Proven children of William Lawson who was born about 1680 and died 4 February 1754 in Bedford County, Virginia are: – John, Bartholomew (Bart, Bartlett or Bartley) and Jonas Lawson. There was a William, John and Jonas Lawson in Goochland County, Virginia in the early 1700s. I believe this is William Lawson of Falling River, and he is related to both Jonas and John. Bartholomew’s father-in-law, John Simkins, also lived in Goochland and Lunenburg Counties, VA.
Lawsons Named
Date |
County in Virginia
Documentatiom |
Original County in Virginia. See Map 1634-1640
1680 |
Speculation: – Some researchers believe William Lawson was born around 1680 in Virginia. No documented date has been found.
William, Bartholomew, John & Jonas
22 Aug 1699
Speculation: -There is speculation that William Lawson married Isabella Kenndy in Richmond County, Virginia, daughter of John Kennedy. Various spelling, Kenny, Kenney, Kenndy. (D.R. #1 page 53. Also “Swinney”- page 51 Wills of Rappahannock Co., Va. 1646-1692, page 51- Will of Kenny 17 January 1676). However, after further research it has been found that this William Lawson that married Isabella died in Richmond County, VA before 7 May 1701. See Richmond County, Virginia Lawsons.
Known children of William Lawson by deed in Bedford County, Virginia are: – Bartholomew or Bartley, John and Jonas Lawson. |
2 May 1713
Speculation: – William Lawson mentioned as a headright 2 May 1713. William Sheapard and Richard Baker, 400 acres (New Land) Henrico County on the south side of main branch of Chickahominy Swamp, Patent Book 10, page 82 for import of 8 persons: William Lawson, John Robinson, Thomas Harton, William Lattimore, Rovert Avery, John Whatley, John May and John Rogers.
John Simkins
17 Sep 1731
Virginia Land Patents, Book 14, page 366, dated 17 September 1731. John Simkins, three hundred acres, for 30 shillings, new land, in Goochland County, North side of Appomattock River (probably Appomattox River in Cumberland County once Goochland was broken up in 1744-1749), on the head of a brand of Little Guinia.
Aug 1732
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 110, August Court 1732. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear an Alias Capias is awarded against him returnable to the next Court.
William Sen.
Aug 1732
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 110, August Court 1732. The action of trespass on the case between Tarlton Fleming Plaintiff and William Lawson Sen. Defendant is dismiss the Plaintiff not prosecuting the same. (Interesting that William Lawson is called Senior. Is this the same William Lawson above?)
Oct 1732
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 123, October Court 1732. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Alias Capias that this Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias is awarded against him returnable to the next Court.
Mar 1732 /33
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 151, March Court 1732/33. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and be failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court.
Apr 1733
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 169, April Court 1733. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
May 1733
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 188, May Court 1733. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
May 1733
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 193, May Court 1733. On the Petition of Tarlton Fleming against William Lawson, Joseph Dabbs swears to the account and the Defendant making no legal objection against the same it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff do recover against the Defendant five hundred and ninety eight pounds of tobacco with costs. |
25 May 1733
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, From the records of the Sheriff returns at the end of Order Book 3. Execution May 25th, 1733 for 598 lbs tobacco. Costs 104 lbs tobacco. Case Fleming, Tarlton vs. Lawson, William, I can find no goods and Chattels within my Bailiwick whereof I can make the within motioned debt and damage as is within to me is commanded. S/ John Phelps Sub. Sheriff August 21, 1733. |
May 1733
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 193, May Court 1733. On the Petition of William Lawson against Robert Hapior Jun. the Petitioner failing to appear it is considered by the Court that the Petition be dismist and that the Defendant do recover against the Petitioner his costs by him in his behalf expended and a Lawyer’s fee. |
25 May 1733
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, From the records of the Sheriff returns at the end of Order Book 3. Execution May 25th, 1733 for 59 lbs tobacco and 15/. Hapior, Robert, Jun. vs. Lawson, William, I can find no goods and Chattells within my Bailiwick whereof I can make the within motioned debt and damage as is within to me is commanded. S/ John Phelps Sub. Sheriff August 21, 1733. |
Jul 1733
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 203, July Court 1733. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
Mar 1733 /34
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 230, March Court 1733/34. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
May 1734
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 257, May Court 1734. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
Jul 1734
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 276, July Court 1734. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that he left a copy thereof at the Defendant’s house and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
John & Elizabeth Simkins
15 Aug 1734
Goochland County Wills and Deeds 1734-1736, Book 2, Pages 5-6, dated 15 August 1734. John Simkins of the Parrish of Phirino, County of Henrico sold to John Watson Jr. of the same Parrish and County for £20 pounds, three hundred acres in Goochland County on the North side of Appomattock River (probably Appomattox River in Cumberland County once Goochland was broken up in 1744-1749). Witnesses: James Lasley, Edward Patrick and Benjamin Hambleton. Signed John (J) Smikins. Recorded in Court in Goochland County, 20 August 1734. Elizabeth wife of the said John (she being first privately examined) relinquished her right of Dower.
Sep 1734
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 294, September Court 1734. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
Jan 1734 /35
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 324, January Court 1734/35. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
Mar 1734 /35
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 349, March Court 1734/35. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
20 May 1735
Goochland County, Virginia Wills and Deeds 1734-1736, Book 2, Page 99, Inventory of Jno. Peter Bondurant, deceased 24 January 1734/35, — value £61/5/9, taken by Thomas Turpine, Wm. Lawson and John Hamilton. Recorded 20 May 1735. |
Jun 1735
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 367, June Court 1735. In the Action of Debt between Stephon Douglos Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that the Defendant is not to be found and he failing to appear a Alias Capias de novo is ordered to issue xxxxx returnable to the next Court. (Believe this should have bee Hughes instead of Douglos?) |
Sep 1735
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 3, Page 392, September Court 1735. In the Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant the Sheriff having made return on the Pluries Capias that he left a copy thereof at the Defendant’s dwelling house and his failing to appear a Pluries Capias de novo is awarded against him returnable to the next Court. |
Aug 1736
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 116, August Court 1736. The Action of Debt between Stephen Hughes Plaintiff and William Lawson Defendant is dismist no prosecution. |
Jul 1737
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 197, July 1737. On the Bill in Chancery brought by William Lawson Complainant against William Creasy Respondent the Respondent files his answer and leave is granted the Complainant to consider the same. |
Aug 1737
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 223, August Court 1737. On the Bill in Chancery between William Lawson Complainant and William Creasey Respondent time is granted the Complainant to Consider the Respondent’s answer. |
John Simkin
17 Sep 1737
Goochland Co. Order Book 4, page 238, John Simkins sold his wife’s inheritances in Chickahominy Swamp, Henrico County, 17 September 1737 to Thomas Owen. Stated he was “of Henrico County.” |
John Simkins
17 Sep 1737
Goochland County Wills and Deeds 1737-1742, Book 3, Page 61, dated 17 September 1737. Thomas Owen of the County of Henrico sold to John Simkins of the same county for £35, one hundred and ninety acres of land on the North side of James River in Goochland County, Virginia. The land was adjacent to the corner of Phillips Webber’s land. It was witnesses by Michael Davies, David Anderson and William Witt. It was recorded in Goochland County Court, 20 September 1737. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Owen relinquished her right of Dower.
Nov 1737
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 253, November Court 1737. On the Bill in Chancery between William Lawson Complainant and William Creasy Respondent the Complainant files a replication. Arthur Hopkins, Charles Lynch, Henry Wood and Charles Lewis or any three of them are appointed to take the depositions of the Witnesses and to make a report thereof to the next Court. |
Mar 1737 /38
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 284, March Court 1737/38. The Suit in Chancery between William Lawson Complainant and William Creasey Respondent is continued at the Complainant cost. |
May 1738
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 307, May Court 1738. The Bill in Chancery Exhibited by William Lawson against William Creasy is continued at the Complainants cost. |
Jun 1738
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 324, June Court 1738. The Bill in Chancery Exhibited by William Lawson against William Creasy is dismist no prosecution and a Lawyer’s fee. |
Mar 1738 /39
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 4, Page 395, March Court 1738/39. The Suit in Chancery between William Lawson Plaintiff and William Creasy Defendant the Plaintiff failing to prosecute his Suit on the motion of the Defendant it is considered that the Suit with costs and a Lawyer’s fee. |
Dec 1741
Brunswick County, VA, Court Order Book 2, page 66, Courts held from 3 December MDCCXLI (1741) through 4 February MDCCXLI (1741/42) – William Lawson, Plaintiff against Wm. Richardson and Wm. Richardson Jr., Defendants in a trespass, assault and battery case. The defendants not appearing on the motion of the Plaintiff’s by Clement Read, his attorney an Alias Capias is awarded him against the Defendants returnable the next Court. |
Feb 1741 /42
Brunswick County, VA, Court Order Book 2, page 90, Courts held from February Court 1741/42 through March Court 1741/42 – William Lawson, Plaintiff against William Richardson and William Richardson Jr., Defendants in a trespass, assault and battery case. Discontinued being agreed by the parties. |
Feb 1741 /42
Brunswick County, VA, Court Order Book 2, page 98, Courts held from February Court 1741/42 through March Court 1741/42 – William Richardson, Plaintiff against William Lawson, Defendant in a trespass, assault and battery case. Discontinued being agreed by the parties. |
John Simkins
12 Jan 1742 /43
Goochland County, Virginia Deed and Will Book 4, 1741-1745, pages 380 and 381: – John Simkin of the Parish of St. James in the County of Goochland, deeded to Matthew Hutchason, of same parish and county, 190 acres, for 40 pounds, land being in the Parish of St. James in the County of Goochland, on the north side of James River on the lower side Broad Branch and bounded Phillips Webber’s, Charles Johnson’s, and Robert Adams’ lines. Witnesses were William Miller, Robert Allen and Giles Letcher. Dated 12 January 1743/44 and recorded 11 Aug 1744. |
Nov 1743
Goochland County, Virginia Order Book 5, Page 323, November Court 1743. On the Scire Facias brought by Tarlton Fleming to renew a Judgment of this Court dated in May MDCCXXXIII (1733) against William Lawson for five hundred and ninety eight pounds of tobacco and ninety eight pounds of neat tobacco for Costs the Sheriff having returned on the Alias Scire Facias that the Defendant is not found in his Bailiwick and he now failing to appear it is considered that the said Judgment be renewed for six hundred and ninety of neat tobacco being the Debt and Costs together with the Costs of this Suit and a Lawyer’s fee. |
John Simkins
11 Aug 1744
Goochland County, Virginia Deed and Will Book 4, 1741-1745, pages 380 and 381: – John Simkin of the Parish of St. James in the County of Goochland, deeded to Matthew Hutchason, of same parish and county, 190 acres, for 40 pounds, land being in the Parish of St. James in the County of Goochland, on the north side of James River on the lower side Broad Branch and bounded Phillips Webber’s, Charles Johnson’s, and Robert Adams’ lines. Witnesses were William Miller, Robert Allen and Giles Letcher. Dated 12 January 1743/44 and recorded 11 August 1744.
20 Aug 1745
William Lawson received a patent for 143 acres in Brunswick County, VA. On North Side of Falling River. See copy of deed – Document William’s Patent
1 Apr 1746
Lunenburg County was organized from Brunswick County, Virginia.
See Map 1741-1750 |
John & William
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Listed in Tithes for 1748 Lunenburg County, Virginia in John Phelps’ District were John Lawson and son William Lawson – 2 tithes.
See Document 1748 Lunenburg tithes |
Jonas & Bartholumy
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Listed in Tithes for 1748 Lunenburg County, Virginia in William Caldwell’s District were Bartholumy Lawson 1 tithe; Jonas Lawson 1 tithe and John Simkins 3 tithes.
See Document 1748 Lunenburg tithes |
Jonas, Bartley, John, William & John Jr.
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Listed in Tithes for 1749 Lunenburg County, Virginia in William Caldwell’s District were Bartley Lawson 1 tithe; Jonas Lawson 1 tithe; John Lawson and sons(?) William Lawson and John Lawson Jr. 3 tithes and John Simkins 3 tithes.
See Document 1749 Lunenburg tithes |
John, William & John Jr.
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Listed in Tithes for 1750 Lunenburg County, Virginia in William Caldwell’s District were John Lawson and two sons(?) William Lawson and John Lawson Jr. 3 tithes; John Simpkins 3 tithes.
See Document 1750 Lunenburg tithes |
William & Bartholomew
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Following on the next page and Listed in Tithes for 1750 Lunenburg County, Virginia in William Caldwell’s District were William Lawson 1 tithe and Bartholomew Lawson, 1 tithe.
See Document 1750 Lunenburg tithes |
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Listed in Tithes for 1750 Lunenburg County, Virginia in William Caldwell’s District is Jonas Lawson 1 tithe.
See Document 1750 Lunenburg tithes |
Jonas & Barlly
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Listed in Tithes for 1752 Lunenburg County, Virginia in William Caldwell’s District were Barlly Lawso[n] 1 tithe; Jonas Lawson 1 tithe and John Simkins 3 tithes.
See Document 1752 Lunenburg tithes |
John Sr., John & Jonas
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Listed in Tithes for 1752 Lunenburg County, Virginia in William Caldwell’s District were John Lawson Sr. 1 tithe; John Lawson, 1 tithe and Jonas Lawson tithe.
See Document 1752 Lunenburg tithes |
John, William, John Jr. & Jonas
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Possible children of John Lawson by tax records in Lunenburg County. William, John Jr. and Jonas Lawson.
17 Apr 1752
Halifax County, Virginia
Halifax County, Virginia is organized from Lunenburg County, Virginia.
13 Dec 1753
Bedford County, Virginia
Bedford County, Virginia was organized from Albemarle and Lunenburg Counties, Virginia.
Bartholomew & Susannah
Bef 22 Jan 1754
Lunenburg County, Virginia
Bartholomew Lawson and Susannah Simkins were married before 22 January 1754 when Susannah’s father’s will named her as Susannah Lawson. Susannah inherited 100 acres, which she would received upon her mother’s death.
See Document Susannah Simkins’ family |
Bef Apr 1754
Lunenburg / Bedford County, Virginia
William Lawson dies in Lunenburg or Bedford County, Virginia. Have seen the date of 4 February 1754 but have not seen the documentation for this date.
William, John, Jonas & Bartholomew
2 Apr 1754
Lunenburg County, Virginia
William Lawson of Falling River, died before April 1754. In Deed Book #4, page 320 Lunenburg County, Virginia. John, Jonas and Bartholomew Lawson of Lunenburg County, Virginia sold to Thomas Watkins of same for 30 pounds, land North side of Falling River, being that wherein his father William Lawson did live, containing 143 acres. John Lawson executed the land sale.
Since William is dead by 1754 I have stopped this Timeline. Speculation: – If you look at Jonas Lawson’s Timeline you will see that he is still listed in Goochland County in 1761 so I do not believe he is one of the Jonas Lawsons we find in the Lunenburg County Tithes in 1748-1752. David Lawson, who is documented as Jonas’ son, was also in Goochland County in 1761 and this David, as shown in documents, had a son name Jonas Jr. and a James. In 1767 Jonas, David Sr. and Jonas Jr. moved to Bedford County. Jonas Sr. left a will in 1770, which shows him having a son named David. In Lunenburg/Bedford Counties there are two Jonas Lawsons. One I believe is the son of John Lawson and the other may be William Lawson of Falling River’s son. If this is correct, then what relation is the Jonas of Goochland County to William? Since David name one of his sons Jonas, William named one of his sons Jonas and it looks like John named one of his sons Jonas, I believe this shows a family connection. Jonas of Goochland County could be the father of William or a brother or some other close relative. |