent renewed in the name of Moore Fontleroy 20 February 1643 and 50 acres added to it. Teste: Samuel Abbott, Clk. Lawson’s assignment to Delanmundayes, who stated same was bought from John Gatling. Witness: Christopher Edwards. |
15 Mar 1638 /39
New Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 637, 15 March 1638/39 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 250 acres Upper County of New Norfolk. North side of Chuckatuck River, adjacent his own land &c. Due for transportation of 5 persons: John Bebee, Mary Pierce, Ellen quarrel, Edmund Knight and James Clansey (Clausey).
8 Apr 1639
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk Minute Book, 1637-1646, page 34, Vol. 1, Court of Lower County, Norfolk County – Whereas it appears to this Court that John Yates is indebted unto Euphranditius the sum of 220 pounds of tobacco, as by account appear, etc. It is therefore ordered that the said John Yates shall pay the said sum of tobacco within 10 days or this execution to be awarded. |
Epaphroditus, William, Lettice & Rowland
15 Feb 1642 /43
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 822, 15 February 1642/43 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 1,400 acres Upper Norfolk County. Upon New Towne Haven River, running northwest by a bay side called Mount Lawson, adjacent More Fontleroy etc., south, southeast by the side of a creek called Fant Ford, etc, northeast by New Towne Haven River, etc., and near John Lewin. 450 acres by assignment from Bartholomew Hoskins, Admr. of John Bridges, of 2 patents, 300 acres by 2 former patents and 650 acres for transportation of 13 persons: Epaphroditus Lawson, William Lawson, Lettice Lawson, Jno. Palmer, Abraham Moone, Robert Arden, Neale Fee, Jon. Cricklock, Neale Billahea, Rowland Lawson, Wm. Harper and Peter Taylor.
1642 /43
Upper Norfolk County name was changed to Nansemond County in 1642/43. See map 1641-1650
20 Dec 1643
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 932, 20 December 1643 – Mr. Phillip Bennett, 515 acres Upper Norfolk County. Lying on the east side of Bennett’s Creek, near land of Richard Bennett and Epaphroditus Lawson. Transportation of 11 persons.
9 Jan 1643 /44
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 1, Part II, page 941, 9 January 1643/44 – Epaphroditus Lawson, 450 acres Upper Norfolk. Lying on west side of Mount Lawson Bay Creek, adjacent land of Moore Fontleroy and Tristram Nosworthy. Due for transportation of 9 persons and also by assignment from John Carter, to whom it was assigned by Peter Mountegue: Walter Bishopp, Edward Roberts, Richard Mathews, Peter Friend, George Secker, John Newby, Richard Webb and Angell Lesting.
20 Feb 1643 /44
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 8, 20 February 1643/44 – Moore Fantleroy, 250 acres called Royes Rest, Upper Norfolk County. Upon New Town “have been,” commonly called Chucktuck, beginning at the mouth of a creek or branch called Tentford, adjacent Epha. Lawson, etc. 200 acres due by appraisement from Mareen Delamde of a patent of 16 October 1638 and 50 acres for transportation of Moore Fantleroy.
1 Apr 1644
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 4, 1 April 1644 – John Hill, Gentleman, 200 acres Upper Norfolk. Upon east ward side of northwest branch of Nansimond (Nansemond) River, adjacent William Eyres. Due by assignment from Apha. (Epha.) Lawson for transportation of 4 persons.
2 Apr 1644
Upper Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 5, 2 April 1644 – John Hill, Gentleman, 400 acres Upper Norfolk. On west branch of Nansimond (Nansemond) River, about the head of said branch, near John Stalls. Due by assignment from Epha. Lawson and for transportation of 8 persons.
29 Dec 1646
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book B, 1646-1651, page 25 – At a County Court held for Nansemond County, 29 December 1646. Mr. Epa Lawson was listed as one of the Justices; the other 3 were Mr. Oliver Sprye, Phill. Bennett and Richard Preston. |
15 Feb 1647 /48
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book B, 1646-1651, page 110a – At a County Court held for Nansemond County, 15 February 1746/47 – Mentions Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, his bill for 394 pounds of tobacco. |
17 June 1651
Lower Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book B, 1646-1651, page 179 – Recorded 17 May 1651 – I was in company with Mr. John Ferinhaugh when he mad good ____ of this debt. I doe think in my conscience that ye debt which Robert Ewens demand is nothing just. Teste: W. Hancock. Proved in Court before Capt. Thomas Dewe, Mr. John Cotton and Mr. Lawson. |
16 May 1653
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book C, page 46, 16 May 1653 – Certificated for 650 acres to Simond Cornix for Transporting 13 people. Included in this group of 13, were Plummer Bray and George Lawson. |
15 Oct 1656
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 7, Court held 15 October 1656 – ______ ye frequent society of George Lawson with ye wife of Richard Abrill (or Abrahall) hath occasioned much discomfort _____ and ____. It is therefore now ordered that ye said George shall henceforth _____ ye companion of Abravill’s wife ____ in private or public other ways have _all _____ ye consent of ye Court. Ye said Abrill to pay Court charges. |
17 Nov 1656
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 77, Court held 17 November 1656 – A Judgment is confess by George Lawson as ye witness of John Marwood in ____ cost for _____ hundred pounds of tobacco and casts, payment to George Hawkins with cost charges. |
16 Jan 1656 /57
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 49, Court held 16 January 1656/57 – Upon ye petition of George Lawson, a Judgment is granted unto him on an attachment served in ______ show for his account on goods belonging to Richard Abrahall for ye sum of 3 ,420 pounds of tobacco and casts with cost charges thereon together with Court Charges now accruing. |
16 Jun 1657
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 78, Court held 16 June 1657 – Upon Complaint made to ye Court of the frequent and scandalous society of George Lawson with ye Mary ye wife of Richard Abrahall. It is therefore ordered of the said Abrahall’s wife shall be found hereafter in the companion of the said Lawson that ye Constable of the ______ of Lynhaven River shall take her into his custody and ____ ____ corporal punishment according to Col. Sid__ orders and direction. |
1 Aug 1657
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 90, Court held 1 August 1657 – Upon Complaint made to ye Court by Mr. Nathaniel Pratts and Mr. Edw. Camon that Mary ye wife of Richard Abrahll, doth contemptuously and contrary to a late order of this Court frequent ye companion of George Lawson. It is therefore ordered that ye said _____ shall forth with take ye said Mary into his custody until ___ __ ___ contents of ye said former order and give good and seventy for ye ____ and ______ thereof. |
20 Oct 1657
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 95, Court held 20 October 1657 – Judgment is confess in open Court by George Lawson for ye payment of 2,140 pounds of tobacco and cast unto Mr. Simon _____ being ____ by two bills vist. One bill of ye said Lawson and Abrahall and the other of ye said Lawson together with Court charges. |
15 Feb 1657 /58
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 123, Court held 15 February 1657/58 – At George Lawson request a _______ is granted unto him in a suit depending between Lank_____, Plaintiff and himself, Defendant until ye next Court thereon to be heard and determined. |
15 Apr 1658
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 135, Court held 15 April 1658 – Whereas Peter Malbow, Attorney of Mr. Symon Obser__ and George Lawson for 250 pounds and casts owe by account. It is ______ to further proff before a Court. |
5 Jan 1659 /60
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds, Book D, 1656-1666, page 185, Court held 5 January 1659/60 – Whereas George Lawson stands indebted unto Capt. Frances _____ 700 pounds of tobacco and cast by bill. It is therefore ordered that payment thereof be made unto him and assignment with Court charges. |
4 Oct 1666
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 10L & R, recorded 4 October 1666 – Inventory of John Martin was completed 4 October 1666 and signed by Ann Okeham. Proved in Court 15 October 1666 by John Okeham. (Note – Ann Keeling married first John Martin, second John Okeham and third Anthony Lawson.) |
29 May 1668
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 33, recorded 29 May 1668 – Be it known unto all men present that we Edward Pary and Anthony Lawson and either of them in the behalf of Thomas Moncroff and William Gardner of the City of Londonderry in The Kingdom of Ireland, Gentleman, constituted, appointed and ordain with ____ ____ John Baxter our true and lawful Attorney… signed and sealed this 29 May 1668. Signed Edward Pary and Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Will. Car___ and Frances Sayers. |
15 Jun 1669
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 49R, recorded 15 June 1669 – To all Christian people to whom these present shall come, Thomas Moncroff of the City of Londonderry, Alexander Lankins and Henry Gardner officers Land City Merchants send greeting… have constituted, appointed, ordained and made and by these present do constitute, ordain and appoint, make their well beloved friend Anthony Lawson of the City of Londonderry, merchant, their true and lawful Attorney… and demand, recover and received and all and all manner of outstanding debts whatsoever due or owing unto them in Virginia or any other part of the West Indies by any… Signed Thomas Moncroff, Alexander Lankins and Henry Gardner. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presents of William Cooke, Archibald Framing, Robert Houston and William George. Proved in Court 15 June 1669.
31 Aug 1670
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 81L & R, recorded 15 August 1670 – Inventory of John Okeham, deceased as shown to us by ___ of an order of Lower Norfolk County Court 15 August and by the order given us by Capt. Adam Thorogood. Total of the Estate was 47, 984 pounds of tobacco. |
4 Nov 1670
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 54L, recorded 4 November 1670 – Whereas Mrs. Ann Okeham has this day brought to ye Court an Inventory of her husband, ____ Estate and ____ being none of the cattle belonging to ye said Estate mentioned in ye said Inventory. It is therefore ordered that ye said Mrs. Ann Okeham do her utmost endeavor to gather said cattle together and present an account thereof to ye Court as soon as possible when gotten together. |
15 Dec 1670
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 56, recorded 15 December 1670 – An order is granted to Mrs. Ann Okeham, administratrix to Mr. John Okeham, deceased against Thomas Brampton for payment of the sum of 220 pounds of tobacco with casts and costs. |
Ann & Anthony
16 Feb 1670 /71
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 60, recorded 16 February 1670/71 – Whereas Plumb Bray cause Mrs. Ann Okeham to be ____ to ye Court for detaining a ____ of his from ye 5 October to the 23 December being 81 days and he having sufficient time plrovide that she has either ____ her thought not the full ____ and wherefore it is ye Judgment of the Court that she ought to pay according to act for ye full time of her _____ and therefore ordered that Anthony Lawson who married the said Okeham pay ye sum according to act here fore said. |
16 Oct 1671
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 61, recorded 16 October 1671 – Mr. Sayer, Mr. Robinson and Mr. Fouler are by ye Court requested to meet at ye house of Mr. Anthony Lawson upon Monday next to audit ye act between ye said Lawson and ye orphans of Mr. John Okeham and Mr. John Martin, deceased and give in ye report to ye Orphan Court of what ye said orphans’ Estate may amout unto ye ____. |
5 Nov 1671
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 6, page 385, 5 November 1671 – Christopher Bustian, 660 acres Lower Norfolk County in the southern branch of Eliz. River. Adjacent land of Markham, now in possession of George Vallentine and Capt. Wm. Carver, &c. 450 acres granted John Yates who sold to James Warner, who sold to said Bustian; 210 acres for trans. of 5 persons: Jno. Lawson was one of these persons.
10 May 1672
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 119L, – By order of Orphan’s Court 10 May 1672, the Estate of Mr. Okeham. Listed items sold and the total value was 66,463 pounds. The ___ part of ye estate above said and of ye debt hereunder written belongs to Mr. Anthony Lawson as marring ye widow, relict of ye said Mr. John Okeham deceased. Duly due to ye orphans of Mr. John Okeham more upon above said so as note receive but is to be accounted for by Mr. Anthony Lawson… Showed debt still outstanding. Signed Errors excepted by Anthony Lawson.The next page shows the amounts of the Estate due to Mr. John Martin’s orphans and Mr. John Okeham’s orphans and what Mr. Lawson and Mr. Keeling disputed. It was done by Francis Sayer, William Roberson and George Fouler and present at the Orphans Court 20 May 1672. |
17 Jun 1672
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 81, recorded 17 June 1672 – Whereas by a former order of Court, Mr. William Robinson, Mr. Francis Sayer and Mr. George Fouler were appointed to present ye account of ye Estate of ye orphans of Mr. John Martin, deceased and at ye last Orphans Court they did present their report covering ye same, whereby… ye sum of 30,176 pounds of tobacco with casts… it is now ordered that Mr. Robert Bray and Mr. Adam Keeling take the said orphans unto their custody and their Estate and give security at ye next Court for ye ______ until ye orphans come of age and that Mr. Anthony Lawson be discharged from ye said orphans’ Estate.Whereas by a former order of Court Mr. William Robinson, Mr. Francis Sayer and Mr. George Fouler were appointed to present ye account of ye orphans’ Estate of Mr. John Okeham and at ye last Orphans Court they did give their report covering ye same whereby there appears that 1,416 pounds of tobacco and casts and ___ cattle and horses is due to them and Mr. Anthony Lawson who married the Relict of ye said Okeham out of which there is due to ye said Lawson one third part for his wife’s proportion of said Okeham’s Estate wherefore it is now order that ye two thirds of ye said 14, 716 of tobacco be dispose of as follows, two thirds of ye remaining two thirds to Mr. Robert Bray for ye William and John Okeham and ye other third to remain in ye hands of said Mr. Lawson for ye for Mary Okeham and pray ye that Bray and Lawson to give in security to ye said Court to _____ ye land to ye orphans when they come of age.Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 83, recorded 16 August 1672 – Mr. Adam Keeling and Mr. Plumb Bray took over the Estate of orphans, Joel Martin and William, Mary and John Okeham. Robert Bray and Adam Keeling gave security for the orphan’s Estate. Mr. Anthony Lawson was acquitted from ye said orphans’ Estate. |
Anthony & Mary
15 Aug 1672
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E, 1666-1675, pages 124-125 – 15 August Court – To all to whom these present shall come know ye that I Anthony Lawson of the County of Lower Norfolk in Virginia together with ye free and voluntary good will and consent of my loving wife Mary, late wife of Capt. Wm. Moseley, __ for and in consideration of a promise by me made unto my said wife before marriage and for my love and affection I have towards her and her children and especially for and towards a future benefit and sustenance of my two sons and daughter in law (viz.) Wm., John and Eliza. Moseley… the next part is difficult to read and understand but it seems to indicated that he assigned Col. Lemuel Mason and Mr. John Porter as administrators of this promise that the 640 acres of land in Linhaven, Lower Norfolk County that Mary received from her father Capt. John Gookin, deceased, he would take procession of until William Moseley reached the age of 21 years. Then it was to be divided between William and John Moseley and their heirs. However, if they died before the age of 21 years, then it would go to Mary’s daughter, Elizabeth Moseley and her heirs. It was signed by Anthony Lawson and Mary Lawson and acknowledge in Court 15 August 1672. Witness by George Fonton and John Hatton.
16 Aug 1672
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E, 1666-1675, page 84– 16 August 1672 Court – On the side of the entry it had Mrs. Lawson. Whereas Mrs. Mary Moseley, Administratrix of Capt. Wm. Moseley, deceased did in December Court last make Oath to ye Inventory of said Capt. Moseley’s Estate, wherein there was some exceptions. The Court taking into consideration have ordered that she shall not be accountable for the exceptions. |
15 Oct 1672
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 132L, – To ye Right Honorable Sir William Berkeley, Gentleman, Governor and Capt. General of Virginia. Lemuel Mason – Kindly pray ye that Mr. William Daynes , Gentleman may be added to ye commission for ye County Court of Lower Norfolk and be of ye Quorum that unto Mr. John Porter, Gentleman, he having been formerly an Justice of ye said County and in regard of… humbly pray that Mr. Anthony Lawson may also be added to ye said commission and… All the commission members and all the militia officers signed it. |
23 Oct 1673
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 6, page 473, 23 October 1673 – Anthony Lawson, 490 acres, Lower Norfolk, at the east branch of Eliz. River, near Broad Creek. Adjacent Mr. Wm. Mosley, Wm. Hancock, Mr. Fowler, Robert Young and Wm. Martin. Trans. of 10 persons: Himself twice, Jno. Baxter, Wm. Church, Garrett Really, Eliz. May, Wm. Cooke, Edward Stanley, Sambo and Marea Negroes.
6 Apr 1674
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills & Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 167R – John Ladd of Linhaven (Lynnhaven) Parish of Lower Norfolk County for and in consideration of a valuable sum of tobacco sold to Anthony Lawson ____ hundred acres of land in ye Parish… Signed John Ladd on 6 April 1674. Witnesses: Mata Thompson, William Porter and Robert Hodge. Acknowledge in Court 15 April 1674.
15 Apr 1674
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Wills & Deeds, Book E 1666-1675, page 167L – Anthony Lawson was a witness to Richard Poole’s will, which was proven in Court by Capt. Robert Bray and Anthony Lawson 15 April 1674.
1 Oct 1675
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 93 – Court 15 March 1679/80, Anthony Lawson of Lower Norfolk in consideration of a sum of tobacco and cast paid by Plumb Bray, sold unto Plumb Bray of the same Court a certain parcel of land being part of a patent of 490 acres, granted him 13 October 1673, lying in Linhaven Parish, bounded by Chapman’s and William Martin’s lines, contain 60 acres of land. Signed 1 October 1675, Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Lemuel Mason and George Fowler. Recorded 15 March 1680. |
Oct 1675
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA, October 1675 Court – The Broad Creek Courthouse was probably of frame construction on cobble or brick foundation according to Whichard. Repairs made October 1675 required the payment to Capt. Wm. Robinson and Mr. Anthony Lawson of 140 pounds of tobacco “for work done about the courthouse” and 332 pounds “for nayles (nails) for the Courthouse.”
10 May 1677
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 17 – A transaction between Alexander Keeling and his brother Adam Keeling for land in Linhaven Parish, being in the right of Alexander’s wife, granddaughter of John Martin, was completed 10 May 1677. Witnesses Anthony Lawson and John Fe___. |
15 Jun 1677
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 19 – 15 June 1677 – Adam Keeling for and in ye name of his son John Keeling, deceased settled a disagreement over ___ acres of land on the eastern shores of Linhaven near the head of the River, which John Ladd had sold it to Capt. Anthony Lawson. Adam claim it was part of his patent. Captain Anthony Lawson settled it by paying 50 pounds Sterling to Adam Keeling and obtained title to the land. Signed by Adam Keeling and Anthony Lawson. Witnesses by Henry Woodhouse and J___ Lemon. Acknowledged in Court 15 June 1677. |
Anthony & Mary
12 Nov 1677
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 89 – I Anthony Lawson of Lower Norfolk County together with the free and voluntary will and consent of Mary, my wife, do for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid and satisfied assign, sell and make over unto Lt. Col. Adam Thorowgood my rights, lists and interests in the wit in writ on Pttons by virtue of the assignment and record thereon made to me by Malacly Thruston and Florance, his wife to have and to hold the said land within mentioned to him the said Lt. Col. Adam Thorowgood, his heirs… Witness I and my said wife, Mary, have hereunto set our hands and seals this 12 November 1677. Signed Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Benjamin Burrough and Malacly Thruston. Acknowledged in Court 12 February 1687/88. |
George, Mary Anthony, Thomas, Mary & Margaret
15 Aug 1678
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 34 – 6 October 1676 – In the name of God, Amen, I George Lawson Jr. of ye Eastern Branch of Elizabeth River in ye County of Lower Norfolk being in reasonable health and of sound mind… Make, Confirm and ordained ye my Last Will and Testament, revoking all former Wills… I give unto Mary, my wife, all my Estate both of land, goods and chattel and all rights, claims or judgments to me belonging or in whose hand or custody to have, hold and enjoy ye same as long as she lives and upon ye death, Estate to be divided between ___ ___ ___ , one half of my Estate to Mary, my wife, to her legal Executors and Administrator forever. I do give unto Thomas Lawson, Mary Lawson and Margaret Lawson, son and daughters, unto Mr. Anthony Lawson ye one half of my Estate I do live upon after ye death of my wife. Unto Thomas Lawson, one quarter and unto Mary Lawson one quarter and unto Margaret Lawson ye one half, also I do give unto Edward Moseley one mare. Also I do appoint Mary, my wife to be ye sole Executrix of this my Last Will and hereby require her to pay all my just debts, paid and discharged in confirmation of all and every ye promises, I have hereunto set my hand and seal. Signed George Lawson. Witnesses Richard Hays and John Breath. Presented in Court by Richard Hays 15 August 1678.On 15 August 1653, John Porter, Senior, of Lynn Haven Parish, married Mary Savill. Porter was a Justice of the County Court, a member of the House of Burgesses, Road Surveyor for the Eastern Branch Section, Justice of the Quorum and Commissioner of the Association of Nansemond River Fort. By his will, dated 16 September 1672, probated 15 February 1675, he bequeathed his property to Mary his wife whom he appointed executrix (Deed Book 4, Page 7). His widow married George Lawson in April 1676. He died the following fall. By his will dated 6 October 1676, probated 15 August 1678, he bequeathed his property to Mary his wife, formerly the widow of John Porter Sr. George Lawson’s widow married Thomas Fenwick in the interim of the date of Lawson’s will, 6 October 1676 and 16 February 1677, when it is recorded in the Court proceedings: “In the difference between Thomas Fenwick, who married the relict of Mr. George Lawson, deceased and executrix of Mr. John Porter, Sr., also deceased, plaintiff, and Dr. Smith, defendant, it is ordered the suit be dismissed for that the action was commenced in his wife’s name before marriage with the said Fenwick” (Court Docket). Her will was dated 28 January 1678/79 and recorded 16 August 1679 and probated granted to Thomas Fenwick 14 November 1679. She bequeathed to her husband Thomas Fenwick the fee simple of her lands for life with remainder at his death to John Porter, Jr. and his heirs (Deed Book 4, page 68). |
16 Aug 1678
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 36 – Will of Henry Offley, dated 20 June 1678 and proved 16 August 1678. …appoint my Loving friend Anthony Lason of Elizabeth River my lawful Executor… … my goods and Chattles which do belong or may anyways accrue or appertain unto me in this County of Virginia to him ye said Anthony Lawson… Signed Henry Offley. Witnesses Edward Moseley and Joseph Petty. |
15 Jan 1678 /79
Lower Norfolk
At a Court held 15 January 1678/79 in Lower Norfolk County, VA. Capt. Wm. Robinson, Mr. Adam Keeling, Henry Spratt and Capt. Anthony Lawson, Justices. In the difference between John Salmon, plaintiff against Alice, the wife of Thomas Cartwrite, defendant, a Jury of women (Mrs. Mary Chichester forewoman) being impaneled did in open Court upon their oaths declare that they having diligently searched the body of the said Alice and can find no suspicious marks whereby they can Judge her to be a witch but only what may and is usual on women. It is therefore the Judgment of the Court and ordered that she be acquitted and her husbands bond given for her appearance to be given up. |
16 Jan 1678 /79
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 42 – Will of Katheren Fitsgarrall dated 9 January 1678/79 and proved 16 January 1678/79. … to Jane Snaile a serge petticoat… … I doe give unto Richard Founder my husband’s Coasting Coat… … unto Elizabeth Founder… … unto my Servant Richard Waterman all his time of service by the Request of my husband upon his death bed. … unto my son-in-law Henry Fitsgarrall my plantation… … I do desire that Capt. Anthony Lawson may take all the Estate into his Custody until my son-in-law come to age of 18 years. Signed Katheren Fitgarrall. Witnesses Jacob Johnson and Mary Grady. |
20 May 1679
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 46 – Will of John McEellallen dated 27 January 1678/79 and proved 20 May 1679. … unto my son John… cows… … unto my daughter May… heifer… … Rest of Estate… divided between my wife and my two children… … make my wife Jane my Sole Executrix… … friends Jacob Johnson and Mr. Anthony Lawson… oversight of my children. Signed John McEellallen. Witnesses Joseph Pittss and James Slavin. |
1 Jul 1679
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 52 – Lemuel Mason and Robert Bray, two Justices of the Peace of Lower Norfolk County handled the case whereas Morris Fitzgarrell, late of this Colony, deceased in his Last Will and Testament nominated and appointed Katherine, his relict, Executrix and she also dying, shortly after, by her Last Will and Testament appointed Capt. Anthony Lawson to manage the Estate of her late husband Morris Fitzgarrell. The two Justices granted Capt. Anthony Lawson, Administrator of all and singular the rights and custody of ye Dowry Estate. Given under their hands 1 July 1679. Signed Lemuel Mason and Robert Bray. |
27 Sep 1680
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 7, page 58, 27 September 1680 – Mr. Anthony Lawson and Mr. Robert Hodge, 1250 acres, Lower Norfolk County, going by the name of Chester Forrest, adjacent Mr. Wm. Basnett, the salt pond branches, Edward Owld, to the Thunder bolt pine, to line of Cornix, a branch dividing this and land of William Brock, near Swillivan’s or Ward’s land, &c. Trans. of 25 persons. |
23 Apr 1681
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 7, page 73, 23 April 1681 – Major Antho. Lawson, 762 acres, Lower Norfolk county. Beginning at Mr. George Fowler, adjacent Wm. Haqncox, Chapman’s land, Mr. Henry Spratt’s, formerly Haskins’ corner, land Lawson sold to Henry Snaile, through a southwest to Bridge’s corner, adjacent land of Lambert, &c. 420 acres part of 750 acres granted to Thomas Bridge and assigned to said Lawson, 342 acres part of his own patent of 490 acres. |
15 Jun 1681
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 101 – Will of Robert Bray, dated 24 April 1681 and probated 15 June 1681 – I, Robert Bray of Lower Norfolk County in Virginia being son of Edward Bray, deceased, late of Inglewade (Inglewood?) in Bedfordshire, England, now sick and weak of body but of sound memory… I give my worldly goods and estate as follows: – … unto my two cousins Edward and John Bray, sons of my brother John Bray of Inglewade, Bedfordshire, England, aforesaid 50 pounds… … unto Mary Okeham my negro man named Guy… … unto John Okeham negroes… … unto William Okeham my two negroes… if either ye said Mary, John or William Okeham should die under age… to receive after the death of my wife Ann Bray… … unto my brother Plumb Bray and his heirs ye plantation lately bought of Richard Carver… … to Alexander Keeling ye whole debt he owes me… … unto Joel Martin a large silver tankard which was formerly his fathers, one good gun and one horse… … brother-in-law Thomas Tomkings of Inglewade… … and to my kinsman John Boodington, of Inglewade… … unto my friend, Anthony Lawson my gray horse, Watt, my plate hilted sword and belt… my large plate punch bowl, which he would receive after the death of my wife. (Note – from Thomas Lawson’s Will proven 4 November 1703 – punchbowl which was grandfather Robert Bray’s.) … my aforesaid two cousins Edward and John Bray… ye sum of 50 pounds Sterling money; to be sent home to England either by Bills Exchange or in ready money. … Ann Bray my wife Executrix… … unto each of Anthony Lawson’s children (not named) 2 plate spoons, after the death of his wife. Appoint my brother Plumb Bray and my friend Anthony Lawson as overseers of this my Last Will and Testament. Signed 24 April 1681, Robert Bray. Witnesses William Hunter and John Carpenter. Proved in Court 15 June 1681. |
Anthony & Anthony Jr.
18 Oct 1681
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 106 – Will of Robert Hodge, dated 10 September 1681 and proven 18 October 1681, by ye Oaths of all ye Evidences. … buried with Christian burial according to ye discretion of my Executrix and my two friends Anthony Lawson and Bennoni Burroughts… in ye southside of ye Chancel in Linhaven Church… … unto my God Son Anthony Lawson ye son of Anthony Lawson… when ye said Anthony is seven years of age… … unto my God Son Anthony Ivey… … & to each God Son and God Daughter ____ I have in Virginia besides one bible and two Sermon Books… … unto my Eldest Brother Alexander Hodge and unto my brothers John and Thomas Hodge and to each of their wives one mourning ring of twenty shillings Sterling… … unto my brother-in-law Peter Shepheard and unto my sister Mary his wife to each of them one ring of twenty shilling Sterling price… … unto John Tottle of Plymo one ring of twenty shillings Sterling price, if he be living at my decease… … unto Malachi Peale one ring… … unto Bennoni Burroughts one ring… … unto Anthony Lawson one ring… … unto each of my brothers John Hodge’s children five pounds Sterling apiece… … unto my God Son Peter ye son of my brother-in-law Peter Shepheard of Modbury ten pounds Sterling… … unto Dorothy Rowell that was my servant two thousand pounds of tobacco and cask… … unto my friend Bennoni Burroughts and his heirs for ever all my half of ye tract of land, patented in ye name of Anthony Lawson and my self, which land is called by ye name of Chester Forrest… my great Kearsey Coat lined with red serge and ten yards of Docoles Linen out of my great Chest in ye store… … unto my friend Anthony Lawson five pounds Sterling money… … unto my father-in-law, Col. Lemuel Mason, my plush saddle and furniture… my father-in-law Mason and his wife to each of them one ring of twenty shillings price. … my dear and loving wife Alice Hodge to be my lawful Executrix and whereas it is supposed yt. she my said wife is with child… … Remaining part of my Estate… (if male)… equally divided between ye mother and my son… and yt. like wife he be possess of ye other half of my land after ye decease of his mother my now wife. But if… a female… an equal half of all my land. But if … neither… and comes to age, then I do make and ordain Robert Hodge ye son of my brother John Hodge of Dartsmouth, to be my lawful heir to all my lands and in case he dies in his minority, then Peter ye son of my brother-in-law, Peter Shepheard of Modbury, to be my lawful heir and if ye said Peter Shepheard should die, then John Hodge ye son of my brother John Hodge of Dartmouth to be my lawful heir… … friends Anthony Lawson and Bennoni Borroughts to be overseers…… my brother John Hodge… his son Rober… … my Eldest Brother Children… … to my sister Mary Shepheard in Molbury… … forty shillings to be paid to ye poor of ye Parish of Modbury and a Marbel stone to be sent in here to be laid upon my grave. Signed Robert Hodge. Witnesses David Whitford, Patrick Angus, Anthony Lawson and Bennoni Borrought. |
7 Dec 1681
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 7, page 230, 22 November 1682 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, 300 acres, Lower Norfolk in Eliz. River. Granted to Lt. Col. Thomas Lambert, who sold to Robert Davis, from whom it escheated, by inquisition dated 16 May 1666 under Col. Miles Carey, from whom it descended to his son Richard, who sold to said Lawson, 7 December 1681 |
16 Dec 1681
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 112 – Anthony Lawson of Elizabeth River in Lower Norfolk sold 200 acres of land that he had purchased from John Griffin to Charles Heo (or Hea). Signed 16 December 1681, Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Maler Younsson (?), Lemuel Mason and Thomas Finwick. Acknowledged in Court 16 _?_ 1681. |
15 Jun 1682
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 121 – Anthony Lawson of Lower Norfolk County, VA, Gentleman, in consideration of 5,000 pounds of tobacco and one mare, sold to Owen Grady of same county, Planter, 100 acres, part of patent of 700 acres granted unto John Ladd, 27 May 1673, in Lower Norfolk County, Linhaven Parish on both sides of Linhaven River and on Beaver Dam Creek. Signed 15 June 1682, Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Charles Egerton and Phillip Howard. Acknowledged 15 June 1682. |
16 Aug 1682
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA – Captain William Robinson and Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson recorded a deed to fifty acres of land from Nicholas Wise on 16 August 1682. The conveyance was to them as “feofees in trust for the county… for the building of a town in the county according to act of Assembly dated 8 June 1660.” |
25 Apr 1683
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 155 – Will of Adam Keeling, dated 25 April 1683 and proved 17 December 1683, by John Sanford, Francis Sayer and Thomas Hodges. … to my loving wife Ann Keeling that plantation I now live and inhabit upon… for … life and after… unto my son Thomas Keeling… timber … from London bridge land for his use… … unto my son John Keeling that plantation or tract of land he now lives on being about 1,400 acres, formerly belonging unto my father-in-law John Martin… when he attains ye age of 21 years… provided (he)… give… for… deed in law made out unto his brother Adam Keeling… for … all that dividend or tract of land being about 2,000 acres lately patented in the name and to the use of my said son John Keeling being that land that now my mother lives on and called London bridge… … unto my above mentioned son Thomas Keeling that parcel of land commonly known by ye name of Dudlies (and joining upon that belonging to my Brother Alexander Keeling)… being near 1,400 acres… …unto my daughter Elizabeth Keeling a parcel of land about 300 or 400 acres by me entered with rights towards ye southward near Matchepongo and do desire ye same be surveyed and patented in my said daughter Elizabeth’s name… …unto my daughter Ann Keeling a certain tract of land joining unto Rudee, commonly known by ye name of Black Walnut Ridge and lately bought of Anthony Lawson being about 1,200 acres… … to my son Adam Keeling… … my above named children… as they attain each of them to ye age of 21 years… daughters at ye age of 16 years or day of marriage… … one whole years schooling Edward Bouring… a cow… when he comes of age of 21 years… … wife Ann Keeling my whole and sole Executrix… … my brother-in-law Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson and my friend Malachy Thruston overseers… unto each… 25 shilling Sterling to buy each of them a ring to wear in remembrance of me… Signed Adam Keeling. Witnesses John Ferebee, John Sandford, Francis Sayer and Thomas Hodges. |
16 Mar 1684
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 195 – I, Anthony Lawson of Linhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk County for the love, good will and affection, which I have and bare towards my loving friend John Fulcher of Elizabeth River in Parish and County aforesaid, have given and granted unto John Fulcher, 50 acres of land situate on the eastern side of ye road of Linhaven River in ye County aforesaid, part of patent of 1,260 acres granted to said Anthony Lawson, dated the 5 May 1684, bounded by Henry Spartt’s lines. To have and hold forever, however if John Fulcher should die without lawful issues of his, that then and in said case the said land to revert and belong unto me, the said Anthony Lawson, my heirs or assignees and the said John Fulcher and his heirs after him shall pay to me the said Lawson my heirs or assignees a quarterly quiet rent. Signed 16 March 1684, Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Richard Hill and Cason More. Acknowledge in Court 16 March 1684. |
1 May 1684
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 7, page 390, 1 May 1684 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, 1206 acres, Lower Norfolk County, Linhaven (Lynhaven) Parish, on both sides of Linhaven River. Adjacent land taken by Capt. Keeling in the name of his son John, along line agreed upon by said Keeling and Lawson, 15 June 1677, along Bowring’s line, to corner formerly Mosier’s, now Splratt’s, to mouth of a creek out of the beaver dams, near Lond Bridge, &c. 600 acres granted to John Ladd, 27 May 1673, who sold to said Lawson, 606 acres for trans. of 12 persons. |
21 Oct 1684
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 7, page 426, 21 October 1684 – Mr. Thomas Jackson, 100 acres, called the good land, in Lower Norfolk County, on a marsh on Corretuck Bay. Granted to Robert Simmonds, 9 October 1675, deserted and granted 20 April 1782 to Lt. Col. Antho. Lawson, who sold to said Jackson. Trans. of 2 persons. |
6 Feb 1684 /85
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 202 – William Dundas appointed Anthony Lawson and Henry Sprall, Esquire as his Attorneys to handle all his affairs, including the Estate of Robert Calderwood, deceased. Dated and signed 6 February 1684/85, William Dundas. |
16 Jul 1685
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 205 – Thomas Fenwick of ye Linhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk County, VA with the free and voluntary consent and good will of Mary, my wife, for and in consideration of a sum of money to me in hand paid by Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson of ye same Parish and County, we do grant, bargain and sell to said Lawson, 350 acres of land lying and being in ye aforesaid Parish of Linhaven, Lower Norfolk County on the eastern branch of Elizabeth River. Signed and dated 16 July 1685, Thomas Fenwick and Mary Fenwick. Witnesses were Plumb Bray, James Lom___ and Thomas Hall. Acknowledge in Court 16 July 1685. |
1 Feb 1685 /86
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 217 – Will of Adam Thorowgood dated 31 October 1679 and proved 1 February 1685/86 by Mr. Malachy Thruston and John Thorowgood. … unto my loving wife Francis Thorowgood all that part of my plantation whereon I now live to the full quantity of 600 acres to be lying most convenient to my house I now live in and at her own choice and discursion… during her natural life and after her decease to go unto my son Argoll Thorowgood and to his heirs forever. … I give and bequeath all the rest of my lands where soevr it lies, into my 5 sons, Argoll, John, Adam, Francis and Robert Thorowgood to be equally divided between them at the will and discretion of my loving wife… when my son Argoll shall come to the age of 21 years and to take his first choice, and so each of my said sons to make choice of his part thereof as he shall come to the aforesaid age of 21 years, the elder to have the priority… … in case… wife shall die before such division be made then… it be divided… by my loving friends Col. Lemuel Mason, Major Anthony Lawson, Malachy Thruston and Mr. William Proten or either three of them… who shall have the charge or guardianship of my children for and towards the bringing up and educating my said sons to reading, write and arithmetic and what other education she or they shall see fit and convenient, to bestow upon them… …my Executrix… do cause 5 gold signet rings with my Coat of Arms, cut in each of them to be sent for at the full value of 25 shilling, each ring and those to be given to each of my said 5 sons one; also following other deaths head gold rings of the value of 15 shillings prize each, to be delivered one of them to each of my 4 friends here after appointed my overseers… … my tenant Robert Smit… … unto my daughter Rose Thorowgood one negro child called Mary… …the rest… to be equally divided between my said loving wife and all my said 6 children and to be delivered unto as they shall come to their respective ages… … my well beloved wife Francis Thorowgood my whole and sole Executrix… … my loving friends Col. Lemuel Mason, Major Anthony Lawson, Malachy Thruston and Mr. William Porten overseers… …my Executrix after my decease cause my body to be interred in the Church of Linhaven in the grave of my father and that she cause a tone stone of Marble to be sent for with the Coat of Arms of Sir George Yardley and myself and the same inscription as upon the broken tomb and the same to be laid over my grave and the other over the grave of my mother upon brick… Signed Adam Thorowgood. Witnesses Alexander Murten, John Thorowgood and Malachy Thruston. |
Anthony & Mary
10 Feb 1685 /86
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 4, 1675-1686, page 216 – I, Anthony Lawson of Lower Norfolk County with the free and voluntary consent of Mary, my wife, for and in consideration of the sum of 10,000 pounds of tobacco and casts in hand do grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto Thomas Benson of the same county, 225 acres of land. The said Anthony Lawson and Mary, my wife have both of us here unto set our hands and seal the 10 February 1685/86. Signed Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Mala __onson, Thomas Hodges and Thomas Butts. |
21 May 1687
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 44 – This Indenture made 21 May 1687 between Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson of Lower Norfolk in Virginia, Gentleman of the one part and John Elder of the same County of the other part, witnessed that ye said Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson for and in consideration of a seed of ___ unto the hand and seals of the said John Elder and Sarah his now wife bare my best wishes this Indenture have sold, assigned and made over unto him the said Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson his heirs and assignees forever his Estate cash, personal and real as by the ___ may appear and for other good causes and consideration the said Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson most especially moving love promises covenant ____ to wit he the said John Elder and Sarah his now wife shall have possess occupancies and enjoy and singular the plantation, tract or dividend of land they now live on together… Signed Anthony Lawson, John Elder and Sarah Elder. Witnesses William Vaughan, Thomas Willoughby, John Ful__, Edward Moseley and Hugh Purdy. |
16 Nov 1687
Lower Norfolk
Norfolk County, VA Court Records, Court held 16 November 1687. Present Capt Wm. Robinson, Capt. John Hattone, Lt. Col. Lawson (Anthony?), Mr. Benony Burrougyh and Mr. Patrick White, Justices. Whereas upon Complaint of Hugh Campbell in the behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King, one Raymond who pretends himself a Papist Priest was summoned to this Court for the Illegal marriage of Mary Bustian widow of this county to one John Brockwell of Nansemond County without License or banes acting contrary to the 12th Act of Assembly…. |
16 Nov 1687
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 46 – Will of Daniel Douglas dated 14 August 1676 and proved 16 November 1687 by Capt. Robinson, Mr. Cocke and John Brown. …my wife Bridget Douglas all my land… during her natural life and after… to be equally divided between John Branton and Frances the wife of Benjamin Bransgrove… … John Porter of the Eastern branch of Elizabeth River… custody… him ye said Branton… come to age… … I do appoint 4 men of the neighborhood namely William Robinson, George Lawson, William Handcock and John Porter to take an inventory… or any three… … wife Executrix… Signed Daniel Douglas. Witnesses William Robinson, John Dolley, Thomas Cocke and John Brown. |
14 Feb 1687 /88
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 51 – Mrs. Mary Lawson the wife of Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, formerly the wife of Capt. William Moseley, deceased, ye daughter of Capt. John Gookin and heirs at law to her said father, deceased, with consent of her said husband Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson issue Deed of Gift under both their hand and seals baring date 15 August 1672 to trust vis. Col. Lemuel Mason and Mr. John Porter did among other things give unto William Moseley and John Moseley her sons and the heirs forever that tract of land that did belong to her, from Capt. John Gookin her before recited father as per deed recorded in the records of Lower Norfolk more at large may appear the which land is now in my tenure and occupation of the before mention William and John Moseley.Now know ye that I, Edward Moseley ye son and heirs of Capt. William Moseley before recited and brother of the whole blood unto William and John Moseley before recited for good cause ____ unto _____ but now especially for the natural love and affection that I bare to my said brothers _____ for the more sure making and for the confirming the before mention Deed unto William and John Moseley and to their heirs forever from me, the said Edward Moseley and my heirs and the said Edward Moseley do by this my free and voluntary Deed of Gift absolutely give unto William Moseley and John Moseley all ye tract of land before recited and as each of them said land possessed of the same to have and to hold the before mention land with all… Dated and singed 15 February 1687/88. Witnesses Lanester Lovett, William Burrought, Robert Richmond and James Lamons. Acknowledged in Court 14 February 1687/88. |
Anthony & Frances
20 Feb 1687 /88
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 75 – I, Edward Moseley of Linhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk by and with the ___ voluntary confess a no good wife of Frances, my none wife have given, granted, assigned, enforced and confirmed forever to my father-in-law, Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, 342 acres of the land which was the 342 acres according to the due bound thereof which was formerly granted unto my said father-in-law, Lt. Col Anthony Lawson in a patent of 762 acres of land granted 23 April 1681… whereof I the said Edward Moseley with my non wife Frances have here unto set our hand and seal this 20 February 1687/88. Signed Edward Moseley and Frances Moseley. Witnesses Charles Egarton, Lemuel Phillips and Patrick White. Acknowledged in Court 20 February 1687/88. |
16 Mar 1687 /88
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 62 – I, Robert Fowler, son Robert Fowler, late Little Creek in the Parish of Linhaven, Lower Norfolk, for and in consideration of the sum of 10,000 pounds of tobacco and cask in hand paid , do grant, bargain and sell unto Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson 200 acres of land lying and being in Little Creek in the Parrish and County aforesaid. The 200 acres were part of a patent formally held by Christopher Reynolds. Dated and signed 16 March 1687/88, Robert Fowler. Witnesses Malacly Thruston, John Fulekor and William Langley. Acknowledged in Court 16 March 1687/88. |
23 Apr 1688
Lower Norfolk
Virginia Patent Book 7, page 652, 23 April 1688 – Mr. Edward Moseley, 490 acres, Lower Norfolk County, at east branch of Eliz. River, near Broad Creek, adjacent Mr. Wm. Moseley, Wm. Hancox, Mr. Fowler, Robert Young and Wm. Martin. Granted Anthony Lawson, 23 October 1673, deserted and now condemned in the Genrl. Court and due for trans. of 10 persons. |
Anthony, Mary & Thomas
17 Sep 1689
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, pages 113-114 – I Col. Anthony Lawson of Linhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk County for and in consideration of ye sum of 25,000 pounds of pork and a plantation at the head of the Southern Branch of Elizabeth River do bargain, grant, sell unto Alexander Keeling of Linhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk a track of land containing 700 acres of land situated on the Eastern Shore of Linhaven near the head of the River being all that part of a Patent of 1,206 acres of land granted to me the said Anthony Lawson, dated 1 May 1684 which lies and is remaining on the Eastern side of Linhaven River and bed thereof excepting 40 acres made over to John Fulcher and 50 acres now I reference and keep for my son Thomas Lawson, which 50 acres is join upon the river for boats on the north and east side of the said John Fulcher’s land and for the length into the woods to have and hold the said 700 acres more or less as above said together with all houses, orchards, gardens, fences, woods, waters and rivers and all appurtenances to the land belonging… to the said Alexander Keeling… I the said Anthony Lawson and Mary Lawson, my now wife with her free and voluntary consent and good will set our hands and seals 17 September 1689. Signed Anthony Lawson. Witnesses George Sing, James Kemps and John Fulcher. Acknowledged in Court 18 September 1689. |
16 Nov 1689
Lower Norfolk
Lower Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 119 – I Francis Thorowgood, son of Lt. Col. Adam Thorowgood, deceased of Linhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk, Virginia for and in consideration of 100 pounds Sterling money in hand paid by my brother John Thorowgood of the same Parish and County do given, grant, confirm unto my said brother John Thorowgood 430 acres of land situated, lying in the Parish of Linhaven and County aforesaid on Little Creek… being my share of my father’s grant patent which became mine in a division made by Col. Lemuel Mason, Lt. Col Anthony Lawson and Mr. Malarey Thruston 23 July 1686… I the said Francis Thorowgood have hereunto set my hand and seal 16 November 1689. Signed Francis Thorowgood. Witnesses Henry Spratt, Adam Thorowgood and Thomas Walke. Acknowledge in Court 16 November 1689. |
Norfolk & Princess Anne
Lower Norfolk was divided to create Norfolk and Princess Anne Counties in 1691. Princess Anne became Virginia Beach in 1952. See map 1691-1700 | |
Anthony & Mary
16 Jul 1691
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 162 – I Anthony Lawson of the County of Norfolk, the Colony of Virginia for the love and affection I bear Thomas Walke, my son-in-law but more especially for and in consideration of his marriage to my daughter Mary, have given, granted and confirmed unto him the said Thomas Walke his heirs that piece or tract of land now in the possession of said Walke lying at the head of ye southern branch of Elizabeth River known by the name of Possum Creek, bounded by the land of John Dickson, formerly John Corperhew (Corperue), Joseph Mulder Sr. and Mathew Elmor being part of land patent by Richard Jones Sr., sold to William Maund, who sold it to Ralph Walke and by him sold Alexander Formase and by him sold to Alexander Keeling who has sold it to me, Anthony Lawson… Witness that I Anthony Lawson have set my hand and seal 16 July 1691. Signed Anthony Lawson. Witnesses William Dundas, William Heslett. Acknowledge in Court 16 September 1691. |
18 May 1692
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 212 – We William Robinson and Anthony Lawson of Linhaven Parish in the Courtly of Norfolk, formerly Lower Norfolk in Virginia, whereas by Act of Assembly 8 June 1680, it was enacted that 50 acres of land be set aside and laid out in East County for the erecting towns and whereas by order of the County Court of Lower Norfolk aforesaid having date the 19 October 1680 where said William Robinson and Anthony Lawson were appointed Guardian in Trust for ye sale of the 50 acres of land for the intent aforesaid and whereas by another Act of Assembly dated 16 April 1691 instituted and Act for parts it is enacted that the said all/have appointed by the former Act for Towns be still contained and confirmed upon condition in this last Act mentioned and sit down and for the intent and purpose therein specified. Now know ye therefore that we the said William Robinson and Anthony Lawson in Trust as aforesaid for the consideration in the said Acts specified given, grant, bargain confirm unto Samuel Sizimore of Elizabeth River Parish in the County of Norfolk formerly Lower Norfolk, one lot or half area of the said Town Land in the said County of Lower Norfolk, now Norfolk… Signed and sealed dated 18 May 1692, William Robinson and Anthony Lawson. Acknowledge in Court 18 may 1693. |
8 Feb 1692 /93
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 194 – I John Dickinson Sr. of South Hampton Tribe in the Summer Islands of Burmudes (Bermuda?) in ye part of America Marriner have assigned, order, made and so appoint and constitute my trusty and will beloved friends Col. Anthony Lawson, Esquire and Mr. Thomas Walke, Merchant of Virginia both to be my lawful Attorneys for me and in my name… Signed and dated 8 February 1692/93. John Dickenson. Recorded in Court 16 May 1693. |
29 Apr 1693
Virginia Patent Book 8, page 303, 29 April 1693 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, 60 acres, Norfolk County, in Linhaven Parrish, in the Little Creek. Escheated from George Mason by inquisition under William Porten (or Porteis), Depty. Esch’r., 22 September 1688 and now granted by order, &c. |
Anthony, Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth, & Anthony Jr.
15 Jan 1693 /94
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, page 213 – Will of Thomas Walke, dated 5 January 1693/94 and probated 15 January 1693/94. I Thomas Walke being at this present sick and weak in body but sound and perfect memory do make this to be my Last Will and Testament – Imp. I bequeath my soul to Almighty God… I give and bequeath the Plantation I now live upon unto my son Thomas Walke and his heirs forever; I likewise give unto my son Thomas half that tract of land I bought of William Hilliard lying at Corituck Bay to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath unto my son Anthony Walke my Plantation lying at the head of the Southern Branch called Possum Nick, adjoining the land of John Dixson. Empower my Executors to add unto 100 pounds Sterling of my personal estate. I give and bequeath unto my sister Ann Chambers of Barbados, and unto each of her children she now has, 5 pounds Sterling. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Walke, my young Negro woman called Piggy with all her increase. I give and bequeath unto my brother Robert , my sister Margaret and my sister Mary of Barbados, unto each of them 20 shillings to buy them a ring apiece. I give and bequeath unto my loving friends Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, Mrs. Mary Lawson, Margaret, Elizabeth and Anthony Lawson Jr. unto each of them 20 shillings to buy them a ring apiece. I give and bequeath unto my loving friends Edwards, William and John Moseley unto each of them 20 shilling to buy them a ring. I give and bequeath unto William Moseley Sr. 40 shillings to be paid him out of my own wearing clothes. I give and bequeath unto Margaret Moseley the wife of the said William Moseley 40 shillings to be paid her out of my wife’s wearing clothes. I give and bequeath unto the widow Elder 40 shillings to be paid in goods All the remaining part of my personal estate whatsoever, I give and bequeath unto my 3 children Thomas, Anthony and Mary Walke or the survivors. Request all his goods whole or personal be shipped to Barbados and sold. I nominate and appoint my loving friends Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, Edward Moseley Sr. and William Moseley to be my Executors. I have hereunto set my hand and seal 5 January 1693/94. Signed Thomas Walke. Witnesses George Moseley, John Smith, Morgan Bryan and Anthony Lawson Jr. Probed in Court 15 January 1693/94. |
Anthony & Mary
15 Mar 1693 /94
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, pages 216-217 – I John Moseley of the Parish of Linhaven in Princess Anne County in Virginia, whereas Mr. John Gookin, late of Lower Norfolk County, deceased granted him by Patent dated 12 October 1641, 640 acres of land, situated on the western shore of Linhaven, which said land descend to Mary his only daughter and heir, now the wife of Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson and mother of me, the said John Moseley and whereas my said father-in-law, the said Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson and my mother the said Mary, his wife, by deed of gift under their names and seals gave the said 640 of land unto my brother William Moseley and to me the said John Moseley to be equally divided; which accordingly was divided, as by an instrument in writing and the hands and seals of us the said William Moseley and John Moseley, dated 4 January 1692 and recorded and each of the part laid out and bounded as the said Instrument of Division may and will at large approved. Now know ye that I ye said John Moseley for and in consideration of the sum of 4,000 pounds of Bake Pork to me in hand paid by my kinsman Edward Moseley Jr. of Linhaven Parish in Norfolk County whereas I acknowledge… do give, grant, bargain, sell unto my said kinsman Edward Moseley Jr. one small tract of land contain 100 acres more or less and is part of the 640 acres… Whereof I the said John Moseley have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15 March 1693/94. Signed John Moseley. Witnesses Francis Moseley, John Fulsher and Bryan Cahill. Acknowledge in Court 15 March 1693/94. |
26 Oct 1694
Princess Anne
Virginia Patent Book 8, page 398, 26 October 1694 – Col. Anthony Lawson, of Norfolk County, 1078 acres, Princess Anne County, in Currotuck Bay. 850 acres, part of 1680 acres granted John Sandford, 27 February 1680, who sold to Peter Smith, 16 May 1690, beginning nigh Thomas Morris and John Sandford, on west side of the long branch, &c. 228 acres due for import of 5 persons. |
16 Mar 1695 /96
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 19, Court dated 16 March 1695/96 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson late High Sheriff of this County suing Mr. Peter Smith as Security for Capt. Owen Phillips late Commander of the late ship St. Jasab of London for a bond of 94 pounds Sterling money, upon condition the said Phillips plea and __?_ William Hamblton, Capt. Chrurgton of the said ship __?__ for 47.10.8 ordered against the said Phillips. |
19 Nov 1696
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 67, Court dated 19 November 1696 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson Siv___ ____ for this Town Lands have order granted him against Mr. Samuel Boush and Oflia(?) his wife, Administratrix of William Porter, deceased for 700 pounds of tobacco due for purchase of ____ lot of this Town land to be paid out of the said Porter’s estate and cost. |
17 Jul 1697
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 112, Court dated 17 July 1697 – It is order that Malick Thruston, Executor of Capt. William Knott, deceased do pay unto Col. Anthony Lawson ___ pounds of tobacco due by the said Knott’s bill to be paid out of the said Knott’s estate and cost. |
20 Jan 1697 /98
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 111 and 114, Will of Lewis Conner, Probated 20 January 1697/98 – Will date ___page torn__ August___, to my loving wife, my following sons Lewis Conner, Ceader __page torn__, wife Elizabeth during her nature __page torn__, my said eldest son Lewis Conner __page torn__. Witnesses William Danies, William Barrow, James Downing and John Maux. Taken from a loose piece: – Plantation… Estate, both in Virginia and England… my seven children… wife Elizabeth Conner… Sole Executrix… Seal 31 __page torn__. Probated 20 January 1697/98. |
16 Mar 1697 /98
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 114, Court dated 16 March 1697/98 – Judgment is confess by Lemuel Wilson note of receipt from Owen Dougharty for 59 pounds of tobacco and 50 pounds of port to Col. Anthony Lawson being for __ mark ____ by Malack Thruston against said Lawson as security for said Dougharty. It is order that the aforesaid Dougharty do pay to the said Lawson the sum of 641 pounds of tobacco and cost. |
Anthony & Elizabeth
16 Jan 1700 /01
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 200, Court dated 16 January 1700/01 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife, Executrix and Lewis Conner, Exeuctor of M. E. Lewis, Complainants against Lemuel Mason and Mary, his wife, Plaintiffs for 4 pounds Sterling and they not appearing and being perused non __ inventus, attachment is granted against their estate, return at next Court. |
15 May 1701
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 202, Court dated 15 May 1701 – The Attachment formerly granted Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson against the estate of John Eastwood is at request of John Croft, Attorney of the said Lawson again continued returnable next Court.Same book and Court (next entry). Judgment is confessed by Nathaniel Wider to Col. Anthony Lawson for 426 pounds tobacco and ordered he pay the same to the said Lawson and cost. |
Anthony & Elizabeth
16 Jul 1701
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 211, Court dated 16 July 1701 – The difference ____ ____ Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson and Elizabeth, his wife, Executrix and Lewis Conner, Executor of Lewis Conner, deceased is by consent of the parties, referred until next Court.Same book and Court (next entry). The Attachment formerly granted Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson against ye Estate of John Eastwood for 292 1/2 pounds of tobacco again continued returnable next Court. |
15 Aug 1701
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 215, Court dated 15 August 1701 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson against John Eastwood, the same against Maj. Francis Sayer and Frances, his wife, Administratrix of _____ is dismissed, the said Lawson being ____ by death. |
Thomas & Anthony
17 Feb 1701 /02
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 229, Court dated 17 February 1701/02 – Be it known and manifest unto all men that I Thomas Lawson of Princess Anne County, Gentleman and heir of Col. Anthony Lawson, late of the aforesaid County, deceased, for diverse good and valuable and especially in consideration of 10 pounds of good current money received from Bartholomew Clarke of the aforesaid County, Blacksmith do sell one half acre of land (Note: – this was one of the two lots that Col. Anthony Lawson own in the Town of Norfolk County.) The last part of the page is torn and missing. Witnessed, signed and sealed 17 February 1701/02. Thomas Lawson. Witnesses Daniel Sullivan and George Newton. Recorded __ February 1701/02. |
Thomas & Anthony
14 May 1702
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 244 – I Thomas Lawson of the County of Princess Anne, Virginia son and heir of Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson of the said County, deceased, I the said Thomas Lawson for diverse good causes and consideration… (parts miss due to torn pages) do give, grant, exchange and see and forever confirm unto Martha Workman, Spinster of the above said County… on a branch coming out of Little Creek on John Griffin’s line containing 100 acres. Signed and sealed 14 May 1702. Witnesses Thomas Barnes and John Snayle. Recorded 15 May 1702. |
Thomas & Anthony
16 Aug 1703
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 6, 1695-1703, page 283, Court dated 16 August 1703 – Mr. Thomas Lawson suing Hugh Daniel to the last Court for the sum of 16 pounds, 13 shillings and 4 pence by bond and 14 shilling, 9 pence on account and the Defendant, Hugh Daniel having liberty until the next Court to make his discount and the said Daniel now failing to appear, upon the motion of the Plaintiff, judgment is confirmed for the whole bond and ordered that the said Hugh Daniel the Defendant pay to the said Mr. Thomas Lawson, Administrator of Col. Anthony Lawson, deceased the sum of 16 pounds, 13 shillings and 4 pence current money due by the said bond. |
Anthony, Elizabeth & Thomas
7 Jan 1703 /04
James City
Executive Journals, Council of Colonial Virginia, 3 August 1699 – 27 April 1705. Upon the Petition of George Marable Order is granted him for a Supersedeas to stop the Execution of a Judgment obtained against him in James City County Court 7 January 1703/04 upon a Scire facias brought against him ye said Marable as Executor of William Ellett by Elizabeth Lawson, Thomas Lawson and Lewis Conner surviving Administrators of Anthony Lawson, deceased Assignee of Frederick Jones, Assignee of Anthony Lawson and William Moseley Executors of Thomas Walke against him the said Marable as Executor aforesaid; the said Marable the Petitioner giving Security according to Law. |
15 Feb 1703 /04
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 7, 1703-1706, page 26, Court dated 15 February 1703/04 – Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson and Lewis Conner, Executors of Mr. Lewis Conner, deceased suing John Steward at this Court and at the request of the Defendant, referred to next Court.Same book and page, next entry. Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson suing John Steward to this Court on account of trespass, but at the request of the Defendant the suit is referred until the next Court.Same book and page, next entry. Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson suing John Steward to this Court per an account of debt for 275 pounds of tobacco, but at the motion of the said Defendant the suit is referred until the next Court. |
15 Mar 1703 /04
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 7, 1703-1706, page 27, Court dated 15 March 1703/04 – Order is granted Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson and Mr. Lewis Conner, Executors of Mr. Lewis Conner, deceased against John Steward for 77 pounds of tobacco being the balance of the bill due to the said Plaintiffs and order to pay the sum with cost. |
15 May 1704
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 7, 1703-1706, page 30, Court dated 15 May 1704 – The difference depending between Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson, Plaintiff against John Steward, Defendant. In a plea of ____ and ejectment and the Plaintiff appearing by her Attorney Capt. Henry Jenking and setting for her Declaration that the Defendant with force and arm did ___ and possession and keep and hold ye 200 (missing the last part.) |
15 Jan 1704 /05
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 7, 1703-1706, page 66, Court dated 15 January 1704/05 – George Lawson suing Robert Woody to this Court for 10 pounds Sterling and ye accuracy of ____ and _____ the said Woody failing to appear, order is granted against the Sheriff unless he produces him next Court and Attachment. |
15 Jan 1704 /05
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 7, 1703-1706, page 66, Court dated 15 January 1704/05 – Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson suing Joseph Shepherd to this Court and neither appearing, the suit ordered to be dismissed with cost. |
15 Feb 1704 /05
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 7, 1703-1706, page 70, Court dated 15 February 1704/05 – George Lawson suing Robert Woody to this Court and not appearing to prosecute his action at the motion of the Defendant a non suit is granted him and ordered that the Plaintiff pay to the Defendant 50 pounds of tobacco damages and costs. |
Thomas & Rose
May 1709
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 8, 1708-1710, page 61, Court dated May 1709 – Order is granted Lemuel Wilson, Plaintiff against Col. Edward Moseley, Defendant for 575 pounds of tobacco and ordered that he pay same out of ye Estate of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased and cost.Same court and page, next entry. Order is granted Lemuel Wilson, Plaintiff against Col. Edward Moseley who intermarried with Mrs. Rose Lawson, Administratrix of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased for 546 pounds of tobacco, ordered that he said Moseley pay same out of Estate of the said Thomas Lawson, deceased and cost. |
15 Dec 1709
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 8, 1708-1710, page 113, Court dated 15 December 1709 – Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson against Nathaniel Wilder, not appearing to prosecute the suit is dismissed. |
26 Feb 1709 /10
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 8, 1708-1710, page 125, Court dated 26 February 1709/10 – The suit in Chancery depending between Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson, Plaintiff and Nathaniel Wilder, Defendant. Defendant clearing all ye interrogatories put to him and said bill by his oath. It is therefore ordered ye suit be dismissed with costs. |
27 Jan 1709 /10
Norfolk / Princess Anne
Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 8, 1708-1710, pages 154-156 – This Indenture made this 27 January 1709/10 between us Lewis Conner and Henry Jenkins and on behalf of Lord William Dains of Bristol in the Kingdom of England, Knight of the one part and Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson of Virginia of ye other part. Witness that we, ye said Lewis Conner and Henry Jenkins by virtue of a power of Attorney from under hand and seal of ye said Sr. William Dains, Knight dated the 17 February ___ Empowering us… give, grant, bargain, sell, enforce and confirm unto Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson her heirs and assignees, it being for and in consideration of ye good will and affection born to the said Sir William Dains, Knight unto the said Elizabeth Lawson as is in ye aforesaid Power of Attorney at Large… one tract or parcel of Land containing by estimation 200 acres situate, lying and being on ye north side of the mouth of the western branch of Elizabeth River in the County of Norfolk in Virginia… on behalf of ye said Dains have hereunto set our hands and seal this 27 January 1709/10. Signed Lewis Conner and Henry Jenkins. Witnesses John Ralph, William Weston and Richard Sayer. Recorded 15 May 1710. |
16 Sep 1721
Norfolk County, VA Orders, Appraisement and Wills, 1719-1723, page 38L, 16 September 1721 Court Orders – Where as Mr. John Lawson complaining unto me that Daniel Jones stands justly indebted unto him ye sum of 3 shillings and 9 pence lawful money and the said Jones appearing before me and acknowledging the same. It is therefore ordered that Daniel Jones pay unto Mr. John Lawson ye sum of 3 shillings and 9 pence with constables fee and all other cost. |
17 Nov 1721
Norfolk County, VA Orders, Appraisement and Wills, 1719-1723, page 38R, 17 November 1721 Court Orders – John Lawson was brought before Court for the selling of liquors contrary to law. |
Francis & John
17 Nov 1721
Norfolk County, VA Orders, Appraisement and Wills, 1719-1723, page 39R, 17 November 1721 Court Orders – Samuel Smith against Francis Lawson, wife of John Lawson by an warr’ (warrant?) for dealing with his Negro, Jean was bound over to this Court and appearing and confessing the fact, it is ordered she be committed to prison for one calendar month as during the said Mr. Smith’s pleasure she paying cost of this suit. |
Jonas Cawson
29 Aug 1726
Norfolk County, Virginia
Speculation: – I have seen on – Lawson-L Archives that a Jonas Cawson of Norfolk County, VA may in fact be Jonas Lawson that died 1726 leaving a will? I have found this will and it looks like his last name in the document was Cawson. See attached document. There are a number of entries in the Princess Ann County records that shows that there was a Cawson family living in Princess Anne County. Also, I have received an email from Elizabeth Harris at that stated this was definitely Cawson and not Lawson.Norfolk County, VA – Wills and Orders 1723-1734, pages 29 and 30 – Will of Jonas Cawson (the quality of the microfilm copy is very poor and very hard to read). In the name of God Amen. Item – I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Christopher Clawson after ye decease of his mother all my ____ ____ upon the plantation I bought of Moses Linton and said plantation of John Pricket to him and his heirs for ____. I also give to my son Christopher my plantation I bought Edw. Wynn and tract of land I also bought of Jno. Sylwent adjoining to it called Rich Neck, likewise a tract of land bought of Capt. John Ryall called Point Lockout all lying in Mattache Pungo River in Bath County, North Carolina with all the stock belong in there unto and said apparatus that belonging to them to him and his heirs for ever and allowing his mother three killable cattle yearly so long as she shall live. Item – I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Argall Cawson my house and land lying at ye southern branch Great Bridge with ye plantation on I bought of Willm. Bishop called Possum Ridge to him and his heirs for ever. Item – I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Jonas Cawson a tract of land lying in the fork Pamplier(?) River called Bear Creek to him and his heirs forever. Item – I give and bequeath unto all my well beloved children, Christopher, Argall, Jonas, Keziah, Ann, Abigail and Jennette Cawson all my goods, chattel, _____ whatever doth belong me with my negroes called after their proper names and said Jenny, Amos, Tim, ____, ____ with all their _____ to be equally divided amongst my seven children after the deceased of their mother she having the estate during her natural life. Item – I give and bequeath unto Thoms. Nash Jur. Half my Canners(?) and to keep ten head of cattle and no more after the plantation called Matchepunger during his natural life and no longer. Item – I appoint my said loving wife to being sale executrix. Revoking all former wills ____ formerly made and _____ and appoint this only to be my last will and testment. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 29 day of August 1726. Signed Jonas (his mark) Cawson Witnesses: Peter Taylor, James Edwards and Mary Portlock Proven in Open Court 18 November 1726 Norfolk County, VA.Deposition of Mrs. Abigail Cawson alas Whiddon, aged about 50 years. Taken July 5, 1738. She was married to Jonas Cawson about 29 years ago by Rev. Mr. McMioner, then minister in Norfolk County, that Keziah their first born died in 1732. She had heard the said Jonas Cawson speak of his native country, Old England, saying he was born in Lancaster in England, and he told her that he expected an estate to fall to him from his father and mentioned it in his will.Deposition of Ann Trevethan, aged about 60 years, taken July 5, 1738. She was intimately acquainted with Mr. Jonas Cawson, late of Norfolk County, deceased, and was at the celebration of a marriage between him and a certain Abigail Church. A minister of the Church of England performed the ceremony. They had several children, viz.: Keziah, Christopher, Argal, Ann, Abigail, and Jonas. He died 1726, and his son Keziah died about 1732, and also Christopher Cawson and eldest son and said Jonas made a will. Jonas Cawson b. about 1666, Lancaster, England, d. 1726 Norfolk County, VA. Married Abigail Church about 1709. |
19 Jun 1742
Abstract of Norfolk County, VA Wills and Deeds Book H, 1742-1749 – Will of Elizabeth Lawson of the County of Norfolk, dated 23 August 1740 and proved 19 June 1742. To Catherine Walke 3 negroes to wit, Dick, Charles and Nell… But in case the said Catherine Walke should die before she attain the age of 21 years or marriage then… to my grandchild Elizabeth Sawyer, wife of Arthur Sawyer.
To my grandchild Catherine Walke my bed and furniture where I used to lay. To my daughter-in-law, Abigall Conner one chest that stands under the window and a cubard. To John Conner the son of Kedar Conner a negro woman named Judith. Unto my granddaughter Monica Conner… one chest of drawers. Unto my granddaughter Cloetida Conner… one negro woman named Ruth… black chest. Unto Lewis Conner son of Kedar Conner 6 silver sppons marked L B C. Unto Mary Teresa Wisher… one negro boy named Toney. Unto my granddaughter Sharlott Conner… one negro woman named Hannah. To Kedrick Conner… negro boy named Tom. To my Cousin Henry Deans, son of Richard Deans… one negro man named Silvester. To Sarah Shaddock… one negro woman named Jenny. To my grandson Anthony Conner one negro woman Phill. All the rest of my Estate not heretofore given, I give unto Anthony Conner, Monica Conner, Sharlott Conner, Cloetilda Conner and John Conner son of Kedar Conner. Appoint my Trusty and well beloved Friend Col. William Crawford my sole Executors. Signed and sealed Elizabeth Lawson. Witnesses Christopher Jackson Jr. and Chisto Jackson. |
29 Jun 1758
Norfolk County, VA, Marriages Vol. 1, 1706-1792 – Anthony Lawson and Mary Calvert were married 29 June 1758 in Norfolk County, Virginia. Surety Maxmillian Calvert. |
Norfolk City 1789 Personal Tax List – Thomas Lawson 1 white male, 1 black over 16 years, 1 black 12-16 years and 1 horse. |
Norfolk County, VA, 1799 Portsmouth Elizabeth River District, list taken by Andrew Kidd – Personal Property Tax List A – Amelia Lawson had tithables of 2 blacks above 16 years. |
9 Nov 1799
Norfolk County, VA, Marriages Vol. 2, 1792-1817 – David Lawson and Susannah Denby were married 9 November 1792. Surety John Johnson. |
Thomas Lawson is enumerated in the 1810 Norfolk Borough, Norfolk County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, 1 male over 45 and 1 female over 45 years. |
1 May 1819
Norfolk County, VA marriage records – Thomas Lawson married Miss Mary Gray 1 May 1819 in Norfolk County, VA. |