Lawsons Named
Date |
County in Virginia
Northum -berland
The Chickacoan District, an Indian reserve eliminated to form Northumberland County in 1648. See map 1641-1650
3 Sep 1649
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 180, 3 September 1649 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 700 acres in Rappahannock River. In Rappahannock River, lying abut 12 miles upon the north side, beginning on the east ward side of the mouth of Slaughters Creek which parts this from the land of John Carter. Transportation of 14 persons.
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 236, 22 May 1650 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 2,000 acres in Rappahannock River on the south side, beginning on the lowermost point of a great Island, running south, southwest crossing Lawson’s Creek. Transportation of 40 persons.
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 236, 22 May 1650 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 1,000 acres lying about 10 miles up on the north side of Rappahannock River adjacent land of John Slaughter. Transportation of 20 persons.
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 237, 22 May 1650 – Mr. Epaphroditus Lawson, 900 acres, in Rappahannock River, on south side, beginning at point on an island, adjacent and above land of Mr. John Cox and running to the mouth of Lawsons Creek. Transportation of 18 persons. Note: From the History of Old Rappahannock County – Occupacia Creek was for a time called Lawson’s Creek but reverted to its old Indian name of Occupacia Creek. Located in today’s Essex County. |
22 May 1650
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 2, page 245, 22 May 1650 – Wm. Tigner, 1150 acres in Rappahannock River on south side, beginning at eh mouth of Lawsons Creek, adjacent land of Epa. Lawson and nigh mouth of Tigners Creek. Trans. of 23 persons. Note: Void by a ward of the Governor. The rights crost.
Lancaster County was formed from Northumberland and York Counties in 1651. See map 1651-1660
Westmore -land
Westmoreland County was formed from Northumberland County in 1653. See map 1651-1660
4 Mar 1656 /57
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 4, page 24 (124), 4 March 1656/57 – Miles Dixon, Gentleman, 500 acres Northumberland County. Upon south side of the Dividing Creek and sly. Upon another creek dividing this and land of Capt. Hugh Wilson and northwest upon creek dividing this and land of Col. Richard Lee. Transportation of 10 persons: Richard Goade and Thomas Lawson were 2 of these persons.
4 Feb 1662 /63
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 5, page 205 (102), 4 February 1662/63 – George Clarke, 100 acres Northumberland County. Upon south side of great Wiccocomico River at the head of 150 acres now in the occupation of said Clarke &c., following a line of trees belonging to Gervase Dodson, deceased, northerly then easterly to land of Richard Nelmes. Transportation of 2 persons: Mary Hewes and Edward Lawson (or Lanson).
11 Sep 1666
Northum -berland
Virginia Patent Book 6, page 210, 11 September 1666 – Thomas Salisbury, 312 acres Northumberland County at the head of Dennis’ Creek. Beginning on north side of a southwest, dividing this from land of Doctor Edward Sanders; adjacent William Griffin and Thomas Lane. Trans. of 6 persons: Eliz. Lawson was one of these persons.
20 May 1659
Northum -berland
Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates for Land, Northumberland County, VA, 1650-1795, compiled by W. Preston Haynie – Document 153, 20 May 1659 – These are to Certify that Capt. Richard Wright made his right appear to 800 acres of land for transportation of these persons into this Country – Robert Lawson was one of them. |
Anne, John & Elizabeth
5 Mar 1665 /66
Northum -berland
Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates for Land, Northumberland County, VA, 1650-1795, compiled by W. Preston Haynie – Document 388, 5 March 1665/66 – Certificate is granted unto William Griffin for 300 acres of land for ye importation of 6 persons into the Colony – Anne Lawson, John Lawson, Eliz. Lawson, Edward Rattle, Alexander Griffin and Arthur Kevie. |
5 Mar 1665 /66
Northum -berland
Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates for Land, Northumberland County, VA, 1650-1795, compiled by W. Preston Haynie – Document 432, 27 Feb 1667/68 – Certificate is granted Mr. Leonard Howson for 250 acres of land for importation of Wm. Hobson, Rowland Lawson, Cyrus ____ (no surname), Philip Boulton and John Parker. Also in Order Book 1666-78 on page 17. |
28 Mar 1671 /72
Northum -berland
Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates for Land, Northumberland County, VA, 1650-1795, compiled by W. Preston Haynie – Document 565, 28 March 1671/72 – Florence Driscoll sworn and examined, said that when your deponent was servant to Capt. Daniel Neale, heard John Wood say that he was willing to give a man servant named Rowland Lawson for a maid servant that Capt. Daniel Neale had if that said maid was willing to serve ye said John Wood ye time that ye said Rowland Lawson had to serve; further your deponent head ye said maid say that she had rather serve John Wood ye time ye said Lawson had to serve and a year longer rather than to server her own time to her aforesaid master, further your deponent heard John Wood and his wife say that they would and willing change because they could not understand what the said Lawson said, being an outlandish man and he would do nothing for them… Record Book 1666-1672, page 185. |
Eliza & John
30 Apr 1707
Northum -berland
Register of St. Stephen’s Parish, Northumberland County, VA. Eliza Lawson, daughter to John Lawson born 30 April 1707.
John & James
17 Oct 1708
Northum -berland
Register of St. Stephen’s Parish, Northumberland County, VA. John Oldham Lawson, son to James Lawson born 17 October 1708.
1 Jan 1735
Northum -berland
Thomas Lawson married Margaret Stepto 1 January 1735 in Northumberland County, VA.
3 Sep 1765
Northum -berland
In obedience to an ordeer of Northumberland County Court, we have examined Mrs. Elizabeth Brent’s Account of Administration on the Estate of her deceased husband William Brent and do find that there will be due to Epaphroditus Lawson who intermarried with the daughter of the said deceased on the death of the said Elizabeth Brent 8 pounds, 14 shillings and 11 pence half penny and we do also award and direct that the said Elizabeth deliver unto the said Lawson within 2 months from this day 15 yards of good Negro Cotton and 21 yards of good Oznabrigo. And of this we make our report this 3 September 1765. Signed by George Ball, Thomas Edwards and Anthony Sydnor. Northumberland Book 6, page 641. |
William & Betty
10 Oct 1785
Northum -berland
Northumberland County, VA Wills, 1770-1793, page 74 – Will of Elizabeth Sydnor of Wiccomoco Parish, Will dated 15 March 1785 and probated 10 October 1785. Son John Sydnor – negro girl Molley, one bed quilt, two blankets, two pillow cases and my desk. Son Joseph Sydnor – my best bed and furniture if he is living, if not, to remain in my estate to be equally divided. Son Anthony Sydnor – negro girl Eve. Daughter Catharine Sydnor – negro boy Fortune, my chest of drawers, earthen ware and pewter, my looking glass in the hall and my riding mare. Granddaughter Susanna Sydnor Oldham – one small bed and counterpin. Negro woman betty – to choose her own mistress among my daughters. Negro man Peter, and rest of my estate to be equally divided among my children, vizt.: John, Joseph, William and Anthony Sydnor, Catharine Sydnor, Betty Lawson, Ann Hinton, Ruth Lattimore and their heirs. Executors: Sons John, Joseph and William Sydnor and sons-in-law William Lawson and William Hinton. Witnesses: Thomas Hurst, George Stephens and Anthony Sydnor. |
29 Feb 1788
Joanna Lawson married Richard Shackleford 29 February 1788 in Richmond County, VA. (Note: Could this be same couple that got the license and were married in Northumberland County, VA?) See map 1781-1790
2 Mar 1788
Northum -berland
Joanna Lawson married Richard Shackleford 2 March 1788 in Northumberland County, VA. (Note: Could this be same couple that got the license and were married in Richmond County, VA?)
13 Apr 1789
Northum -berland
John Lawson married Sarah Ball 13 April 1789 in Northumberland County, VA.
16 Sep 1800
Northum -berland
Ailsey Lawson and Bartlett Belcher were married 16 September 1800 in Northumberland County, Virginia. GRS CD#229, Marriage Records of Southern States Vol 1. |
Northum -berland
William S. or L. Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Northumberland County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male under 10, 2 males 10-16, 1 male over 45, 2 females under 10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 16-26 and 1 female over 45 years. |
Northum -berland
Eppy Lawson is enumerated in the 1820 Northumberland County, Virginia Census. In his household are 3 males under 10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 26-45, 1 female under 10 and 1 female 16-26 years. |